Diversity Weeks
Diversity Weeks 25 - Ausblick
Rund um den Deutschen Diversity Tag 2025 am 27.05. planen wir wieder die Diversity Weeks. Das Programm finden Sie hier voraussichtlich ab April '25.
Die Diversity Weeks 2025 setzen mit dem Schwerpunkt Antirassismus und Antisemitismus ein starkes Zeichen.

Welcome to the Diversity Weeks 2024
Saarland University is celebrating the Diversity Weeks from 7 to 28 May - from lectures to picnics, various formats invite you to explore the topic of diversity and anti-discrimination, to inform yourself and to network.
The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Unit (CDM) initiated the Diversity Weeks in 2022. These weeks mark the signing of the Diversity Charter by the university and give the diversity policy a sustainable structure.
The UdS sees itself as a cosmopolitan and tolerant university that values the diversity of its members.
The Diversity Weeks raise awareness of diversity within the university and promote intercultural exchange and understanding of different perspectives and life experiences.
Greeting by Vice-President for Administration and Finance Dr. Roland Rolles
Dear members of the University,
I am pleased to announce the third Diversity Weeks, which will take place from 7 to 28 May. The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Office (CDM) cordially invites all employees and students to take part in this diverse series of events and together send a strong signal in favour of diversity at Saarland University.
The aim of this series of events is to raise awareness of diversity and anti-discrimination at our university. As part of numerous events organised by the CDM staff unit together with its network partners, all participants have the opportunity to engage with the topics of diversity, equal opportunities and accessibility from different perspectives, to inform themselves and to network.
The programme offers an exciting mix of online formats and face-to-face events that are open to all UdS employees and students at all locations. Many events are designed in both German and English in order to cater for as many participants as possible.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in organising the Diversity Weeks. I look forward to seeing a great deal of interest and wish all participants an exciting and enriching time.
Dr. Roland Rolles, Vice President for Administration and Finance
Programme 2024
Accessibility Action Day: Way forward for inclusion! Independent living - without barriers
The 5th of May is the European Day of Protest for the Equality of People with Disabilities. To mark this day of protest, the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Unit is organising the "Accessibility Action Day" on the Saarbrücken campus in cooperation with the Inclusion Officer, the Disabled Employees' Representatives and the AStA Accessibility Department.
Under this year's motto of the Aktion Mensch "Viel vor für Inklusion! Selbstbestimmt leben – ohne Barrieren", interested parties can find out more about various topics at the information booth. Visible and invisible barriers and impairments can be experienced through hands-on activities.
The aim is to make all members of the UdS aware of the university's goal of enabling all people to participate equally in university life.
Time: 10 am - 3 pm
Location: Campaign stand in front of Building A4 4 (Campus Center)
Languages: German | English | French
Hosts: KSB Inklusionsbeauftragte | Schwerbehindertenvertretung | AStA Referat Barrierefreiheit
Supported by the entire CDM unit and the Diversity Ambassadors
The Round Table is an opportunity for students with disabilities or chronic diseases to meet, network and share experiences. It is also an opportunity to get to know the team and the work of the Contact Point for Studying with Disability and the Student Council of the Medical Department.
Time: from 6 pm
Location: FMH-Room
Languages: German | English
Hosts: KSB | Fachschaft Medizin
Panel discussion "Why gender studies" followed by a comic reading by Elisabeth Pich
The panel discussion is part of the lecture series "Facets of Diversity: Gender Research and its Significance for Society" taking place in the summer semester.
