
Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)

The Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) was founded in 2009 as one of the first Helmholtz Institutes nationwide by the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) together with Saarland University. Located on the Saarbrücken campus, HIPS is the first research institute in Germany explicitly dedicated to pharmaceutical research. The focus is on the development of new anti-infectives, as well as their adaptation to human application (translational research). The four main topics are therefore closely related to the process of drug development: microbial natural products, drug design and optimization, biological barriers and drug transport, and drug bioinformatics. This orientation favors collaboration between the individual groups and accelerates the development process of new active ingredients.



Saarland University

The research focus “NanoBioMed – Life and Matter” at Saarland University brings together natural sciences and medicine and thus offers ideal conditions for the PharmaScienceHub. The focus is on interdisciplinary and innovative research in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, life sciences and bioinformatics.

The disciplines of life sciences, chemistry, computer science, materials science and engineering, pharmacy, physics, systems engineering, and clinical and theoretical medicine work closely with the interfaculty centers for human and molecular biology, bioinformatics, and biophysics as well as with various non-university research institutions in the NanoBioMed focus.