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Das Studienfach unterliegt ab Wintersemester 2024/25 keiner Zulassungsbeschränkung mehr. Die Aufnahme des Studiums ist nur zum Wintersemester möglich.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die vollständige Einschreibung in einen Lehramtsstudiengang zwei Lehramtsfächer und das Fach Bildungswissenschaften umfasst:
- Einige Lehramtsfächer unterliegen weiterhin einer Zulassungsbeschränkung. Bitte prüfen Sie daher die Zulassungsbeschränkung für Ihre Wunschfächer in der Übersichtstabelle zur Bewerbung und Einschreibung.
- Sofern Ihre Wunschkombination zwei zulassungsfreie Lehramtsfächer umfasst, ist die Einschreibung (Immatrikulation) für ein erstes Fachsemester ohne vorherige Bewerbung bis Ende September möglich.
- Umfasst Ihre Wunschkombination mindestens ein zulassungsbeschränktes Lehramtsfach, ist hierfür zunächst eine Bewerbung bis zum 15.07. des jeweiligen Jahres erforderlich.
- Die Bewerbung und Einschreibung für die Lehramtsfächer erfolgen online über die SIM-Portale der Universität des Saarlandes.
Studienbewerber*innen für höhere Fachsemester finden weitere Informationen auf den Webseiten zur Bewerbung in ein höheres Fachsemester.
Die Einreichung der benötigten Einschreibunterlagen erfolgt ausschließlich online während des Ausfüllens eines Einschreibeantrags in den SIM-Portalen.
Bei Fragen rund um die SIM-Portale besuchen Sie bitte unsere SIM Saarland Hilfeseiten. Dort finden Sie viele Informationen, Videos und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen.
Für Studieninteressierte mit ausländischer Vorbildung gelten zum Teil abweichende Regelungen.
(Local) entry restrictions apply to this programme. The programme begins in the winter semester. Applications must be received no later than 15 July for admission in the following winter semester.
If you want to apply to join the first semester of a study programme, you must submit your application online via Saarland University's SIM portals.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the admission applications process (e.g. ‘What documents do I need to submit?’) can be found on the web page: FAQs on application and enrolment procedures.
If you are applying for admission to a study programme in a higher semester ('higher-semester entry'), you will, in addition to submitting your admission application, also need to request recognition of prior learning (' Einstufungsbescheinigung') from the Examinations Office of the Department of Economics. Both your application for admission and your request for recognition of prior learning (RPL) must be submitted within the designated application period. Once you have received your RPL certificate, you must upload it by no later than the end of September in the SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
(Local) entry restrictions apply to this programme. Students can begin this programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester. If you wish to start studying in the winter semester, the deadline for applications is 15 July; if you plan to start in the summer semester, the application deadline is 15 January.
If you are applying to join the first semester of a study programme, you must submit your application online via Saarland University's SIM portals.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the admission applications process (e.g. ‘What documents do I need to submit?’) can be found on the web page: FAQs on application and enrolment procedures.
If you are applying for admission to a study programme in a higher semester ('higher-semester entry'), you will, in addition to submitting your admission application, also need to request recognition of prior learning ('Einstufungsbescheinigung') from the Examinations Office of the Department of Economics. Both your application for admission and your request for recognition of prior learning (RPL) must be submitted within the designated application period. Once you have received your RPL certificate, you must upload it by no later than the end of September in the SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
(Local) entry restrictions apply to this programme. Students can begin this programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester. If you wish to start studying in the winter semester, the deadline for applications is 15 July; if you plan to start in the summer semester, the application deadline is 15 January.
To apply for admission, you will need to complete the online application form for undergraduate programmes ('first degree programmes').
Please follow the application procedure set out below:
- Register with Saarland University's SIM application portal.
- Once you have registered, complete the online application form.
- Upload the required documents as PDF scans in the online application form and then submit your application.
Please only submit application documents online. You do not need to resubmit the documents in paper form.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme. Students can begin the programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester, though we recommend starting in the winter semester. Students proposing to start in the summer semester should contact the course advisors and the university's study counselling services to discuss their individual study plan.
You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. You must enrol by:
- the end of September if you plan to start in the winter semester
- the end of March if you plan to start in the summer semester.
Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning; 'Einstufungsbescheinigung') from the Examinations Office of the Department of Economics.
Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification
Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme. Students can only join the programme in the winter semester.
You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. The enrolment deadline is the end of September.
Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning; 'Einstufungsbescheinigung') from the Examinations Office of the Department of Economics.
Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme (subject to approval by the relevant committees.) Students can begin the programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester, though we recommend starting in the winter semester. Students proposing to start in the summer semester should contact the course advisors and the university's study counselling services to discuss their individual study plan.
You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. You must enrol by:
- the end of September if you plan to start in the winter semester
- the end of March if you plan to start in the summer semester.
Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning; ('Einstufungsbescheinigung') from the Examinations Office of the Department of Economics.
Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification
Before you apply for admission to a higher semester, you should arrange a consultation session with the Central Student Advisory Service.
Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme. Students can begin the programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester, though we recommend starting in the winter semester. Students proposing to start in the summer semester should contact the course advisors and the university's study counselling services to discuss their individual study plan.
You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. You must enrol by:
- the end of September if you plan to start in the winter semester
- the end of March if you plan to start in the summer semester.
Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning) from the relevant examinations office.
Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Please only submit the documents required for your enrolment directly in the SIM portal when completing your enrolment application.
If you have any questions about the SIM portals, please visit our SIM Saarland support pages where you will find lots of information, videos and step-by-step instructions.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
Information for prospective students from Germany and the relevant application form are available on the programme website.
Prospective students from France are requested to contact our programme partners at the Université Lorraine.
The admission requirements for the Bachelor's degree programme are:
- the German or French higher education entrance qualification or a recognized equivalent
- a good command of both German and French
- some experience in the field of German-French cooperation
Applications are possible into the 1st Bachelor programme year.
Students interested in joining the EEIGM programme should arrange an appointment with the programme coordinators at the Department of Production Engineering:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Bähre
Franziska Herter, M.Sc.
Department of Production Engineering
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 2, Room 1.13.1
66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 681 302-2077
(Local) entry restrictions apply to this programme. This degree programme begins in the winter semester. Applications must be received no later than 15 July for admission in the following winter semester.
If you are applying to join the first semester of a study programme, you must submit your application online via Saarland University's SIM portals.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the admission applications process (e.g. ‘What documents do I need to submit?’) can be found on the web page: FAQs on application and enrolment procedures.
Applicants seeking admission to a higher subject semester should refer to the information on the web page >Applying for higher-semester entry.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme. Students can only join the programme in the winter semester.
You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. The enrolment deadline is the end of September.
Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning) from the relevant examinations office.
Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
Students typically join the programme at the beginning of the winter semester. A special admission application procedure applies to this programme. For more information, please refer to the EUSMAT website.
Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme. Students can join the programme in the winter or summer semester.
You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. You must enrol by:
- the end of September if you plan to start in the winter semester
- the end of March if you plan to start in the summer semester.
Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning) from the relevant examinations office.
Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme. Students can only join the programme in the winter semester.
You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. The enrolment deadline is the end of September.
Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning) from the relevant examinations office.
Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.
If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.
Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.
The English-language bachelor's program is subject to an admission restriction and is only offered with a start date in the winter semester. The regular application deadline is July 15.
An optional application for early admission is possible by January 15 and by June 15.
The central requirement for an application is the proof of a university entrance qualification enabling for direct access to undergraduate degree programme at German universities.
There are also additional qualifications required.
Depending on your ability to prove these additional pualifications you can choos one of the following three application tracks:
- olympiad track
You can provide a documentation of having successfully participated in a recognized science/informatics/mathematics olympiad, and results from an English test (IELTS or TOEFL or another accepted test result). - aptitude track
You can provide the results of a recognized standardized aptitude test, and the results froman English test. - interview track
You cannot provide either an aptitude test or proof of participation in an olympiad or English test results. Then you can still apply for an interview, which will however be held exclusively onsite.
If you intend to apply via the interview track, please note the following:
The number of seats for the onsite interview may be limited and you must have submitted your application via this track latest by June 15.
Please also note:
You cannot apply by multiple tracks. You will have to choose one track when you apply. Once the application has been submitted, a change between the application tracks is no longer possible.
For information on which entrance tests and proof of English language skills are accepted, please refer to these FAQs.
In case of admission to Saarland University, you will receive a letter of admission, which regulates the further procedure.
The English-language bachelor's program is subject to an admission restriction and is only offered with a start date in the winter semester. The regular application deadline is July 15.
An optional application for early admission is possible by January 15 and by June 15.
The central requirement for an application is the proof of a university entrance qualification enabling for direct access to undergraduate degree programme at German universities.
There are also additional qualifications required.
Depending on your ability to provethese additional qualifications you can choose one of the following three application tracks:
- olympiad track
You can provide a documentation of having successfully participated in a recognized science/informatics/mathematics olympiad, and results from an English test (IELTS or TOEFL or another accepted test result). - aptitude track
You can provide the results of a recognized standardized aptitude test, and the results froman English test. - interview track
You cannot provide either an aptitude test or proof of participation in an olympiad or English test results. Then you can still apply for an interview, which will however be held exclusively onsite.
If you intend to apply via the interview track, please note the following:
The number of seats for the onsite interview may be limited and you must have submitted your application via this track latest by June 15.
Please also note:
You cannot apply by multiple tracks. You will have to choose one track when you apply. Once the application has been submitted, a change between the application tracks is no longer possible.
For information on which entrance tests and proof of English language skills are accepted, please refer to these FAQs.
In case of admission to Saarland University, you will receive a letter of admission, which regulates the further procedure.
From the beginning of December, applications for the winter semester can be submitted via the
Please note the following instructions for applying to a higher semester.
Central Student Advisory Service
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513
Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes
Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.
Quality management