
Iona Gessinger and Eran Raveh received a best student paper award for their Interspeech 2020 paper:
Iona Gessinger, Bernd Möbius, Bistra Andreeva, Eran Raveh, Ingmar Steiner (2020): "Phonetic accommodation of L2 German speakers to the virtual language learning tutor Mirabella". Interspeech 2020 (Shanghai), 4118-4122.
DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2020-2701

Congratulations, Iona and Eran!

The volume "Voice Attractiveness -- Studies on Sexy, Likable, and Charismatic Speakers" has been published with the co-editorship of Saarbrücken phoneticians. The book shows a collection of 17 contributions on diverse aspects of attractive voices - from evolutionary preferences to technological applications. It was edited by Benjamin Weiss, Jürgen Trouvain, Melissa Barkat-Defradas and John J. Ohala. [...]
Application is now OPEN for intake 2021, for European and non-European applicants. All correct, complete and timely applications will additionally be considered for award of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship. For more information, visit the home page here: [...]
Eight scientific contributions of our department were accepted for COLING. Congratulations to all authors! Ernie Chang, Jeriah Caplinger, Alex Marin, Xiaoyu Shen and Vera Demberg. “DART: A Lightweight Quality-Suggestive Data-to-Text Annotation Tool” Lucia Donatelli, Jonas Groschwitz, Matthias Lindemann, Alexander Koller and Pia Weißenhorn. “Normalizing Compositional Structures Across Graphbanks” Lucia Donatelli, Kenneth Lai and James Pustejovsky. “A Two-Level Interpretation of Modality in… [...]

Six scientific contributions of our department were accepted for EMNLP. Congratulations to all authors!

"Self-Induced Curriculum Learning in Self-Supervised Neural Machine Translation" (Long Paper)
Authors: Dana Ruiter, Josef van Genabith and Cristina España-Bonet "HUMAN: Hierarchical Universal Modular ANnotator" (Demo-Track) 
Authors: Moritz Wolf, Dana Ruiter, Ashwin Geet D'Sa, Liane Reiners, Jan Alexandersson and Dietrich Klakow, Demo “Translation Quality Estimation by Jointly… [...]
Our student, Christin Weiß, reports in the online magazine Campus about her decision to study “Language Science” and about her experiences with it. [...]

From September 8th to September 10th our department is represented at the student fair, which this year takes place virtually with an impressive offer. At the university stand you will find presentations, video lectures and chats.


There have been numerous media reports on the prestigious "ERC starting grant" of the European Research Council, received by Prof. Dr. Vera Demberg.

Reports in German:

Press release on the SIC website Article by the University Press Office, second article by the University Press Office Press release of the Informationsdienst Wissenschaft Article in the Saarbrücker Zeitung

Reports in English:

Press release on the SIC website News release EurekAlert [...]
Further details:  UdS article in German, UdS article in English. [...]
On 20 July, the Saarbrücker Zeitung newspaper reported on the machine translation system of the German EU Council Presidency, on which the team of Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith worked.

Read more in the article. [...]