Computer Science (German) (B.Sc.)

Computer science is an integral part of modern life. It is the study of computation, information, and automation. Computer science includes the systematic and automatized processing of information.

Computer science topics span from theoretical disciplines (like algorithms, theory of computation, and mathematical models for the behaviour of programs) to applied ones (such as designing and implementing hardware and software applications, managing communication networks, and testing chips).



A very important aspect of a computer science degree is the study of algorithms. Algorithms are finite sequences of rigorous instructions used to solve a specific class of problems. They form the basic building blocks of computer programs. Applications of computer science can be found in many different industry areas, from business management to agriculture.

The program awards the degree of "Bachelor of Science" (B.Sc.). The standard duration of a bachelor degree in computer science is six semesters. Upon request, it is possible to study parts of the program as a part-time student (with a maximum duration of eight semesters).

It is also possible to study computer science with the specific purpose of teaching at the secondary level I (LS1), at the secondary level II (LS1+2), and at vocational schools (LAB). Finally, it is possible to study computer science as a minor topic in a double-subject degree at the Faculty of Arts.


Die Informatik bietet vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten. In Deutschland übersteigt derzeit die steigende Nachfrage nach Informatikerinnen und Informatikern die Möglichkeiten der Hochschulen deutlich. Da die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie das Wirtschaftswachstum vorantreibt, ist zu erwarten, dass sich dieser Trend in den nächsten Jahren fortsetzen und sogar noch verstärken wird. Die Fähigkeit, die aktuellen technologischen Entwicklungen zu erlernen und zu beherrschen, ist für den beruflichen Erfolg entscheidend. Im Informatikstudium in Saarbrücken erhalten Sie das nötige Rüstzeug, um sich in diesem dynamischen Umfeld bewegen zu können.

Denjenigen Informatikstudenten, die eine Karriere in der Industrie anstreben, kann das Studium in Saarbrücken die wesentlichen theoretischen Grundlagen vermitteln und gleichzeitig praktische Erfahrungen durch interessante Projekte, oft in Zusammenarbeit mit der Industrie, anbieten. Für diejenigen, deren Ambitionen im Bereich der Forschung liegen, dient Saarbrücken als Sprungbrett, um ihre Ideen voranzutreiben. Die Universität des Saarlandes öffnet die Türen zu einem weltweiten Netzwerk von Universitäten und Instituten und bietet eine perfekte Plattform, um international durchzustarten.

Das Ausbildungsspektrum der Saarbrücker Informatik reicht von Bereichen wie Computergrafik und künstlicher Intelligenz bis hin zu den Feinheiten der Softwaretechnologie. Das Ausbildungsangebot zeichnet sich durch eine gelungene Integration von Wissenschaft und Forschung aus. Neben Lehrenden der Universität sind auch die Wissenschafler und Wissenschaftlerinnen der zwei Max-Planck-Instituten und des Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz sowie des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Informationssicherheit (CISPA) maßgeblich an dieser Zusammenarbeit beteiligt.

Der Studiengang Informatik steht im CHE-Stern-Ranking an der Spitze und Saarbrücken ist allgemein als eine der Top-Universitäten für das Informatikstudium anerkannt. Fragt man deutsche Professoren des Fachs nach Empfehlungen, so wird Saarbrücken regelmäßig unter den drei ersten Zielen für die Informatikausbildung genannt.

Research focus

Saarbrücken's Department of Computer Science focuses on a perfect combination of theory and practical research as the basis for all endeavours. The Department of Computer Science achieves this with 27 chairs and an additional three chairs in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics. There are long-term collaborations with partners from industry, the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence and the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science. The collective intelligence of around 200 brilliant minds drives innovation and excellence in these three centres.

Computer science research generally pursues three goals:

  • To extend the functionality of computer systems, i.e. to enable new applications.
  • The functionality of computer systems should be improved in terms of their performance and their price-performance ratio.
  • Formal proofs must guarantee the correctness and high reliability of computer systems.

In Saarbrücken, research projects cover a broad spectrum covering all three core objectives. The pursuit of innovation spans various areas, from ground-breaking research in multimedia, distributed information and communication systems to pioneering projects in speech and image processing, all aimed at opening up new applications. In addition, a strong commitment to efficiency is at the centre of all efforts. For example, research is conducted into the intricacies of geometric algorithms, fundamental cryptographic methods, high-performance communication protocols, hardware and software integrity, programme analysis techniques and formal specification methods.

Many of the projects are dedicated to the development of complete prototype systems to ensure that innovations have a tangible impact in the real world.

