Educational Technology (M.Sc.)

The interdisciplinary Master's degree programme in Educational Technology is the only one of its kind in Germany. It creates a unique link between educational science and computer science by combining the disciplines of educational methodology, informatics and psychology. Educational technology experts examine such questions as how school students in the classroom or "friends" in social networks are applying new technology to accumulate, transfer and use knowledge. They develop new technologies for use in educational institutions and in continuous and further education programmes and are involved in the design of innovative learning environments. The Master's programme is taught in English.


Neben den Kernthemen aus Bildungswissenschaften, Design, Forschungsmethoden und Programmieren können sich die Studierenden mit Inhalten aus einem umfangreichen Wahlbereich beschäftigen, zum Beispiel mit Künstlicher Intelligenz oder Human-Computer-Interaction. Darüber hinaus können sie ein Tutorentraining und ein Praktikum absolvieren.

Das Masterprogramm ist als Präsenzstudiengang konzipiert und setzt die persönliche Anwesenheit an der Universität des Saarlandes voraus. Da alle Module und Prüfungen in englischer Sprache stattfinden, sind sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch nötig.

Informationen für internationale Bewerber


The master's programme comprises an overall of 120 credit points (CP) of compulsory and elective courses within the following modules:

Compulsory modules

  • EduTech (14 CP)
  • Learning with Media (12 CP)
  • Design (12 CP)
  • Methods I (5 to 15 CP, usually 10 CP)
  • Master's thesis (31 CP)

Elective modules

  • Methods II (10 CP)
  • Knowledge Management and Communication (15 CP)
  • Computer Science (31 CP)
  • Tutor (8 CP)
  • Internship (6 CP)

The compulsory area must be studied completely (usually 79 CP). For the elective area (in total 70 CP) different modules or single lectures can be studied, taking the corresponding admission requirements into account (at least 36 CP). A professional internship (max. 6 CP) as well as a semester abroad can complement the programme.


In addition to the core disciplines in learning science, design, research methods and programming, students can select course content from an extensive range of elective modules covering such areas as artificial intelligence or human-computer interaction. They can also complete a tutor training and an internship.

The Master's programme is designed as an attendance course and requires personal presence at Saarland University. As the modules and exams are in English, students must demonstrate proof of excellent command in English.

Information for international applicants


Requirements for admission to the master's programme are:

1.  A bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Programming, Engineering, Education, Pedagogy or Psychology. The final grade of the degree needs to be 3.0 or better (according to the German grading system). Provided that there are places available and that the applicant has an excellent final grade (1.5 or better), bachelor's degrees in related fields may be accepted. For the application, please submit your degree certificate along with a transcript of the courses you completed.

2.  A letter of motivation. Please write one page focusing on these topics:

  • Prior knowledge and experiences with research methods and/or programming
  • Why do you want to study Educational Technology? What do you expect from this programme?
  • Critically reflect on your prior experiences with using technologies for teaching and learning

3.  Proof of English language skills of at least level B2 (CEFR)

In case that the required bachelor's degree cannot be proven at the time of the application (for example when you are about to complete the degree and you are waiting for the final certificate), you will have to give proof of the study progress so far (transcript of records with temporary grade) and that you are registered for all missing exams. This proof needs to be signed and stamped by the university's examination office. The final documents need to be handed in until the end of the first semester.

Further information and a FAQ can be found here:


How to apply

This programme only starts in the winter semester. The application period runs to 15 July if you plan to begin studying in the following winter semester.

Applications for admission are submitted online via Saarland University's student information management (SIM) portals. If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages.

At a glance

Standard period of study4 semesters
Language of instructionEnglish
English language requirementsLevel B2
Restricted entryYes
Application periodWinter semester: beginning of June to 15 July
Tuition feesNot applicable
Semester feeSee current fee structure


Course adviser

William Pfannenstiel
Saarbrücken Campus
Building C5 4, Room 1.13

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes

Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.

Quality management