
Assoc. Prof. Dr Aida Kasieva teaches translation at Manas University in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. During her stay (20 Jan - 19 Apr) she researches on the "Implementation of Corpus Research Studies methodology for improving the first Kyrgyz corpus hosted by Universität des Saarlandes".  As a concrete and sustainable output of her stay the corpus will be expanded by one hundred words from the field of news and the Kyrgyz data will be hosted at our certified CLARIN-D centre.
Her stay is supported by the… [...]

Our department will present its study programmes at the upcoming information days.

Dr. Jürgen Trouvain will present the Bachelor complementary subject Phonetics on 9 March, at 3 p.m.

Dr. Stefan Thater will present our B.Sc. Computational Linguistics on 14 March, from 4 to 5 p.m.

Dr. Fadia Sauerwein and Rainer Egler will present the B.A. Language Science on 14 March, from 5 to 6 p.m.

All presentations will be held online via MS Teams.

Please welcome Dr. İpek Pınar Uzun, assistant professor and director of the phonetics lab in the Dept. of Linguistics at Ankara University. Her research visit is funded by an international postdoctoral research fellowship of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.

Pınar will be a visiting postdoc researcher in the Phonetics group. Her research interests are in speech science, prosody, and morphological productivity (especially novel compounds). She is looking forward to… [...]
Five papers of our department were accepted to ESSV 2022 as well as three papers to Speech Prosody 2022. Congratulations to all authors!

ESSV 2022 - 33rd Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing, 2-4 March 2022, Sønderborg, Denmark: Bistra Andreeva and Snezhina Dimitrova: Prosodic characteristics of Bulgarian-accented German. Mikey Elmers: Comparing detection methods for pause-internal particles. Jacek Kudera, Philip Georgis, Hasan Md Tusfiqur Alam, Bernd Möbius, Tania… [...]
Judeo-Spanish in Bulgaria: a contact language between archaism and innovation
Principle investigators: Bistra Andreeva (UdS), Tania Avgustinova (UdS), Susann Fischer (Hamburg), Christoph Gabriel (JGU Mainz)

This project has an empirical, corpus-linguistic and a theoretical goal. On the basis of newly collected data, the Judeo-Spanish spoken in Sofia (western Bulgaria) and Plovdiv (eastern Bulgaria) as well as the respective Bulgarian contact varieties will be contrastively analyzed. By… [...]
Professor Dr. Alexander Koller, Dr. Lucia Donatelli, and Masters student Theresa Schmidt were on the SR Aktueller Bericht on November 3. The three discussed the project they are currently working on to create an interactive cookbook, in which a home chef can interact directly with recipe text through a personalized dialogue system. The project is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and will last for three years. The group presented their work this week at the Empirical Methods in… [...]
A new book "GECCo - German-English Contrasts in Cohesion - Insights from Corpus-based Studies of Languages, Registers and Modes" has been published by Walter de Gruyter.
The authors Kerstin Kunz, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, José Manuel Martínez Martínez, Katrin Menzel & Erich Steiner from the IUED Heidelberg University and the Department of Language Science and Technology at Saarland University present the results of a linguistic research project, funded by the German Research Foundation… [...]
European Master's Programme Language and Communication Technologies
European and non-European applicants can now submit their applications for admission in 2022. All correct, complete and timely applications will also be considered for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship. Further information can be found here: [...]
Tatiana Yanson, doctoral student at the University of Tver (Russia) is visiting our department from August 2021 to January 2022. She is researching on the topic "Communicative styles of tour guides in oral travel discourse". In her research, she investigates excursion discourse as a type of oral travel discourse whose typical communication situation is the contact excursion. The study is conducted in two languages, Russian and German, to investigate the communication styles of tour guides. The… [...]
This winter semester, Dr. Karolin Viseneber, who holds a doctorate in literary studies, will give a seminar titled "Zwischen Welten – Einblicke in Berufsbild und Arbeitspraxis von Literaturübersetzer*innen". Dr. Viseneber worked for several years as a research assistant at the Institute for Romance Studies at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and has been working as a freelance literary translator since 2015. She will give students helpful tips and insights into the everyday life of… [...]