If you have been admitted to Saarland University, you must complete the enrolment process to obtain your student status.
Students who have been admitted as degree-seeking students (Bachelor, Master, Staatsexamen) can find the information about the required documents on the enrolment web pages.
You can also find a lot of useful information and video tutorials on the SIM Saarland help pages.
Students who are admitted without degree (Erasmus+-students/ Weltweit-exchange, Eastern European Partner Programmes and Freemover) can find an enrolment guide here below, to help you to fill the enrolment at Saarland University.
Enrolment guide for exchange students and Freemover
Information about the course choice for exchange students and freemovers:
Guide Course Catalogue
Further information
- SIM support pages, with tips and explanations for the enrolment process
- Website for the enrolment
- Youtube Channel of Saarland University with Video tutorials for the enrolment process