Transcript of records

Exchange students are not registered in the central examination administration because they are not seeking a degree at Saarland University. Examination results obtained at Saarland University will be credited to the studies at the home university.

A "Transcript of Records" is created for the home university as proof of the exams taken. The recognition process is the responsibility of your home university!

Information for students

How do I receive a Transcript of Records?

In order to receive a transcript of records you have to submit the grades with your grade to the International Office (mobility(at) As proof of your achievements you will receive a so-called "Schein".

What are "Scheine" / certificates

The "Scheine" are certificates that mention the course, the grade and number of ECTS.


How do I receive such a certificate?

It is the student' s responsibilityto collect all your graded certificates. Please let you lecturers know by course start that you are part of the Erasmus program and that you require a certificate at the end of the semester. After the examniation request the certificate. Some certificates are available for download or are automatically provided, for example certificates by the language center or the German courses.

Do all Erasmus students need to collect "Scheine"?

No, there are exceptions:

  • Business & Administration: the grades are centrally recorded. Additional certificates from other department (e.g. language courses) can be added by handing them to the Erasmus office along with a print out from "Vipa".
  • Law: Contact your departmental coordinatior. They will issue the transcript of records for you.
  • Medicine: Contact your departmental coordinatior. They will issue the transcript of records for you.
Layout of the "Scheine"

In some departments there are templates for the certificates. In others there are not. In that case we provide a template to download below. Please pre-fill your personal data and course details and send them to your lecturers to add the grade, stamp and signature.


Issuing the Transcript of Records

After your have requested all your "Scheine", have them send to you and forward them to the Erasmus office or ask your lecturers to directly forward them to our office (mobility(at) Both is possible. After we received all your certificates, we will issue a transcript of records.
Usually we only send a digital copy to you. If we need to send the transcript to your home university, provide the contact information. Should you need a hard copy of the transcript, let us know and provide a postal address.
You will probably not have all the Scheine by the end of your stay. It is absolutely possible to handle the transfer by email.


Informationen für Lehrende der Saar Universität

[Translate to englisch:]

Sie finden unten den Schein als Formular zum Dowload. Sie können den Schein am Computer ausfüllen und digital unterschreiben/stempeln. Bitte vermerken Sie die Anzahl der ECTS-Punkte (CP) auf dem Scheinformular. Das International Office vergibt keine ECTS-Punkte (CP), dies obliegt ausschließlich den Fachbereichen bzw. Instituten. ECTS-Punkte sind stets von Dozent/innen je nach Workload und in Anlehnung an die ECTS-Anzahl in den regulären Studiengängen zu vergeben.

Sie können den Schein gerne per Email an das International Office schicken. Das International Office erstellt ein Transcript of Records und leitet die Scheine an die jeweilige Heimatuniversität der Austauschstudierenden weiter:


Wir möchten eine zeitnahe Ausstellung eines „Transcript of Records“ für unsere Erasmus-Studierenden gewährleisten. Laut unseren bilateralen Vereinbarungen sind wir verpflichtet das Transcript of Records spätestens 5 Wochen nach Ende des Aufenthaltes auszustellen. Ziel ist es, den Prozess der Anerkennung der Studienleistungen der Austauschstudierenden im Heimatland so reibungslos wie möglich zu gestalten und eine zeitnahe Ausstellung des „Transcript of Records“ zu ermöglichen. Wir bitten Sie uns in diesem Bestreben zu unterstützen.

We provide this template for departments where a uniform certificate is not in use. We still accept equivalent certificates issued by the departments.