Excursions and guided tours

Once or twice a month, ZiS organises aday trip to a nearby town or city in Germany, France or Luxembourg. These trips typically include a guided tour of the location, visits to museums, galleries, concerts, or exhibitions. The excursions last a full day and take place on Saturdays. Students are accompanied by ZiS-tutors on these trips. The excursion generally costs 15€ per person.
And if you want to explore the region on your own, then you will find a leaflet about several destinations:Kurzausflüge.
Guided campus tours
There is a lot to discover onSaarbrücken campus. New students need to get to know the Study Counselling Centre, the Admissions Office, the libraries, the Mensa, the various campus cafés and much more. With so much to learn, new students don't always find it easy to orient themselves in this new situation. To help newcomers get acquainted with the campus and all the on-campus services, ZiS runs monthly guided campus tours. These tours are usually in German, but, if requested, they can be conducted in English, French, or in other languages.
Please find all events in our Calender of events