FAQs covering the application and enrolment procedures

General information

What is the difference between 'application' and 'enrolment'?

In this context, the term 'application' means an application for admission to a restricted-entry degree programme of study. If you submit your application properly within the designated application period you will be included in the university’s admission procedure.

The term 'enrolment' refers to the process of being officially registered as a student (and thus also as a member) of Saarland University. If you have applied for a place on a restricted-entry degree programme, you can enrol if your application was successful and you have received a letter of admission from the university. If you plan to study for a degree programme that is not subject to entry restrictions, you do not need to apply for admission and you can simply enrol during the designated enrolment period.

Further information is available in this video.

What is the difference between 'restricted-entry' and 'non-restricted entry' degree programmes?

A restricted-entry degree programme has only a limited number of places available. The university therefore has to decide how to allocate the available places. Applications for admission to a restricted-entry degree programme must be submitted within the designated application period, after which all applications will be assessed on the basis of the relevant entry criteria. If the degree programme you want to study is not subject to entry restrictions, you can enrol directly (i.e. you are guaranteed a place on the programme) provided you meet the academic requirements to begin studying at a university. To see whether your intended degree programme is subject to entry restrictions, please refer to this table.

Where can I find the grade thresholds (NC) used in previous semesters?

Please use the following link to find the grade thresholds used in previous semesters. (Note: grade thresholds are referred to in German by the abbreviation 'NC' from the Latin 'numerus clausus'.)

How are places allocated on restricted-entry degree programmes at Saarland University?

Places on locally managed, restricted-entry undergraduate degree programmes are allocated as follows (after first deducting those places awarded to applicants in specified priority groups): 80% of places are awarded on the basis of the overall grade of the applicant’s higher education entrance qualification and 20% are awarded based on the number of previous application semesters ('Bewerbungssemester'). The allocation procedure is different for the three degree programmes 'Medicine', 'Dentistry' and 'Pharmaceutical Science', where places are administered nationally (Zentrales Vergabeverfahren), and for the degree programmes 'Computer Science (English)', 'Cybersecurity (English)', 'Franco-German Studies: Cross-Border Communication and Cooperation', 'Droit', 'European and International Politics', and 'Psychology'. The following link provides more information about the allocation of places on first degree programmmes.

What role do waiting times play when seeking admission to a degree programme?

Waiting times do not play a role when processing admissions to Saarland University. For undergraduate degree programmes in Saarland, the concept of the 'waiting list semester' (Wartesemester) was replaced, as of summer semester 2020, by that of the 'previous application semester' (Bewerbungssemester)

Neither waiting times nor previous application semesters are relevant when applying for a place on a Master's programme or on one of the three degree programmes 'Medicine', 'Dentistry' and 'Pharmaceutical Science' for which places are administered nationally (Zentrales Vergabeverfahren).

Which combinations of subjects are possible?

You can only study a combination of subjects if you are enrolled in a dual-subject Bachelor's degree programmes (Bachelor of Arts) or in a teacher training degree programme (with the exception of teacher training programmes for primary level education). Please click the following link for details about permissible subject combinations.

Which subjects can be combined in a teacher training degree programme depends primarily on whether the subjects are offered in the relevant school type. For an overview of permissible subject combinations, please refer to this table. Further information on the structure of the various teacher training programmes can be found here.

What is the local clearing scheme?

The local clearing scheme is a process used by the university to allocate any places on restricted-entry undergraduate degree programmes that are still available after the normal allocation process has concluded. Any person with an appropriate higher education entrance qualification can apply to be included in the local clearing scheme. Anyone who wants to be included must submit an online clearing request by 15 September. For the degree programmes 'Medicine', Dentistry' and 'Pharmaceutical Science', where admission is coordinated nationally, the corresponding deadline is 15 October.

How to apply

Where can I find information on admission and enrolment deadlines?

Please use the following link for a list of the key application and enrolment dates for our undergraduate degree programmes. Other important semester dates such as the start and end of the main teaching period, re-registration deadlines, etc. are listed here.

How many degree programmes may I apply for?

The answer to this question depends on your student status. First-time applicants may apply for a maximum of two degree programmes in Saarland University's SIM application portal. If you have already obtained a degree from a German university, you can only apply for one programme, as you will then be applying to study for a second undergraduate degree. However, in both of the above cases, you can still apply for programmes that are administered centrally via the DoSV admissions procedure (DoSV: dialogue-oriented service procedure) that can be accessed via the internet platform hochschulstart.de. 

If you are already studying and have acquired the relevant transferable academic credits, you can – in addition to applying for admission to the first semester of a study programme – also apply for higher-semester admission in up to two other undergraduate degree programmes. 

Please note that if you want to apply for higher-semester entry to a multi-subject degree programme, such as a teacher training degree programme (Lehramt), you will need to show that you have acquired sufficient academic credit in all of the subjects in your intended degree programme. The amount of academic credit that you will need to have acquired will vary depending on which degree programme you wish to join. Details are available from the Examinations Office with responsibility for that programme. If you have transferable academic credit from your current degree programme, you can, alternatively, apply to enter the new programme in the first subject semester and then have the ECTS credits from the relevant modules transferred to your new programme at some later date. 

What documents do I need for my application?

