Writing at the border (writing week in the monastery)

The event offers a one-week retreat in the Franciscan monastery Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut in the border region to the Czech Republic. The change of location and environment allows participants to concentrate on their writing work in a self-determined way without external disturbances and distractions. Regulated daily routines based on the monastic hores provide structure and continuity. The (optional) offers include morning and evening informal discussion groups, individual writing advice, topic-oriented meetings, relaxation workshops (e.g. meditation, yoga).

Information on the event


Dr. Barbara Wolf studied German, Romance languages and literature and has been teaching German as a foreign language and German as an academic language for over 15 years. She currently coordinates the Writing Center at Saarland University. In addition, she supervises and advises students and doctoral candidates individually on their academic writing at various institutions (Saarland University, HTW Saar, TU Kaiserslautern, University of Trier). She has also been running creative writing workshops since 2023.

Carmen Neis, M.A. was coordinator of the Writing Center at the Center for Foreign Language and Professional Skills (ZfbK) at Justus Liebig University Giessen until the end of 2020, as well as a teacher for special tasks in the areas of academic writing in German and German as a foreign language. Since 2021, she has been a consultant in the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management team at UdS. She also offers a plagiarism consultation hour at the UdS Writing Center.