Detailed information on the research focus areas of Computer Science can be found on the department's website.

Involving students in research

In Saarbrücken, great importance is attached to promoting the spirit of research among students right from the start. There are numerous opportunities for early involvement in research and teaching, be it through tutorials or through co-operation with lecturers. The department also runs a graduate programme generously funded by the German Research Foundation. Active participation in interdisciplinary research training groups such as ‘Cognitive Science’ and ‘Language Technology and Cognitive Systems’ as well as in the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Resources and Cognitive Processes’ also promotes a lively research environment.

In addition, the International Max Planck Research School awards prestigious scholarships for the Master's programme in order to offer outstanding computer science students from all over the world the opportunity to find their intellectual home in Saarbrücken.


Study Programm Details

During the six-semester Bachelor's degree programme, lectures and exercises on the following topics are on the curriculum:

  • Basic computer science topics:  Programming, algorithms and data structures, theoretical computer science, system architecture and software engineering.
  • Lectures on the mathematical foundations of analysis, linear algebra and stochastics.
  • A selection of two out of three compulsory elective lectures from the areas of Big Data Engineering, Elements of Machine Learning and Concurrent Programming.
  • Core lectures that introduce a field of computer science.
  • One specialisation lecture from computer science.
  • A software internship (at the university) in which a complex software product is created in a team.
  • A proseminar and a seminar that introduce cutting-edge research results.
  • A freely selectable minor subject, such as Business Administration or Mathematics.
  • A bachelor's seminar in which a comprehensive project is presented and a project work as final thesis.


Planning Your Studies


Computer Science as a Minor Topic

Computer Science is not only offered as a core Bachelor's degree programme, but also as a minor subject in our two-subject bachelor's degree programs at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The faculty has outlined a series of milestones (as of March 2021) to be achieved, encompassing a total of 63 credit points (CP), all designed to illuminate the world of computer science:

Elective area 1 (1 of 2), 9 CP:
      - Programming 1 (9 CP)
      - Programming 2 (9 CP)

Compulsory elective area 2 (1 of 2), 9 CP:
      - Elements of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (9 CP)
      - Foundations of Cyber Security (9 CP)

Compulsory elective area 3 (2 of 4), 12 CP:
      - Concurrent Programming (6 CP)
      - Big Data Engineering (6 CP)
      - Elements of Machine Learning (6 CP)
      - Fundamentals of Algorithms and Data Structures (6 CP)

Compulsory elective area 4 (1 of 2), 9 CP:
      - Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer Science (9 CP)
      - System Architecture (9 CP)

Compulsory elective area 5, 24 CP:
      - Any courses in computer science or the mathematical foundations of computer science totalling 24 CP

Here you can find more information about Computer Science as a minor subject in the 2-subject Bachelor's programme of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.


Postgraduate courses

Postgraduate courses

In addition, access to further Master's degree programmes is possible with the appropriate specialisation in the Bachelor's area and possibly catching up on individual modules




Zentrale Studienberatung
Campus Saarbrücken
Campus Center, Geb. A4 4, EG
Tel.: 0681 302-3513


Frau Rahel Stoike-Sy
Frau Barbara Schulz-Brünken
Fachrichtung Informatik
Campus Saarbrücken
Geb. E1 3, Zi. 2.09
66123 Saarbrücken




Entry restrictions do not apply to this programme. Students can begin the programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester, though we recommend starting in the winter semester. Students proposing to start in the summer semester should contact the course advisors and the university's study counselling services to discuss their individual study plan.

You can enrol in the first semester of this study programme directly via Saarland University's SIM portals. You do not need apply for admission beforehand. You must enrol by:

  • the end of September if you plan to start in the winter semester
  • the end of March if you plan to start in the summer semester.

Please note: If you want to switch subjects and plan to enrol in a higher semester of the new study programme ('higher-semester entry'), you will also need to submit an RPL certificate (RPL: recognition of prior learning) from the relevant examinations office.

Enrolment documents can only be submitted online during the enrolment application process in the relevant SIM portal.

If you have any questions about using the SIM portals, please check out our SIM Saarland help pages where you will find lots of useful information, videos and step-by-step guides.

Please only submit the documents required for your enrolment directly in the SIM portal when completing your enrolment application.   

If you have any questions about the SIM portals, please visit our SIM Saarland support pages where you will find lots of information, videos and step-by-step instructions. 

Slightly different admission rules may apply to prospective students with a foreign higher education entrance qualification.


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Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes

Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.

Quality management