Accessible Teaching
Teaching in times of Corona and beyond!
In times of COVID-19, Saarland University joined many other universities and shifted to a completely online medium for teaching and studying. As a lot of students and teachers were new to this form of learning environment, everyone tried to adapt to new habits of learning and teaching. Now as the situation improves and as we transition back to a hybrid or an in-person classroom environment, we will continue to carry our online learning experiences beyond the current semester.
Due to this immediate transition to an online working environment, the issues of accessibility became prominent in order to reach out to every student regardless of their ability. The Contact Point for Studying with Disability (KSB) aims to wholeheartedly support measures to promote inclusivity. We advocate for a barrier-free and accessible teaching models that not only benefit students with disabilities and chronic illnesses but also students with diverse learning needs and backgrounds.
Disability disclosure
Let the students know that you respect different forms of accessibility needs, especially with online technology. Provide specific information on how to contact you if they need accommodations and have troubles with accessibility.
Students may directly contact us to discuss their accommodation needs due to disability or chronic condition. Please find KSB information to share with the students during lectures.
Internet and tech availability
It is important to ask the students whether they have sufficient technological tools such as a computer / laptop, internet connection, a camera and a microphone for online meetings as well as basic necessities such as a quiet place to work. Think of ways you may be able to make your class assignments and activities flexible so that a student is expected to work on their screens for a maximum of 1 to 2 hours per day per class. Allow students to download the materials to print or to read it out loud using a screen reader.
Information on Accessibility Support for various Apps and Online meetings
Moodle: Tips for accessible course content
Accessibility and Universal Design of Online Meetings
In general, there are many ways to pursue equitable online learning. The most popular is to adapt the teaching materials based on Universal design for learning This way not only the students with disability benefit but also other students with learning disabilities, chronic illnesses as well as non-native language speakers.
More information on “How to” adapt Universal Design for Learning could be found here:
Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy
This section contains materials from experts from all over Germany, which are available via the network of the information and advice center of the German Student Union (IBS) are connected. In view of the special challenges of the 2020 summer semester, we initially focused on information on barrier-free teaching. Further aspects will follow. If you know materials that are not yet listed, we look forward to receiving a message to:ksb(at)
Angebote der Universität des Saarlandes zu barrierefreier Lehre
How-to-Konzept der Universität des Saarlandes zu Digitaler Barrierefreiheit (Sharepoint)
Sonstige Materialien zur barrierefreien Lehre
Hochschulforum Digitalisierung: Informationsportale... (61/2021) [3 MB] Axel Oberschelp: Informationsportale für eine barrierefreie digitale Lehre. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Nr. 61/2021.
Digitale Barrierefreiheit (REHADAT) [146 KB]
Barrierefreie Webseiten (REHADAT) [152 KB]
Materialerstellung_Diklusion_final.pdf [861 KB]
Lehre barrierefrei gestalten. Ein Leitfaden für Lehrende (PDF) [6 MB]
Weitere nützliche Informationen zu barrierefreier Lehre
Barrierefreie Webkonferenzen - Bundesfachstelle Barrierefreiheit
Barrierefreiheit und inklusive Digitalisierung - Hochschulforum Digitalisierung
Berliner Standards zur digitalen Barrierefreiheit
Leitfaden barrierefreie Online-Videos (BIK für Alle)
Leitfaden für barrierefreie Dokumente
Bundesfachstelle Barrierefreiheit
Webinhalte barrierefrei pflegen - ein Leitfaden für Online-Redakteure (BIK für Alle)
Kursmaterialien Digitale Barrierefreiheit
Untertitelung von Webkonferenzen, Videocalls und Bildschirmaufzeichnungen
Automatische Live-Untertitel durch Audioumleitung auf Empfangsseite
Barrierefreie Dokumente mit Markdown, Latex und PDF erstellen