Participants: Prof. Dr. Andrea Geier (CePoG Trier) | Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner (Gender Studies Forum UdS) | Dr. Sybille Jung (Gender Equality at the UdS) | L Crescimone (Queer AStA)
Moderation: Dr. Lisa Juliane Schneider (Head of the Women's Office of the City of Saarbrücken) and Prof. Dr. Daniela Braun (CEUS: Cluster for European Studies at UdS)
Time: 6 pm - 8 pm
Location: Saarbrücken Town Hall
Language: German
Hosts: Forum Geschlechterforschung der UdS | Gleichstellungsbüro der UdS | AK Queer der UdS | ZelL | htw saar | Frauenbüro der Stadt Saarbrücken and FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar
Further information on the lecture series:
Facets of diversity - Gender research and its significance for society
Prof. Dr. Daniela Braun and Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner
In cooperation with the Gender Studies Forum of the UdS, the Equal Opportunities Office of the UdS, the Queer Working Group of the UdS, the ZelL, the htw saar, the Women's Office of the City of Saarbrücken and the FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar
What actually is gender research? What does it deal with? And why is the consideration of gender and other diversity factors an important aspect of many scientific disciplines and why is this important for society? To what extent are other dimensions of social, ethnic, cultural and sexual differentiation processes connected? The interdisciplinary lecture series "Facets of diversity: Gender research and its significance for society" asks questions, provides answers and aims to shed light on and discuss the significance of various diversity factors in science and society. Based on the latest findings from feminist theory, gender, queer and trans studies as well as empirical gender research, selected experts from various research areas will provide an insight into recent research areas and current research approaches in the humanities, cultural studies, social sciences, law and natural sciences.
The FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar, the AK Queer of Saarland University, the LSVD Saar and Café Exodus invite you on the occasion of the International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Trans-, A*-Hostility (IDAHOBITA):
Comic-Workshop “Com(ic)unity” under the supervision of Elizabeth Pich on 11 and 12 May 2024 followed by an exhibition at Café Exodus (Vernissage on 17 May) and at the CSD SaarLorLux (1 and 2 June)
The content and dates of the comic workshop are based on the International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Trans-, A*-Hostility (IDAHOBITA). This day takes place worldwide on 17 May. The workshop offers interested parties the opportunity to use the weekend before to creatively engage with queer topics. Under the supervision of Elizabeth Pich, the group of participants will deal with LGBTIQA topics under the title “Com(ic)unity”, come up with storylines and design them in drawings.
Participation is open to anyone who wants to, with or without drawing experience. Afterwards, the results will be exhibited at Café Exodus, at CSD SaarLorLux and online on the organizers' channels.
Date & Time: 11/05/2024, 3 pm – 6 pm & 12/05/2024, 10 am – 5 pm
Location: FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar, Großherzog-Friedrich-Str. 111, 66121 Saarbrücken
Please register via info(at)frauengenderbibliothek-saar.de
Participation is free of charge.
Vernissage on Friday, 17 May, 6 pm and exhibition on 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31 May from 3 to 6 pm at Café Exodus, Johannisstraße 9, 66111 Saarbrücken and on 1 and 2 June as part of CSD SaarLorLux at the information stand in Mainzer Straße.
The workshop and the exhibition are supported by MONOM Stiftung für Veränderung: www.monom-stiftung.org
More information:
FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar: www.frauengenderbibliothek-saar.de
LSVD Saar: www.saar.lsvd.de
AK Queer der Universität des Saarlandes: www.asta.uni-saarland.de/der-asta/queer
Café Exodus: www.cafe-exodus.de
Elizabeth Pich: www.elizabethpich.com
Further information about the vernissage on 17/05/2024 and the exhibition can be found in the related date announcement (see below).
Autism Spectrum Student Exchange - KSB invites you in cooperation with the AStA Accessibility Department
Studying can bring some additional challenges for people on the autism spectrum. In particular, if they have problems socialising with others, they may not benefit from student interaction. Our programme brings together students on the autism spectrum and gives them the opportunity to clarify questions and network in a safe environment. How is the summer term going? What is still unclear? What are your wishes? People who are on the spectrum but not yet diagnosed are also welcome.
Time: 12 pm - 1 pm
Location: Building A4 4 (Campus Center), Room 2.42
Languages: German | English
Hosts: KSB | AStA Accessibility Department
On 14/05/2014, Saarland University was the first university in Germany to be awarded the title "Fair University". UdS and its partners are celebrating this 10th anniversary with a colorful festival that shows many facets of the fair way. A fair brunch, a market of fair opportunities, music and a colorful program invite everyone to join in the celebrations.
Time: 10:30 am – 3 pm
Location: Forecourt of Mensa
Languages: German | English
The Round Table is an opportunity for students with disabilities or chronic diseases to meet, network and share experiences. It is also an opportunity to get to know the team and the work of the Contact Point for Studying wit Disability and AStA Accessibility Department.
