Allocation of places via the nationally administered allocation scheme (ZV)

Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Science

Places on these degree programmes are allocated using a quota-based system. After first deducting those places that are reserved for applicants in special priority groups, the remaining places are allocated on the basis of the following three main quotas:

  • Grade-based quota – 30% of places are awarded on the basis of the grade awarded to the applicant on their higher education entrance qualification (HEEQ). (In the case of applicants with the German 'Abitur', this involves a complex system of regional percentile ranking lists and state quotas (Landesquoten) designed to balance out regional disparities.)
  • Additional aptitude-based admissions quota (ZEQ) – 10% of places are awarded independently of the overall grade on the applicant's HEEQ certificate. The allocation criteria used are determined by each university individually.
  • University-specific selection procedure (AdH) – 60% of places are awarded on the basis of a set of criteria that each university determines independently.

As of the winter semester of 2020/2021, the Saarland Office of Social Affairs (Landesamt für Soziales des Saarlandes, LAS) will be allocating around 22 places annually to study medicine at Saarland University as part of the rural doctors quota scheme.
A detailed description of how the scheme operates, information about the underlying legislation and links to the online application form are available on the LAS website.

Selection criteria used in the additional aptitude-based admissions quota (ZEQ) and the university-specific selection procedure (AdH)


Entry via the additional aptitude-based admissions quota (ZEQ)

A maximum of 100 ranking points can be earned. The total number of ranking points accrued is the sum of the points awarded for each of the following selection criteria:

From winter semester 2022/2023

CriteriaRanking points
Completion of vocational training in a recognized field + 40 points
Result of the TMS test (test for medical study programmes))max. 60 points
University-specific selection procedure (AdH)

Saarland University's own selection procedure (AdH) is further subdivided into three separate sub-quotas (AdH-1, AdH-2 and AdH-3). A maximum of 100 ranking points can be earned in any one sub-quota. The total number of ranking points accrued is the sum of the points awarded for each of the following selection criteria:


(50% of the places offered in the AdH quota)

CriteriaRanking points
Overall grade of your higher education entrance qualificationmax. 90 points
Result of the TMS test (test for medical study programmes) max. 10 points



(30% of the places offered in the AdH quota)

CriteriaRanking points
Overall grade of your higher education entrance qualificationmax. 40 points
Result of the TMS test (test for medical study programmes) max. 40 points
Awards and prizes + 20 points



(20% of the places offered in the AdH quota)


CriteriaRanking points
Result of the TMS test (test for medical study programmes) max. 60 points
Completion of vocational training in a recognized field + 20 points
Abgeleistete Dienste+ 20 points


Entry via the additional aptitude-based admissions quota (ZEQ)

A maximum of 100 ranking points can be earned. The total number of ranking points accrued is the sum of the points awarded for each of the following selection criteria:


From winter semester 2022/2023

CriteriaRanking points
Completion of vocational training in a recognized field+ 40 points
Result of the TMS test (test for medical study programmes) max. 60 points
University-specific selection procedure (AdH)

Saarland University's own selection procedure (AdH) is further subdivided into three separate sub-quotas (AdH-1, AdH-2 and AdH-3). A maximum of 100 ranking points can be earned in any one sub-quota. The total number of ranking points accrued is the sum of the points awarded for each of the following selection criteria:


(50% of the places offered in the AdH quota)

CriteriaRanking points
Overall grade of your higher education entrance qualificationmax. 90 points
Result of the TMS test (test for medical study programmes) max. 10 points


(30 % of the places offered in the AdH quota)

CriteriaRanking points
Overall grade of your higher education entrance qualificationmax. 50 points
Result of the TMS test (test for medical study programmes) max. 50 points


(20 % of the places offered in the AdH quota)

CriteriaRanking points
Result of the TMS test (test for medical study programmes) max. 60 points
Completion of vocational training in a recognized field + 20 points
Periods of voluntary service+ 20 points

Pharmaceutical Science

Entry via the additional aptitude-based admissions quota (ZEQ)

A maximum of 100 ranking points can be earned. The total number of ranking points accrued is the sum of the points awarded for each of the following selection criteria:


Ranking points

Result of the pharmacy aptitude test (PhaST)

max. 80 points

Completion of vocational training in a recognized field

+ 10 points

Completion of a period of recognized voluntary service

+ 10 points

University-specific selection procedure (AdH)

A maximum of 100 ranking points can be earned. The total number of ranking points accrued is the sum of the points awarded for each of the following selection criteria:


Ranking points

Overall grade of your higher education entrance qualification

max. 40 points

Result of the pharmacy aptitude test (PhaST)

max. 40 points

Completion of vocational training in a recognized field

+ 10 points

Completion of a period of recognized voluntary service

+ 10 points

Admissions Office

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 2, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-5491

Admissions Office

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service