Choosing the right degree programme
Individual consultation sessions
The Central Student Advisory Service answers general and organizational questions about studying at Saarland University and can help you to find the degree that's right for you.
Not sure if studying at university is right for you? Then come and spend a day with one of our student ambassadors. You can sit in on a lecture on a subject that interests you, explore the campus together or check out the Mensa campus restaurant.
You want to go to uni, but you don't know what to study? At our all-day orientation workshops, you'll get information about the degree programmes on offer at Saarland University and you'll receive help to select the programme that's right for you.
Taster courses for school students
Our taster courses offer school students the chance to attend lectures and courses at university and so get a feel for what studying at university is really like. The courses are free to attend and registration is not required.
Online self-assessment and programme finder
Are you interested in studying at university, but you're unsure which subject to choose? Our online tests will help you identify your abilities, interests and expectations, and will help you make a realistic and informed decision about studying a particular subject.
Team members from the Central Student Advisory Service offer in-school visits that provide school students with an easy and accessible way to learn more about studying at Saarland University. Requests can be made by the school management team or by individual teachers.
We also offer individually tailored visits for school classes that include an information event with an interactive discussion session and the opportunity to sit in on a lecture or class. Other customized activities can be included on request.
Subject taster days for school students
University professors give presentations on the degree programmes in their subject area and explain what you'll be studying, what entry requirements you need to meet, how to apply and what career prospects you can expect after graduating.
If you already have a higher education entrance certificate, you can spend a semester attending regular courses and classes. You'll receive credit for any courses you complete if you then go on to study that subject with us here at Saarland University.
Saarland University regularly attends higher education fairs. These events offer a great way to find out more about studying at university. You'll get information brochures and leaflets and the chance to talk to staff from our Central Student Advisory Service. Come and meet us!
Central Student Advisory Service
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513
Central Student Advisory Service

Akkreditierte Studiengänge
Als eine der ersten Hochschulen bundesweit hat die Universität des Saarlandes das Verfahren der Systemakkreditierung erfolgreich durchlaufen. Seit 2012 trägt sie das Siegel des Akkreditierungsrats.