LGBTQIA+ Community

How to Namensänderung

Seit dem 01.11.2024 ist das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz in Kraft, das Änderungen von Namen und Geschlechtseintrag erheblich erleichtert. Alles Infos zum Vorgehen der Namensänderung für Studierende finden sich im verlinkten PDF-Dokument:

How to Namensänderung 


In accordance with the Diversity Policy of Saarland University, the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Unit in cooperation with the AStA aims to create a university environment where diverse sexual orientations and gender identities are respected and celebrated.  We explicitly invite all students and employees to come to us with their concerns, experiences, and ideas. Our team members are happy to offer support, information, and resources to all members of Saarland University, particularly in the face of experiences of discrimination at our university. 

Contact Us

Even today, homophobia and transphobia are real. According to a survey among LSBTI adolescents in 2015, 82% of all participants and even 96% of Trans respondents were discriminated against on the basis of their sexual or gender-specific identity (Günter Dworek, LSVD Federal Executive Board).  

Transgender persons are playing a special role in the LGBTIQI * Community. Instead of sexual orientation, transgendered are struggling with their gender identity. Transgender persons are describing their experiences of discrimination as different comparing to gays or lesbians.

The  AStA Queer presentation  has been active and taking a lead in organizing and providing advocacy for the students who identify as queer as well as transgender at Saarland University. For more details and current events please visit their  Facebook page .  

The AStA department for LGBTQI also provides a task force for transgender, non-binary and intersexual students at Saarland University. The task force is lead by students. They organise regular meetings to talk about specific problems and they are campaigning for acceptance at campus. If you are interested in taking part, please contact the AStA department for LGBTQI via E-Mail or via phone 0681/302-4237

To address harassment or threat on the basis of sexual orientation or gender at Saarland University, you can also contact the Gender Equality Office .  

For general questions and queries, you may reach us at



Local Ressources
  • The Saarland Lesbian and Gay Association  (Lesben- und Schwulenverband Saar) is a civil rights association in the state of Saarland to support the Queer community. They provide information, consultations, networking, and advocacy for the Queer Community with regards to administration, legal, social, and health matters. Their Facebook page can be found  here .
  • Transgender Outpatient Clinic  at Saarland University, Homburg Campus, advises clients and their families with regard to Trans-identity in medical terms.
  • The Saarland Lesbian and Gay Association also have a transgender group which is organized as a self-caring and best practice group. They provide regular meetings every first Wednesday at 19:00 at the “Checkpoint” (Mainzerstr. 44 66111 Saarbrücken). For further information, please contact them via email:
  • The Frauen Gender Bibliothek Saar also  supports local Lesbian Women as a library and a meeting place for events and discussions.    
  • AIDS Hilfe Saar ev  has a prevention campaign  "Gudd druff! ” that provides comprehensive information on HIV and other STDs.  
  • To change assigned name or sex in German legal documents, follow the procedure of the German Transsexual Act guidelines provided by LSVD or talk to your local department of the German lesbian and gay association
Online Ressources

100% HUMAN project : They organize campaigns throughout Germany to promote legal and social equality for all regardless of sexual orientation and gender.  

A comprehensive glossary in the German language can be found  here  Source: Queer lexicon (undated). Glossary in  accessed on April 9, 2020. 

Rainbow Cities: Eight German cities have signed the Rainbow Cities Network concerned with LGBTQIA policies. This shows how these policies are taking shape in major cities of Germany.   

Guide for  Homosexuality and Islam  in German, English, Turkish and Arabic 

The LSVD project  “Queer Refugees Germany”  connects, supports and advises LGBTQIA refugees and organizations working with the refugees 

State-wise  Psychological practices  that supports Trans individuals and their families 

The University of Birmingham's project  LGBTQ inclusion in higher education  has published  A best practice guide  to support inclusivity in the curriculum. 

Support for LGBT community at work -  Proud at Work Foundation 

Federal Center for Political Education with a range of topics on  Homosexuality .