
Alexander Koller's group welcomes our newest colleague, Fangzhou Zhai. Fangzhou will do his PhD in the SFB Project A3, where he will work on adding causal structure to script knowledge that is learned from data. He has a Master of Logic from the University of Amsterdam, and is about to complete his MSc in Computer Science in Saarbrücken. [...]
Annemarie Friedrich's PhD dissertation has been selected by the German Society for Computational Linguistics (GSCL) as the best dissertation for the years 2016-2018. The GSCL doctorial thesis award in memory of Wolfgang Hoeppner is granted every two years and marks significant progress to advance language technology and computational linguistics. The thesis, advised by Prof. Manfred Pinkal and titled "States, Events, and Generics: Computational Modeling of Situation Entity Types", will be… [...]
Marjolein van Os is joining Vera Demberg's group as a doctoral researcher. As part of SFB 1102 (Project A4), her research will treat on the confusability of sounds and words in noisy settings, comparing comprehension in younger vs. older adults. [...]
The German Research Foundation has accepted Michael Roth to the DFG Emmy Noether Programme, which gives outstanding early career researchers the opportunity to lead an independent junior research group. Michael's research group will use computational methods to investigate linguistic factors behind misunderstandings. [...]
The Chair Erich Steiner, together with Professors Teich and van Genabith, is organising a colloquium on the profiles and perspectives of translation studies with guests from Heidelberg, Cologne and Leipzig on 20 July, 2018. [...]
Saarbrücker Zeitung [...]
Two papers by the LSV group were accepted to this year's "ACL 2018 Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low Resource Natural Language Processing (DeepLo)". Michael Hedderich and Dietrich Klakow present a method to train a neural network in a low-resource setting by using automatically annotated data and handling the noise in the labels. Clayton Greenberg, Mittul Singh and Dietrich Klakow explore the quality of embeddings of rare words, finding that below a certain number of occurrences,… [...]
The collaborative research centre 1102 "Information Density and Linguistic Encoding", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), has been granted approx. 11 million euros for a four-year extension starting in July 2018. The CRC directed by Elke Teich brings together around 60 scientists from the fields of Linguistics, Psychology and Computer Science to investigate the hypothesis that language variation and language use can be better understood in terms of a speaker's desire to rationally… [...]
Students wanting to study between four and nine months as a graduate student at a US university in the 2019-2020 academic year can now apply for a Fulbright Commission study scholarship. Scholarship holders will be supported with up to $ 34,500 and through an admission to the Fulbright network. The application deadline is 23 July, 2018. [...]
Sorcha Gilroy, a PhD student from Edinburgh working on graph parsing and the expressive power of recurrent neural networks, will be visiting Alexander Koller's group between 16.04 and 20.04. Rik van Noord (homepage), a PhD student from Groningen working on semantic parsing, will be visiting Alexander Koller's group between 23.04 and 27.04. [...]