About us

Our Unit

The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Unit is the contact for the topics of equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion. It provides advice on these topics to all members of the university - students, staff, executives and management - and contributes to the implementation and continuous improvement of a family-friendly, equal-opportunity and diversity-appreciating university culture through numerous support services.

The goal of diversity management is an equal-opportunity, cosmopolitan and discrimination-free university that lives, supports and makes visible diversity, where everyone can develop their potential and no one is discriminated against on the basis of
- Age
- gender & gender identity
- ethnic origin & nationality
- physical and mental abilities
- religion & belief
- sexual orientation
- social origin
is excluded.
Saarland University sees itself as a gender- and diversity-sensitive university that does justice to the diversity of its university members and lives an open university structure. By using language sensitively, the university and its members contribute to the appreciation of all and create the basis for a lively and attractive university.
This includes a university culture that values behaviour in partnership, promotes civil courage and thus lays the foundation for a positive and violence-free study and work climate. Bullying, discrimination, stalking, sexual harassment or their preliminary stages are considered transgressive behaviour and are not tolerated.
The framework conditions for improving equal opportunities and diversity are actively shaped and continuously optimised in close cooperation with the university management, the faculties and all other interest groups. Through the continuous implementation of the activities of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management (CDM) unit, also at the decentralised levels, the University is consistently and continuously expanding its diversity strategy in the direction of comprehensive diversity policies.
Diversity policies are intended to bring out the potential of all university members and to strengthen creativity and problem-solving skills. Diversity policies stand for a professionalisation process of the university and are part of its quality development.
Offering a diversity-sensitive study and work environment has positive effects on the satisfaction of all members of the UdS and their loyalty to the university and, as has been shown, strengthens the university in international competition.
Developing innovative concepts for university management in various decision-making, planning, implementation and evaluation processes of the university on the topic of equal opportunities, equity, diversity management and diversity.
Building cross-departmental methodological competence through the exchange of best practices between units.

In unserem aktuellen Flyer finden Sie alle wichtigen Infos zu unseren Aufgaben, Themenfeldern und wie und wo Sie uns auf dem Campus finden.
Our Sub-units
The Contact Point for Studying with Disability (KSB) is committed to making Saarland University a "university for all".
The services offered by the KSB consist of:
- Advising students with disabilities on compensation for disadvantages and support options.
- Advising lecturers and members of examination boards and secretariats on the implementation of compensation for disadvantages and on accessibility
- Networking with internal and external actors in the field of studying with disabilities
- Organisation of projects and events related to the compatibility of studies and disabilities
- Administration of the Diversity Room - a room for many at the UdS
The Family Office represents a diverse and varied concept of family.
For us, family means any long-term relationship with responsibility towards relatives.
This includes all parent-child relationships such as single parents, patchwork families, rainbow families, marriages, cohabiting couples, sibling relationships as well as the individual care and nursing of elderly or needy people in the same household.
The Family Office offers confidential counselling and support structures to reconcile family and studies or work.
The services offered by the Family Office consist of:
- Information and counselling on maternity leave and parental leave, alternative working time models, re-entry after family-related leave, childcare options, counselling on the topic of care.
- Childcare services: Exclusive online babysitting exchange for the children of students and employees, short-term care, conference care, holiday care for primary school children FUNKT, day care centre Unikate for children of UdS staff.
- Exchange and offers for (international) families through the Online Parents' Café and the Intercultural Family Meet and Eat (IFME)
The Diversity Office is dedicated to diversity on our campus - both the existing problems such as discrimination, and the potentials.
It offers:
- Information and advice on experiences of discrimination, on preventive measures of anti-discrimination as well as diversity management.
- Exchange and offers to promote diversity and acceptance on the campus of our university: Diversity Week, Diversity Orientation Training, Diversity Consulting Service for funding applicants
- Development of measures and instruments for a discrimination-free university