
Dr. William John Barry, former Professor for Phonetics at the Saarland University, celebrated his 80th birthday anniversary in London on 17 April. During his presence at our university, he worked at the interface between phonetics, language science and language technology focusing particularly on phonetic production and perception as well as on the phonetic aspects of language technology. Our department would like to wish Dr. William John Barry all the best and happy birthday!

Find out more


We are delighted to announce that seven scientific contributions by members of our department have been accepted at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. Congratulations to all authors!

“Pause Particles Influencing Recollection in Lectures” by Mikey Elmers. ICPhS 2023. “Vowel Reduction in Spontaneous Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish” by Jonas Grünke, Mitko Sabev, Christoph Gabriel, and Bistra Andreeva. ICPhS 2023. "Respiratory and Supralaryngeal Effects on Speech Breathing Noise… [...]
Since its inauguration in 2005 the Erasmus Mundus European Master Programme "Language and Communication Technologies" is organised and managed by Saarland University. Dr. Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova very successfully managed the LCT European Masters programme over the last 10 years. Ivana is now going to leave Saarland University, DFKI and LCT for a position in the newly established Deutsches Rettungsrobotik Zentrum. The new global manager for LCT is now Tanja Bäumel, located at DFKI in the… [...]
The Saarbrücker Zeitung has published an article about the Cooperative Research Centre 1102 “Information Density and Linguistic Encoding” on 27 February. It shows why the CRC 1102 is so unique not only in Germany but also internationally and presents some of the projects in which information density and surprisal are employed.

The CRC 1102 “Information Density and Linguistic Encoding” was granted its third and last funding period in 2022 which will continue till 2025. It is funded by the German… [...]
After 3.5 years as postdoc at the Chair for Computational Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Alexander Koller), Lucia Donatelli has been appointed Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We congratulate her on this appointment, which is a well-deserved recognition of her outstanding achievements in research and teaching. We would also like to thank Lucia for her successful work at our department and wish her all the best for her future scientific and professional career! [...]
Our department will present its study programmes at the upcoming information days.

Dr. Stefan Thater will present our B.Sc. Computational Linguistics:
Date: 17 March, 3 p.m.
Place: Bldg. E1 3, lecture hall I

Dr. Fadia Sauerwein and Rainer Egler will present the B.A. Language Science:
Date: 24 March, 12 p.m.
Place: Bldg. B4 1, lecture hall 0.05

Prof. Dr. Bernd Möbius will present the Bachelor complementary subject Phonetics:
Date: 24 March, 3 p.m.
Place: Building B4 1, lecture hall 0.26 [...]
Our master programmes combine language and technology and qualify our students for a successful career start as well as for academic research. Find out more in two presentation videos that will give you some insights about our master programmes. Both videos are available on YouTube.

M.A. Translation Science and Technology

M.Sc. Language Science and Technology [...]
The public relations department of the Saarland University has published an article about Prof. Dr. Dietrich Klakow and his research group. On the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, celebrated this year on 21 February, Prof. Dr. Klakow explains why AI-based systems still render the best performance when used in English. He gives two reasons that have led to this situation and makes forecasts about the future development. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Klakow presents a method developed by… [...]

We are happy to announce that eight papers by members of our department were accepted at EACL 2023 and TACL 2023. Congratulations to all authors!

"Fractality of informativity in 300 years of English scientific writing" by Yuri Bizzoni and Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb. EACL, LaTeCH-CLfL 2023 2023. "Revisiting dependency length and intervener complexity minimisation on a parallel corpus in 35 languages" by Andrew Thomas Dyer. EACL, SIGTYP 2023. “Exploring Paracrawl for Document-level Neural… [...]
SFB 1102 "Information Density and Linguistic Encoding" will begin its third funding period with a colloquium which will be held on 10 February 2023 (C7 4, Saarland University Campus).

Date: Friday 10/02/2023

Location: C7.4 (Conference room 1.17 and other rooms in C7.4)

Preliminary programme:

10:30 – 11:00 Arrival and Registration 11:00 - 11:30 Welcome and Introduction (Room 1.17) Welcome by Jakob von Weizsäcker (Minister der Finanzen und für Wissenschaft, Saarland) Welcome by… [...]