Visa regulations

You may require a visa to enter Germany, or you may be able to enter Germany without one. To find out whether you need a visa, where you can apply for one, and what the costs are, please visit the website of the German Federal Foreign Office.

You can check online whether you need a visa to enter Germany or if you can enter without a visa and apply for the residence after arrival: overview of visa requirement

If you stay in Germany for more than 90 days, please do not get a Schengen visa. This type of visa can not be extended and is valid for a maximum of 90 days. For longer stays you require a national visa.

Entering Germany to take up employment

Citizens of certain countries (so-called privileged countries) can enter Germany without a visa.
However, it is very important that you do not have a work permit in this case! This means that if you are travelling to Germany without a visa, you are not allowed to work right away. You must first make an appointment at the Foreigner's Office in Lebach and apply for a residence permit there. Only then can you be granted a work permit. You should expect longer waiting times for this appointment and the employmentmay not be started until this appointment has taken place.

We therefore also recommend that employees from privileged countries enter the country with a visa so that they can start their employment contract as soon as they arrive.

Non-EU students with a EU residence permit

Students and researchers from Non-EU countries, who are holding a residence permit of a EU member state, may under certain conditions enjoy special mobility rights within the EU on the basis of the so-called REST Directive.

Students may complete part of their studies in another EU member state without a visa for up to 360 days. Researchers can travel to Germany visa-free for a stay of up to 180 days.

If your stay could fall under the REST Directive, please contact the Welcome Center as soon as possible for further information.
Further information on how to apply for mobility under the REST Directive can be found here.

Further information