Continuous quality development at Saarland University

Saarland University continues to play a pioneering role in the development of university teaching methodologies and in curricular and programme development. It was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council’s official quality mark continuously since 2012. This allows the university to internally evaluate and accredit its degree programmes. The central unit overseeing quality assurance processes in education and teaching is the university's Quality Office. The Quality Office coordinates and supports activities that enhance teaching excellence and improve the student learning experience at Saarland University.
Mission statement and guidelines on education and quality assurance
The mission statement and guidelines on education and quality assurance at Saarland University offer guidance on designing, organizing and implementing effective teaching and learning strategies. They aim to ensure the quality of university teaching by continuously improving teaching practice through the use of technology, and by defining an institutional framework that enables all our students to excel. The mission statement and guidelines were formally adopted by the University Board in 2024.
They were compiled on the basis of dialogue between students, teaching staff, employees in the university's central institutions and administration as well as the bodies that constitute the university's self-governance structures. The final decisions on content were made by committees in which all university groups were represented.