Diversity Office

Die Universität des Saarlandes lehnt ausdrücklich jede Art von Diskriminierung und Extremismus ab. Dies bezieht sich auch auf:

  • Rassismus,
  • Antisemitismus,
  • antimuslimischen Rassismus,
  • Antiziganismus,
  • Antislawismus
  • und weitere Formen gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeiten. 

The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Unit is committed to promoting diversity and acceptance on the campus of our university. The concept of diversity includes dimensions such as skin colour, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability and chronic illness, nationality, religious beliefs, mother tongue, age, marital status and social status.

Students and employees with experiences of discrimination of any kind are also explicitly encouraged to contact us with their needs, problems and experiences. If necessary, we will also be happy to confidentially help them get in touch with responsible persons or organisations.

All members of Saarland University who are interested in information events and workshops on the topic of diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion are also cordially invited to contact us at diversity(at)uni-saarland.de.