Press photos

Information for journalists: Photos that can be used in a connection with a current press release can be found directly below the corresponding news article.

This page provides access to photos of research activities and student life at Saarland University as well as views of the Saarbrücken and Homburg campuses. These images are protected by copyright. They may be used free of charge, but only if used in connection with the specified topics. The copyright notice must mention Saarland University and – if specified – the name of the photographer. Click on an image to obtain a version in higher resolution. If specified, the name of the photographer will also appear at the bottom right of the photograph.

Are you looking for the Saarland University logo? Here you will find information about the university logo.

President of Saarland University

Research at Saarland University

Studying at Saarland University and life on campus

Art, architecture and buildings on campus

Logo of Saarland University

The official university logo is available in various sizes, resolutions and formats. It may only be used with the permission of Saarland University. Please send your request for use to:  design(at)


University Press and Information Office
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A2 3, Room 2.01
66123 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 681 302-2601

Online magazine 'campus'

University-related reports, interviews and service topics