Undergraduate degree programmes (Bachelor's, teacher training or state-examined degree programmes) 

If you want to apply for a place on an undergraduate degree programme (also referred to as first degree programmes or first-cycle programmes), the number of documents you will need to submit is usually quite small. You will, however, need to submit proof of your higher education entrance qualification (e.g. your Abitur certificate) and a valid identity document (identity card or passport). Additional documentation will need to be submitted if (i) you have completed a period of voluntary service (e.g. you have worked on a recognized community or social project (FSJ) or environmental project (FÖJ), served under the Federal Volunteering Scheme (BFD) or have completed a period of voluntary military service), (ii) you have taken an aptitude test as part of the nationally administered admission procedure for 'Medicine', 'Dentistry' or 'Pharmaceutical Science' or the aptitude test for the Bachelor's programme in Psychology, or (iii) you plan to submit a special application (e.g. citing grounds of exceptional hardship). Applicants who do not have a German school leaving certificate or who wish to apply to study for a second (undergraduate) degree will also need to submit further documentation. 

Master's degree programmes 

If you are planning to apply for a place on a Master's programme, you will normally need to submit more documents than for a first-cycle degree. In addition to providing proof of your undergraduate degree qualification, you will often need to submit documents that will be used to assess your aptitude for the intended programme of study and to determine whether you meet the formal admission criteria (e.g. transcript of records, language proficiency, translations of foreign education credentials, etc.). 

How should I submit my application documents? Can I submit my application by post?

As the application procedure is conducted entirely online, all documents must be submitted in electronic form (typically as PDF or JPG files). You do not need to provide certified copies of the documents you submit, e.g. your higher education entrance qualification. Postal applications will not be accepted. 

Please note, however, that different regulations apply to those degree programmes (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Science) for which the admission process is coordinated nationally by hochschulstart. If you are seeking admission to one of these three degree programmes, you must first apply via the integrated online application interface AntOn, after which you must submit all of your application documents by post to Hochschulstart within the designated application period.

For which subjects does Saarland University use the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV) to manage admissions?

You will need to use the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV) if you want to apply for a place to study on one of the three degree programmes 'Medicine', 'Dentistry' or 'Pharmaceutical Science' for which admissions are coordinated nationally. Applications for these degree programmes are made directly via www.hochschulstart.de.

Saarland University also makes use of the DoSV system to manage admissions to its Bachelor's degree programmes in 'Human and Molecular Biology' and 'Psychology'. Here, too, the first step is to register with www.hochschulstart.de. Once you have received your applicant ID number (BID) and your applicant authentication number (BAN) from hochschulstart.de, you should continue the application process via Saarland University's SIM application portal or the SIM student web portal. Once you have submitted the application questionnaire, your admission application will be stored in your hochschulstart user account for you to access and process further, if required. (Note: there may be a delay between submitting your application and when it appears in your hoschulstart account.)

If I want to apply for a degree programme that uses the DoSV procedure managed by hochschulstart, do I also need to apply locally to Saarland University?

Admissions to the three degree programmes 'Medicine', 'Dentistry' and 'Pharmaceutical Science' are coordinated nationally and applications can only be submitted directly via www.hochschulstart.de. You do not need to submit an additional application to Saarland University.

However, the procedure is slightly different for the two Bachelor's degree programmes 'Human and Molecular Biology' and 'Psychology'. Here, too, the first step is to register with www.hochschulstart.de. Once you have received your applicant ID number (BID) and your applicant authentication number (BAN) from hochschulstart.de, you should continue the application process via Saarland University's SIM application portal or its SIM student web portal. Once you have submitted the application questionnaire, your admission application will be stored in your hochschulstart user account for you to access and process further, if required. (Note: there may be a delay between submitting your application and when it appears in your hoschulstart account.)


If my degree programme is not subject to entry restrictions, do I still have to enrol via the SIM portal?

Even if your chosen degree programme has no entry restrictions, you must still register (once) in the SIM portal and then complete your enrolment online. If you have selected a degree programme that is not subject to entry restrictions, you are guaranteed a place on that programme, provided that you meet the academic requirements to begin studying at a university. The following link provides an overview of the documents that you will need for the enrolment process.

I have received a letter of admission. When do I enrol?

The deadline for enrolment is stated in your letter of admission. You can view the relevant notification document (letter of admission or rejection letter) by clicking on the relevant tile in the ‘Documents’ tab in the SIM application portal. As soon as a decision on your application has been made, you will receive notification by email.

I have questions about health insurance cover. Where can I learn more?

We have compiled a dedicated web page with important information on health insurance for students.

How much is the semester fee? What are Saarland University's bank details?

Details of the university's bank account are available here.

When will I receive my certificate of enrolment?

Your enrolment status documents (certificate of enrolment, certificate of deregistration, student enrolment record, etc.) will not be sent to you, but you can download them in the SIM portal. Use the following link for more information about enrolment status documents.

Can I deregister immediately or withdraw my enrolment request if I have received a letter of admission from another university and want to transfer?

Yes, that's possible. Please refer to the web page with information on deregistration, which also contains details about how to apply for a (partial) reimbursement of fees and other charges.

Admissions Office

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 2, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-5491

Admissions Office

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service