
Numerous scientific publications from our department were accepted at the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024).
Congratulations to all authors!

"When your Rich Cousin Has the Right Connections: Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction for Related Data-Imbalanced Languages." by Niyati Bafna, Cristina España-Bonet, Josef van Genabith, Benoît Sagot and Rachel Bawden.
DFKI/UdS. "Retrieval-Augmented Modular Prompt… [...]

UdS reports in detail on the research of Prof. Michael Hahn and Prof. Xuexin Wei, University of Texas on systematic memory errors of the human brain.
The two scientists published the article "A unifying theory explains seemingly contradictory biases in perceptual estimation" in the journal "Nature Neuroscience". Congratulations!

Further report on this: Golem


As a satellite event of "Speech Prosody"  Jürgen Trouvain and Bernd Möbius organise together with Nivja de Jong (Leiden University) a workshop on 'Prosodic features of language learners' fluency' on 1 July 2024. The deadline for submitting a two-page abstract is 8 April 2024.


Under the coordination of Dr. Rosario Herrero and with the collaboration of Dr. Marie-Pauline Krielke and Isa Anzaldo, our department is contributing to an exciting new research project called "Gender Bias in Translation". Funded with €24,000 of internationalization funds and in international cooperation with the Universities of Alicante and Trieste as  partners of the Transform4Europe alliance, the project explores unconscious gender bias in student translations.
In addition to investigating…


The project, led by Prof. Dr. Tania Avgustinova, is funded with EUR 25,000 by the UdS Internationalization Fund for the further development and consolidation of scientific cooperation within the framework of the university's strategic partnerships. Dr. Irina Stenger is the contact person and coordinator of from our department for the new cooperation within the University of the Greater Region.

The MultiLingCommunity project addresses the need for multilingual competence in intercultural…


An application for mobility funding from the Lingdustry working group (PI in Germany Dr. Andrea Wurm) in the programme project-related person exchange programme of the DAAD and the Research Council of Finland has now been granted. The purpose of the interdisciplinary project is to research multilingual practices in industrial work environments of different economic areas and geographical locations. This year and the next year, the seven members of the project team will be organising several…


Prof. Vera Demberg has been awarded a Max Planck Fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics -- from January 2024 on, she will also lead the research group on "Multimodal Language Processing." 



Prof. Vera Demberg has made a guest appearance in the SIC's scientific podcast "As I see IT", in which a wide variety of topics relating to people, research, innovations and developments on campus are addressed.

In  Episode 2, she talked about the topic "What are Large Langugage Models".


Our department's delegation recently concluded two eventful days at the trade fair in Berlin-Mitte.  Despite the considerable travel and preparation efforts, the experience proved to be highly rewarding. Rainer Egler, Fadia Sauerwein, and student assistant Elena Schmidt engaged in numerous discussions with a diverse international audience. This included students, active and former translators, language enthusiasts, and university lecturers from around the globe. The topics covered ranged from…


Prof. Elke Teich gave an invited talk „Language use in science - convergence, diversity, dynamicity“ at the Symposium on Theoretical Foundations for Interdisciplinarity (November 30 - December 1) by Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
