Who can I contact in the Human Resources Division?

The Human Resources Division provides a full array of HR services to Saarland University covering recruitment policy, advertising of job vacancies, managing the hiring process, monitoring staffing requirements, drafting legally compliant employment contracts, managing payroll and remuneration procedures, travel expenses and administrative management of teaching assignments. The HR Division can also be contacted regarding professorial appointments or if members of the university’s professorial staff need to discuss HR matters. You can find the salary statement and other personal data in the electronic personnel management (ePM), to which you have access with your UdS ID code.

For an overview of our comprehensive service portfolio and a list of all HR contacts at Saarland University, please visit the HR Division's website. We can provide advice in the following areas:

  • For all employment-related issues, such as appointment procedures, relocation, travel expenses, secondary employment, parental leave): please contact our Advisory Service Team for Civil Servants (Beamte). The relevant member of staff can provide advice on questions about your employment as a civil servant in Saarland (Landesbeamte/-beamtin), such as what rights and obligations you have as a professor with civil servant status, or how to navigate the system of health insurance subsidies for civil servants (Beihilfe). If you were  previously working outside Germany,  your adviser can also help you to navigate German bureaucratic requirements.
  • Questions regarding mid-level and junior academic staff and/or administrative and technical staff should be addressed to the Advisory Service Team for Public Sector Employees. The adviser you should contact will depend on the faculty you are associated with.

  • If you have payroll-related questions or questions about travel expenses, please contact one of the HR administrators. The administrator you will need to contact will depend on the initial letter of your surname.

  • Questions regarding internal vacancies should be addressed to the Personnel Development and Recruitment

  • If you have questions about the staff positions associated with your professorship (as negotiated with the university), if you need information about the staffing list, or how to manage personnel accounting procedures in SAP (statements of account, budget monitoring), please contact the Organizational Management Team at Central Services. The experts within Central Services work on a wide range of HR-related projects and can be contacted for assistance.

You will find all the necessary information and forms for your own personnel matters or those of your employees on the university's own intranet as soon as you have your ID. 

If you are pregnant, please submit written notification or a doctor’s note to your HR adviser at the Personnel Department. A letter with relevant information will then be sent to you. If you need to care for a child or for a member of your family, you can discuss this issue in confidence with your HR adviser at the Personnel Department, who will ensure that all the necessary steps are taken. We have also created a page specifically designed to answer questions about family related issues.

If you have any questions or are unable to find the information you need, simply call your contact at the Personnel Department for assistance.

If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or requests, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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