Who should I contact if I need information or advice about equal opportunities, achieving a successful work-life balance or about dual career opportunities?

Who do I contact if I need advice on equal opportunities and gender equality?

The Gender Equality Officer, holds a full-time position at Saarland University and is the person to contact if you need to discuss any issues relating to equal opportunities and gender equality. If you plan to advertise a position, the Gender Equality Officer needs to be involved in the appointment process and you should contact her at the earliest opportunity. For more information, please refer to our recruitment information page and the gender equality plan. The Gender Equality Office coordinates and manages a number of special programmes for women, such as the ‘Excellence Programme for Women in Academia’, the support programme for female junior professors, ‘Young Female Scientists Go Future’ and coaching programmes.

I need some support in order to balance my work and family commitments. Who can I contact about child-care issues, care responsibilities / dual career opportunities?

The University is an officially certified family-friendly university. Our aim is to ensure that you can successfully combine your work and family commitments. Wherever we can, we’ll help you find a way to achieve a healthy and productive work-life balance. Any family-related questions you have can be addressed to the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Office or its 'family-friendly Office' (audit familiengerechte hochschule). These service points provide information covering a wide range of topics, such as selecting the right type of child care, organizing maternity leave, balancing care commitments with work responsibilities, and accessing available support schemes.



What should I do if I experience or become aware of unacceptable, transgressive or discriminatory behaviour in the workplace?

If you experience or become aware of unacceptable or transgressive behaviour or sexualized discrimination or violence, you can report these issues confidentially to the university’s Gender Equality Office.

At Saarland University we take the issues of equality, gender equality, anti-discrimination and diversity very seriously. The university sees itself as a gender-sensitive and diversity-aware institution that strives to meet the needs of its varied and valued workforce and that embodies an open and responsive university culture. If you ever have the feeling that someone is behaving in a manner contrary to these principles, it is your right and your responsibility as a member of the university to make your concerns known and – where necessary – to notify the relevant university contact so that the issue can be resolved.

If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or requests, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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