Time: 12 pm - 1:30 pm
Location: KHG, Room 6
Languages: German | English
Hosts: KSB and AStA-Referat Barrierefreiheit
It is important for young and old to make timely and independent provisions. Not only old age, but also accidents, illness and other (unforeseeable) life situations require legal precautions. Legal precautions include drawing up a power of attorney or guardianship and a living will. Alongside health and financial provision, this is an important pillar of future security.
Legal arrangements allow an authorised person to make decisions if you are unable to do so yourself. This requires the transfer of personal rights through a power of attorney or guardianship and a living will. To ensure that these are legally valid, the online seminar will outline the main legal and substantive requirements and present easy-to-use documents.
Time: 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Seminar, MS Teams
Language: German
Please register in advance. Click here for the registration form.
Last minute participants are also welcome. Please find the link to the event on the intranet.
Host: Family Office
A new edition of the "Queer Lunch Break for Employees" format invites all UdS employees who either self-identify as queer or want to show their support. This time we are meeting in person for a casual walk.
The route has been chosen so that it is also easy to manage with physical impairments. If you have any questions about the event, please contact us in advance via diversity(at)uni-saarland.de.
I am queer myself. Do I have to come out at the event? No. All participants are free to decide whether and how much they want to reveal about themselves.
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex, Trans, Ace and Abinary Hostility (IDAHOBITA on May 17)
The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex-, Trans-, Ace- and Abinaryphobia (IDAHOBITA) has been celebrated annually since 2005 on May 17 by queer people and their allies as a day of action to draw attention to discrimination against queer people. The date was chosen to commemorate 17 May 1990, when the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to de-pathologize homosexuality.
Time: 12:30 pm – ca. 1:15 pm
Meeting point: Green area between Building C7 2 and C7 4
Languages: German | English | French
Host: Diversity Office
Supported by AK Queer
The "Statement against right-wing extremism and racism" issued by the University Board on 24.01.2024 was a clear statement. Saarland University's stance is against all forms of extremism.
In order to adequately support those affected and effectively combat racism, both reactive and preventative measures and structures are required to comprehensively address the issue.
The panel discussion will discuss both the current situation and the development potential of the university, embedded in the overall context of Saarland as well as possible courses of action and solution strategies to achieve the goal of a discrimination-free campus.
Moderation: Maurice Soulié, Educational consultant (anti-racism & empowerment)
Participants: Prof. Dr. Brodowski (Vice President of Saarland University for Europe and Internationalization) | Farida Boukari (Changenetwork) | Behnaz Bleimehl (antidikriminierungsforum saar) | Matthias Thielen (Bounce Back) | Sandra Steinmetz (Immigration and Integration Office of the City of Saarbrücken) |Mario Laarmann (AG Antirassismus) | Daniel Neugebauer (AStA)
Time: from 7 pm
Location: Building E2 1, Room 0.01
Language: German
Host: AG Antirassimus
Supported by Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Unit
The "Lunch Break for Single Parents" is a networking event organised by the Family Office. The format provides an opportunity for students and staff of the University of the Saarland who are single or separated parents to meet each other and to make direct contact with the Family Office.
In a relaxed atmosphere and over lunch, tips and experiences relating to single parenthood can be shared. Short presentations by selected speakers will round off the programme. At the opening event, Dalila Wettki, Managing Director of the Saarland Regional Association, will present the Association of Single Mothers and Fathers (VAMV) and its services and advice.
Babysitters from the Family Office's online babysitter database will be available to look after the children.
All interested parties are welcome to attend and benefit from this networking opportunity.
Time: 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Building A4 4 (Campus Center), Room 2.02
Languages: German | English
For better planning of childcare, please register. Click here for the registration form.
Last-minute registrations are also welcome.
Host: Family Office
Short presentations by Dalila Wettki
Accessibility Brain Snacks - For teaching staff at ZelL
Ideally, striving for accessibility is a lifelong learning process. Impulses can already make a big difference. At the get-together of teaching staff at ZelL, KSB team members will be bringing along some brain snacks and tips for day-to-day work. This also includes the experience of how different types of visual impairment affect people in practice.
