Graduate programmes
Supporting talented early career researchers
Together with its partners at the Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarland University offers a number of programmes designed to foster and support talented junior researchers. These four structured PhD programmes offer outstanding opportunities for talented graduates to pursue exciting doctoral research projects. In addition, the university-wide graduate support programme 'GradUS' fosters a cooperative, transdisciplinary and internationally oriented doctoral research culture at Saarland University.
GradUS – Saarland University’s support centre for doctoral researchers

Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science
The English-language Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science offers graduate students an ideal environment in which to complete an internationally competitive doctoral research programme in computer science. Students acquire a research-driven graduate education in an intellectually stimulating and academically rigorous environment. Working in one of the many research groups within the graduate school and with academic supervision provided by internationally renowned scientists, students are ideally placed to explore and advance cutting-edge computer science research.

International Max Planck Research School on Trustworthy Computing
The IMPRS-TRUST research school is a graduate training programme run jointly by the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the Department of Computer Science at Saarland University and the Department of Computer Science at Kaiserslautern University of Technology. Students at IMPRS-TRUST receive a first-class, research-oriented education in their chosen field of research. They are supervised by internationally recognized scientists and have the opportunity to conduct research in a competitive but cooperative environment.

Maryland Max Planck Ph.D. Program
This doctoral programme offers students the unique opportunity to pursue doctoral research under the supervision of professors from the University of Maryland in the USA and a Max Planck Institute in Germany. Students on the programme are jointly supervised, perform collaborative research and benefit from the expertise, resources, and cultures at both institutions. The opportunity to live and conduct research in both countries not only strengthens the students' intercultural competence but also actively promotes international scientific collaboration.

Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Learning and Intelligent Systems
The DAAD-funded Konrad Zuse School ELIZA draws on the innovative power of a strong and collaborative research alliance and produces German and international graduates with the expertise to lead and innovate in the field of AI. ELIZA focuses on machine learning and intelligent systems – the driving force behind the current advances in AI and its applications. It is one of the three Konrad Zuse Schools for Artificial Intelligence. In addition to Saarland University and the Max Planck Institutes for Informatics and for Software Systems, the ELIZA alliance includes eleven other partners throughout Germany.