Digital Business Administration (M.Sc.)

Business and society are increasingly having to confront the challenges posed by Big Data, Industry 4.0 and digitalization. Traditional business processes are undergoing a profound transformation and existing business models are no longer a guarantee that previously successful companies will continue to prosper in the future.
The managers of tomorrow will be expected to have not only the conventional skill set of the business graduate, but also an in-depth understanding of IT business applications. They will be expected to leverage the opportunities that digitalization offers for corporate management processes and to help shape how these new developments are implemented in practice.
The Master's programme 'Digital Business Administration' has been designed to prepare students for the challenges of a digitalized business environment. Students learn how to systematically analyse business processes and business-related digital tasks, develop structured solutions and make appropriate business decisions. Graduates from the programme are qualified to take up managerial positions in the business, research and administrative sectors.
As the first university in Germany to offer a Master's programme in Digital Business Administration, Saarland University has created an outstanding opportunity for business students looking to specialize in this promising field. The M.Sc. programme aims to encourage student autonomy, independence and expertise. By allowing students to choose from a wide range of electives and to select the area in which they complete their seminar paper and Master's thesis, the programme enables students to acquire specialist skills and expertise in areas that reflect their academic interests and personal career goals. The programme also aims to be as practically relevant as possible through the systematic use of teaching activities that focus on practical applications of the subject matter being taught. Students will be introduced to and work with the software systems commonly used in practice, giving them a significant advantage in the job market. Students also have the opportunity to undertake a team-based product development project.
To graduate from the programme, students are required to earn a total of 120 ECTS credits, of which 30 credits are awarded for the Master's thesis. The programme is divided into the following blocks with their respective modules:
Business Science and Economics (24 credits):
- Bank Management
- Business Taxation
- Financial Controlling
- Trade Management
- Marketing
- Economics – Economic Theory
- Economics – Economic Policy
- Financial Reporting and Financial Management
- Technology and Innovation Management
- Financial Auditing
Digitalization in Business Administration (54 credits):
- Methods of Digitalization
- Applications of Digitalization
Master Thesis and Seminar (42 credits):
- Seminar paper
- Master’s thesis project
For details, please refer to the curricular overview and the module catalogue.
Students who complete the programme are well prepared for higher-level management positions in national and international business environments. They are particularly well suited to roles that focus on the use of digital technologies and methods and/or the design of digital business models and processes. Having specialized in the field of digitalization, graduates from the programme have excellent recruitment prospects as they possess the highly sought-after expertise needed at the digital interfaces of many SMEs as well as larger and internationally active companies. Other potential areas of employment include administrative positions in regional and federal government or within the administrative structures of the European Union. Graduates from the M.Sc. programme are also well prepared to conduct doctoral research work in business science and economics.
Students seeking admission to the Master's degree programme 'Digital Business Administration' must have a Bachelor's degree (at least 180 ECTS credits) in the field of digital business administration, business administration or an equivalent university qualification for which the applicant was awarded an overall grade of at least 3.0 on the German academic grading scale or a grade of A, B or C on the ECTS scale. The Bachelor's thesis must have been written on a topic in the field of business science and economics.
Applicants must have met the following minimum academic requirements in their Bachelor's degree programme:
- 15 credits from modules covering fundamental topics in mathematics and statistics
- 48 credits from modules in the fields of business science and economics
- 15 credits from modules covering fundamental topics in business informatics
For details, please refer to the amendments to the study regulations.
Applications received after the application closing date will not be considered. Missing documents will not be accepted if submitted after this date. If at the time the application period closes you still require no more than 30 ECTS credits in order to complete the requirements for your Bachelor's degree, you may apply for provisional admission to the Master’s programme.
Students can begin this programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester. The application period runs to 15 July if you plan to begin studying in the winter semester and from the beginning of December to 15 January if you want to start in the summer semester.
Applications for admission are submitted online via Saarland University's student information management (SIM) portals. If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages.
Bewerbung für ein höheres Fachsemester: Zusätzlich zur Online-Bewerbung müssen Sie innerhalb der Bewerbungsfrist eine Leistungsbescheinigung/Einstufungsbescheinigung bei Herrn Klein (cedric.klein(at) beantragen.
