Diversity Room - one room for many
Since the summer semester of 2022, the Diversity Room on the Saarbrücken Campus, which was created in cooperation with the Campus Development and Construction Management Department and with funding from the Teaching and Studies Fund (Fonds Lehre und Studium - LuS), has also been available to students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. The Diversity Room serves, among other things, as a workstation with technical support for students with visual impairments or dyslexia, a place to take exams and a quiet room for students with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD or physical impairments. It is located in building E1 2, room 0.09.
Access is regulated by the KSB. If you would like to use the room, please contact: ksb(at)uni-saarland.de.
The resources in our Diversity Room

Bequemes Yogakissen für entspannte Meditation und Achtsamkeit.
Inclusive Workspace
In the "Impact of Diversity" competition, the CDM unit successfully entered the Inclusive Workplace category. The Diversity Room was judged a finalist and is one of the three best projects submitted in its category.

Award: Hochschulperle October 2022
The Diversity Room was awarded the title "Hochschulperle des Monats" in October 2022 by the Stifterverband. Hochschulperlen are innovative, exemplary projects that are implemented at a university; in 2022, the award's main theme is "Future-oriented learning spaces". Details and pictures of the award can be found on the website of the Stifterverband.
Click here for the complete press release of Saarland University.