If you have recently been appointed to a professorship at Saarland University, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to you as a new member of our university community.
Our starter pack has been specially designed for new members of Saarland University’s professorial staff. The administrative team that put together the starter pack is affiliated to the President’s Office and the team members are the people to contact if you have any questions about starting out as a new professor at Saarland University. The team has also compiled an information package to help you get acquainted with life on campus and they also coordinate and promote networking and idea sharing between newly appointed professors.
These web pages aim to provide all the information you will need to get started on your academic career here at Saarland University. We have arranged the information into thematic groups so that you can quickly find the answers to common questions. To access the various topics and subtopics, either click on the menu at the top right of this page or use the tile menu below. If we’ve forgotten to include something, if you have any questions or comments or if you simply need to get in touch, please write to us at neuberufen[at]uni-saarland.de.
For all new employees of the University with an existing ID, we also offer a digital welcome package that is available via the University intranet. This means that you can log in there with your ID and receive even more information about your everyday working life at Saarland University. You can find the digital welcome package here.

HRS4R - Excellence in Research Award for excellent working and research conditions
Saarland University has received the HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission on March 30, 2022. This award represents the university's proven commitment to developing an open and sustainable labour market for researchers. Saarland University demonstrably wishes to contribute to the development of an open and sustainable labour market for researchers.
All information about the award can be found on the HRS4R website.
Additional information and useful university web pages
Newly appointed professors at Saarland University
News and information from Saarland University