Time: 6 pm – 6:45 pm
Location: ZelL (Internal event)
Language: German
Host: KSB

"Strong words - poetry against racism"
There are many ways to take a stand against racism and fight it. Language is an effective tool in this fight. People of different languages and different strategies in dealing with racism will shape this evening.
An evening of powerful verse with people raising their voices to create a world characterized by respect and equality. Let yourself be inspired by powerful words: Together we will set an example against racism.
Time: from 7 pm
Location: City Library Saarbrücken, Gustav-Regler-Platz 1
Languages: Multilingual - Main languages: English | German | French
Accessibility: The rooms of the city library are barrier-free
Hosts: AG Antirassismus in cooperation with the Creative Writing Space of Changenetworks and the city library Saarbrücken
Supported by CDM | Bounce Back | GEW
Vernissage presenting the results of the Comic-Workshop “Com(ic)unity”.
Time: 6 pm
Location: Café Exodus, Johannisstraße 9, 66111 Saarbrücken
The results of the Comic-Workshop will be exhibited at Café Exodus on 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31 May from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and presented at the information stand in Mainzer Straße on 1 and 2 June as part of CSD SaarLorLux.
The workshop and the exhibition are supported by MONOM Stiftung für Veränderung: www.monom-stiftung.org
More information:
FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar: www.frauengenderbibliothek-saar.de
LSVD Saar: www.saar.lsvd.de
AK Queer der Universität des Saarlandes: www.asta.uni-saarland.de/der-asta/queer
Café Exodus: www.cafe-exodus.de
Elizabeth Pich: www.elizabethpich.com
Further information on the Comic-Workshop "Com(ic)unity" from 11/05 – 12/05/2024 can be found in the related date announcement (see above).
The Holiday-University-Nature-Children-Days „FUNKT" is a holiday programme offered by the Family Office for the children of employees and students. Together with a team of nature educators, primary school children from grades 1 to 4 discover the natural surroundings of the Saarbrücken campus. Under the motto "Pure excitement - adventures in nature", the children have lots of fun doing handicrafts, hammering and sawing.
You can find details of our holiday childcare here.
Time: each from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Hosts: Family Office
In cooperation with Lumbricus UmweltEdutainment
Tour of the Diversity Room
As part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion, Saarland University is also creating spaces that recognise the diversity of its students and employees: the Diversity Room. The room is multifunctional and can be used for many different aspects of diversity. The innovative concept concept also impressed external parties: Diversity Room was named "Hochschulperle October 2022" by the Stifterverband and was one of the three best submissions in the "Inclusive Workplace" category in the final of the Impact of Diversity Award 2023.
Diversity Room is open for visitors between 2.30 and 4:00 pm. Members from team CDM will be happy to answer your questions.
Time: 2:30 pm - 4 pm
Location: Diversity Room, Building E1 2, Room 0.09
Languages: German | English
Host: KSB
Presentation of the film "Weekend Rebellions" as part of Unifilm on the subject of autism, preceded by a lecture by Junior Professor Dr Anselm Crombach (Chair of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy) and presentation of the KSB.
A film about the ups and downs of a special family life. A challenge arises when Jason, who is autistic, has to move to a special school. A pact is made: Jason will try to stay in regular school if his father Mirco finds him a favourite football club. But first Jason must see all 56 first, second and third division teams play live in their home stadiums...
Based on the book "Wir Wochenendrebellen" by Mirco and Jason von Juterczenka.
Unifilm in collaboration with Psychokino
Time: from 7 Uhr
Location: Building D4 1, Audimax
Language: German
Please note: The entrance fee is 3 €
Hosts: Unifilm & Fachschaft Psychologie
Supported by KSB
The tour of the synagogue provides students and staff with an introduction to the history of the Jewish community in Saarbrücken.
The customs and traditions of the Jewish faith are explained through the structure of the synagogue, with ritual objects of Jewish religious practice also presented to further illustrate them.
In cooperation with the Synagogue Community Saar.
