Studying in Saarland
Affordable apartments, short distances, plenty of green spots and a colourful nightlife – living in Saarland is possible even with a small budget. The inhabitants of Saarland, the Saarlanders, are open and friendly people that are known for their strong sense of community. Aside from the conviviality, you will also cherish the proximity to our French neighbour. You can simply walk to one of the many cafés at Sankt Johanner Markt, a marketplace right in the heart of Saarland’s capital Saarbrücken, to see the French influence yourself.
Studying in Saarland
Central Student Advisory Service
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513
Central Student Advisory Service

Akkreditierte Studiengänge
Als eine der ersten Hochschulen bundesweit hat die Universität des Saarlandes das Verfahren der Systemakkreditierung erfolgreich durchlaufen. Seit 2012 trägt sie das Siegel des Akkreditierungsrats.