Bachelor Plus MINT (B.Sc.)

Brief description of the programme

In the Bachelor’s programme Bachelor Plus MINT, students are introduced to different subjects in the fields of mathematics and computer science as well as in the natural sciences, technology and engineering (STEM subjects; in German: MINT). The Bachelor’s programme typically takes eight semesters to complete. The study programme allows new students to personalize the transition from secondary school to university based on their individual interests and level of prior knowledge.

Before they take the main six-semester programme, students complete an introductory year that caters to their interdisciplinary interests and helps them identify their personal academic affinities. During the introductory year, students acquire a broad overview of the most important aspects and subject-specific methodologies of the different STEM subjects.

After completing the introductory year, students can specialize in the following areas: Biophysics, Chemistry, Computational Linguistics, Cybersecurity, Computer Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Quantum Engineering, and Systems Engineering.

Starting winter semester 2022/2023, students in the programme will also have the opportunity to focus on business administration, either by choosing the specialist area Physics and Management or by choosing Business Administration as a subsidiary subject alongside another specialist area. In both cases the introductory year is replaced by 60 ECTS credits of business administration courses.

The programme is designed to take four years, allowing students to choose modules and courses that reflect their individual needs and interests.  Students who wish to add a stronger practical component to their studies can undertake a work placement/internship or participate in a research project for several months, for which they can earn ECTS credits. It is also possible to participate in general interdisciplinary courses (Studium Generale) or to take a more specialized approach and focus on two academic disciplines.

Current study plans

You can find study plans for the first and second semesters here (under the heading "Die zum Einführungsjahr gehörigen Dokumente finden Sie hier").


The study programme takes eight semesters to complete, during which students complete 240 credits.

Students choose a specialist area at the beginning of their studies that will define the focus of their coursework. Students may choose between Biophysics, Chemistry, Computational Linguistics, Cybersecurity, Computer Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Quantum Engineering, and Systems Engineering.

The chosen specialist area effectively defines a single-subject study programme in which students must acquire at least 125 credits. Students in the Bachelor Plus MINT programme need to successfully complete all coursework in their chosen single-subject study programme.

Students who wish to first gain a broad overview of the various STEM subjects before deciding on their specialist area, can declare their specialist area at the end of their second semester. In this case, the general introductory year includes the following modules:

  •     Higher Mathematics for Science and Engineering Students I
  •     Higher Mathematics for Science and Engineering Students II
  •     Introduction to the Natural Sciences I
  •     Introduction to the Natural Sciences II
  •     Perspectives in the Engineering Sciences
  •     Introduction to Materials Science
  •     Concepts in Computer Science
  •     Natural Science Lab Course
  •     Engineering Lab Course
  •     Lecture series: Research in the Natural and Engineering Sciences

Students on the Bachelor Plus MINT programme who would like to focus on business administration can either choose the specialist area Physics and Management or choose Business Administration as a subsidiary subject alongside another specialist area. In both cases, students must make this decision at the beginning of the programme, as they will need to earn 60 credits from business administration modules, which are completed in lieu of the introductory year.

Related higher degrees

Programme graduates are eligible for Master's degree programmes in their specialist area as well as any other Master's degree programmes that would be possible for graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in their specialist area.

Programme documents

Regulations (available in German only)

Programme content


Central Student Advisory Service
Campus Saarbrücken
Campus Center, Building A4 4, ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Programme advisor
Jonas Bosche
Campus Saarbrücken
Department of Theoretical Physics
Buidling E2 6, Room 1.07
66123 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 681 302-57417
Programme website

How to apply

Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme. Students can begin the programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester, though we recommend starting in the winter semester. Students proposing to start in the summer semester should contact the course advisors and the university's study counselling services to discuss their individual study plan.

You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. You must enrol by:

  • the end of September if you plan to start in the winter semester
  • the end of March if you plan to start in the summer semester.

Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning) from the relevant examinations office.

Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.

If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.

Please only submit the documents required for your enrolment directly in the SIM portal when completing your enrolment application.   

If you have any questions about the SIM portals, please visit our SIM Saarland support pages where you will find lots of information, videos and step-by-step instructions. 

Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.

Ein naturwissenschaftliches Studium mit Blick über den Tellerrand

Der Studiengang „Bachelor Plus MINT“ hat Joe Posner überzeugt. Das achtsemestrige Studium vermittelt nicht nur einen Überblick über alle MINT-Bereiche und erleichtert dadurch die Entscheidung für ein Schwerpunktfach, sondern ermöglicht es den Studierenden, auch „fremde“ Disziplinen kennenzulernen. In Saarbrücken stehen gleich zehn Schwerpunktfächer zur Auswahl: Biophysik, Chemie, Computerlinguistik, Cybersicherheit, Informatik, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, Mathematik, Physik, Quantum Engineering sowie Systems Engineering.

Mehr erfahren


Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes

Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.

Quality management