Time: 3 pm - 4:30 pm
Ort: Saarbrücken Synagogue, Beethovenplatz (Meeting point)
Language: The event is conducted in German. If you would like a guided tour in English, please let us know here
Registration is required for security reasons.
Please bring your ID card, passport and/or dgti Supplementary ID with ID card for security checks.There will be an entrance check before you enter the synagogue. Bags and mobile phones may not be taken into the synagogue; please reduce the amount you carry if possible. Male visitors are requested to bring a hat. Caps are also available to borrow.
Accessibility: The synagogue is accessible by ramp. Wheelchair accessible toilets are not available.
Hosts: Diversity Office in cooperation with the Jewish community Saar
Introducing the Family Office's Parent Guides
The reconciliation of family and career is a central concern at the UdS. Taking into account the special needs of employees who are caring for children or relatives in need of care is an integral part of the family-friendly university culture at UdS.
Since March 2024, UdS has had three in-house Parent Guides. The certified Parent Guides provide information, advice and support to all employees who are or will be parents. They also act as a point of contact for all executives to assist them with issues relating to the employment of (expectant) parents.
Get to know the Parent Guides, find out more about the counselling and services offered by the Family Office and get an overview of the family-friendly measures taken by the UdS. A discussion round will provide an opportunity to ask questions on the topic of reconciling family and career.
Speakers: Dr. Claudia Floren | Luisa Humm | Carmen Neis
This event is part of the "BiBo - Beschäftige informieren Beschäftigte" online series. You can find more information about the digital information event series on BiBo – Beschäftigte informieren Beschäftigte online – Homepage (sharepoint.com).
Time: 10 am - 11 am
Location: Seminar, MS Teams
The event is exclusively for employees of the UdS.
Language: German
Host: Family Office
Do blind people just see black?
What is it actually like to have a visual impairment? Do blind people just see black? And how do they dream? What should I know when I meet them on campus? Almost everyone has probably asked themselves questions like these at some point. Our former InclusionGuide Nina Becker can answer them with a presentation and exercises that will let anyone who is interested know and, if they wish, experience for themselves what a visual impairment feels like.
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
Location: Innovation Center, Building A2 1, Ground Floor
Language: German
The event is limited to 20 participants, so please register via the registration form.
Hosts: KSB with InklusionsGuide Nina Becker
The online workshop offers an introduction to diversity-sensitive language and provides practical approaches for a diverse linguistic approach. The use of pronouns that correspond to gender identity is an important step towards respecting diversity and promoting an open working environment.
Speakerx: Ravna Siever, queErziehung.blog
Time: 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Workshop, MS Teams
Language: German
Please register for this event via the registration form.
Host: Diversity Office
Supported by: AK Queer
The Walk & Talk about Depression event is aimed at students who are suffering from depression or are otherwise affected by mental illness. It is a low-threshold opportunity for mutual exchange through a shared walk followed by a short discussion session.
Time: 2:30 pm
Location: Meeting point - green area between Building C 7 2 and C 7 4
Language: German | English
Host: KSB
IFME goes Diversity - Intercultural Family Meet & Eat goes Diversity
Welcome to the Intercultural Family Meet & Eat (IFME). On German Diversity Day, we welcome all employees, guests and students as well as their families. Under this year's motto "Voice for diversity - 365 days a year", all parent-child communities such as single parents, blended families, rainbow families and traditional families are cordially invited.
Families can socialise and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere while bringing their own snacks and drinks. Toys and childcare will be provided for the children by babysitters from the Family Office's Online Babysitting Database.
In good weather, the event will take place on the central campus lawn, in bad weather in building A4 4 (Campus Center), room 2.02.
We look forward to a colourful and diverse exchange!
The IFME is a joint event of the Family Office of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management Unit, the Department of International Relations – Welcome Center and the Max Planck Institutes at Saarbrücken campus.
Time: 4 pm - 6 pm
Location: In good weather, the event will take place on the central campus lawn, in bad weather in Building A4 4 (Campus Center), Room 2.02
Languages: German | English | French
For better planning of childcare, please register in advance. Click here for the registration form.
Last-minute participants are also very welcome!
Hosts: Family Office | International Office | Max-Planck-Institute
Supported by Diversity Office
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