Internal IT and digital media training courses

The university's internal IT and digital media training courses are open to all Saarland University employees. On some courses, a certain number of places may also be available for regularly enrolled and non-enrolled students. Thanks to the broad spectrum of courses on offer, participants can develop and sharpen their digital skills for a wide range of applications in academic teaching, scientific research or administrative work. Learn how to make full use of the programs in the MS Office suite or get acquainted with the university's online services. We also offer introductory courses in Typo3, the content management system used at the university, as well as workshops that teach you how to use digital tools in the workplace or how to sharpen your multimedia design skills. The wide range of courses come in a range of formats: face-to-face learning, hybrid and virtual classes (including self-paced study through 24/7 access).   If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch!


List of courses and how to register

Choose from our large selection of courses

    • The digital workplace

      Typo3 is the content management system used at Saarland University. Our introductory and advanced level courses will teach you how to create a high-quality and informative website for your team. To help you organize your day-to-day work activities more efficiently and boost productivity, we also run courses on email management and on the basics of working with the MS Teams platform.

      more The digital workplace
    • MS Office

      The Office 365 campus licence gives members of the university access to a suite of office software that includes the popular programs Word, Excel and PowerPoint. You can synchronize your work across multiple devices and collaborate with others around the world. Our instructors will show you how you can use MS Office to work more efficiently and productively.

      more MS Office
    • FAQs

      If you have questions about pre-registration requirements, the registration procedure, course cancellations, attendance certificates, etc., you may well find the answer on our frequently asked questions page.

      more FAQs
    • Digital multimedia design

      These courses help members of the university develop their design and visual communication skills for use in higher education. You'll learn how to create effective graphics as well as engaging videos, audio content and animations. You will also gain theoretical and practical insights into how digital multimedia design can be used to enhance your academic or administrative work.

      more Digital multimedia design
    • Coding

      Coding (or programming) is fundamental to developing digital tools and is now an integral part of the academic workplace. We offer a wide range of courses from HTML fundamentals to advanced programming concepts. Participants can, for example, learn how to create and use dynamic structures such as web pages and databases.

      more Coding
    • Enthusiastic about a particular subject?

      We're always keen to hear what topics members of the university would like to learn (more) about. If you're interested in a particular subject, then let us know by joining the relevant interest network or feel free to suggest a new idea. If enough people are interested in a particular area, we'll try and arrange a course.

      more Enthusiastic about a particular subject?

Our continuing education and development partners

Saarland University's web team          Digitalization and Sustainability Unit  
Typo3 — Manual and templates         News in SharePoint
Sign up to access Typo3                       Video-Tutorials (on MS Stream)


Log in to Typo3
Header images (for use on university Typo3 pages)
Templates for Saarland University web pages (CD-compliant)

Study programmes for                                                             GradUS – Saarland University’s
non-enrolled students           
                                                  support centre for doctoral         
Registration                                                                              researchers
Special courses for non-enrolled students only                GradUS website

Core skills courses at the                                              DaTa-Pin project
Centre for Teaching and Learning                             (Digital Teaching Plug-in)

List of courses and how to register                           The 'Digital Teaching' team
Key Skills Certificate                                                     Website 


Contact: Saarland University | Teaching and Learning Centre (ZeLL) / Saarbrücken
Campus A4 2 | 66123 Saarbrücken / Monday–Thursday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. to 12 noon / Email: zell-iw[at] | Tel. +49 681 302-3533 / Access code to join the continuing education and development group ('IBWB-Club') in MS Teams: c6v2xi7