Bewerberinnen und Bewerber mit Bachelor einer deutschen Hochschule
Bitte übermitteln Sie folgende Unterlagen zusammen mit dem Bewerbungsantrag:
- Fotokopie Ihres Hochschulabschlusses, der Ihre Zugangsvoraussetzung zum Masterstudium darstellt
- Leistungsnachweis mit Stempel und Unterschrift oder verifizierbarer Leistungsnachweis Ihrer derzeitigen Hochschule, aus dem die ECTS-Punkte der einzelnen Leistungen, die Abschlussnote oder die bisher erreichte Durchschnittsnote und die zum Bewerbungsschluss erreichten ECTS-Punkte sowie die zum Studienabschluss notwendigen ECTS-Punkte ersichtlich sind. Ohne einen solchen Leistungsnachweis kann Ihre Bewerbung nicht berücksichtigt werden.
- Tabellarischer Lebenslauf (vom Beginn Ihrer Schulausbildung bis zum Zeitpunkt Ihrer Bewerbung)
- Motivationsschreiben bzw. Dossier zum besonderen Studieninteresse
Bitte übermitteln Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen nur online, reichen Sie sie nicht zusätzlich in Papierform ein.
Bewerberinnen und Bewerber mit Bachelor einer ausländischen Hochschule
Bitte übermitteln Sie folgende Unterlagen zusammen mit dem Bewerbungsantrag:
- Fotokopie Ihres Schulabschlusses (z.B. Abitur, Baccalauréat, E.C.E., Attestat etc.)
- Fotokopie Ihres Hochschulabschlusses
- Fotokopie eines Leistungsnachweises Ihrer derzeitigen Hochschule, aus dem die ECTS-Punkte der einzelnen Leistungen oder zumindest die einzelnen Fächer und deren Zeitumfang ersichtlich sind, falls dies nicht aus Ihrem Hochschulzeugnis hervorgeht. Ohne einen solchen Leistungsnachweis kann Ihre Bewerbung leider nicht berücksichtigt werden.
- Fotokopien der Übersetzung Ihres Schulabschlusses und der Studiennachweise (Hochschulzeugnis und Leistungsnachweis) in deutscher Sprache. Die Übersetzung muss von einer vereidigten Übersetzerin oder einem vereidigten Übersetzer angefertigt worden sein.
- Nachweis von Deutschkenntnissen
- Tabellarischer Lebenslauf (vom Beginn Ihrer Schulausbildung bis zum Zeitpunkt Ihrer Bewerbung)
- Motivationsschreiben bzw. Dossier zum besonderen Studieninteresse
Bitte bewerben Sie sich online und laden alle Unterlagen im Dateimanager für Online-Bewerbungen hoch. Schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbung zusätzlich in Papierform mit sämtlichen Anlagen in amtlich beglaubigter Form an:
Universität des Saarlandes
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Prüfungssekretariat
Campus B4 1
66123 Saarbrücken
Bitte beachten Sie: Die für die Bewerbung notwendige Äquivalenzprüfung bei Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern mit Bachelor einer ausländischen Hochschule kann bis zu drei Monate dauern. Die Prüfung muss vor Bewerbungsschluss abgeschlossen sein. Reichen Sie Ihre Bewerbung daher bitte früh genug ein, um sicherzustellen, dass die Äquivalenzprüfung rechtzeitig durchgeführt werden kann. Der unterschriebene Bewerbungsantrag ist innerhalb der Bewerbungsfrist online nachzureichen.
Standard period of study | 4 semester |
Academic qualification | Master of Science (M.Sc.) |
Language of instruction | German, some English |
Restricted-entry programme | Yes |
Application period | Wintersemester: Winter semester: Beginning of June until 15 July Summer semester: Beginning of December until 15 January |
Tuition fees | None |
Semester fee | See current fee structure |
Web page | Online information about the programme |
Cedric Klein, M.Sc.
Saarbrücken Campus
Building B4 4, Room 0.10.4
Phone: +49 681 302-4273
Anne Küntzler
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Prüfungssekretariat
Phone: 0681 302-2138
Central Student Advisory Service
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513
Central Student Advisory Service
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513
Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes
Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.
Quality management