International Office

Paving the way...
The International Office is managing all aspects of Saarland University's international relations and activities as a central coordination and service unit. It manages the international exchange programmes and the university's academic partnerships. It is also the main contact whenever university management or the faculties and departments require information on international issues.
For students and researchers at Saarland University
- Study and internship abroad
- Find scholarships
- Teaching abroad
- Further education abroad for university staff
For international students and researchers
- Studying and doing a research study at Saar University
- Research and teaching at Saarland University
- Learning German
- Welcome Centre and support in finding accommodation
- Cultural activities and sports
Coordination Office Schools Abroad
As part of our school project, we maintain contact with German schools abroad and arrange work placements for student teachers or places on taster courses for school students (Schnupperstudium) for pupils from schools abroad.
International Office
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4 – Campus Center
Phone: +49 681 302-71100
Fax: +49 681 302-71101