Registration for German language courses for university staff

Please read the notes concerning registration!

  • Step 1:
    Before you fill in the form: please first save our e-mail adress deutschkurse(at) in the contacts of your mail account.
  • Step 2:
    Please fill in the registration form carefully.
    Please note the conditions for participation in our courses for university staff.
  • If there are any difficulties in sending the form or you have made an incorrect entry in the form, please send an e-mail to deutschkurse(at) and tell us about the problem.
  • Please register only one time! No multiple registrations!

Please note

Approval of the supervisor is required:
The consent of your supervisor is required for registration and participation in the German language courses for the staff of Saarland University. Please obtain this consent yourself in advance. However, it is not necessary to forward the consent to the ISZ Saar.

Attendance times are working time:
Participation in the German language courses for the staff offered by the ISZ Saar counts as working time if it is necessary for work purposes and has been approved by your supervisor prior the registration.

No need for co-determination procedure:
For members of the administrative and technical staff as well as members of the academic staff who would like to participate in the German courses for university staff, it is not necessary to initiate the co-determination procedure through the UdS staff councils. Members of the htw saar please enquire about the conditions with their responsible staff council.

Who may participate?

All staff members of Saarland University and the htw saar as well as doctoral students in an employment relationship with the UdS may participate.
Unfortunately, participation is usually not possible for staff and doctoral students of affiliated institutes of the UdS and doctoral students at htw saar. - If there is sufficient capacity, staff from UKS Homburg, HfM and HBK saar as well as doctoral students from UKS Homburg, if they are employed by the UdS, can also be admitted.

Please fill out the registration form carefully. If you have any problems sending the form or have entered a wrong data, please write an e-mail to deutschkurse(at) and describe the problem. Please do not try to register more than once!

Anmeldung Deutschkurse für Uni-Mitarbeitende / Registration for German language courses for university staff
Es gibt häufiger Probleme bei Gmail-Adressen, sodass unsere Mails nicht ankommen. Wenn Sie Gmail verwenden, speichern Sie unsere Mailadresse "deutschkurse(at)" in Ihren Kontakten - bevor Sie das Anmeldeformular abschicken! Überprüfen Sie bitte außerdem Spam-Ordner auf Nachrichten von uns. / There are frequent problems with Gmail addresses, so that our mails do not arrive. If you use Gmail, please save our mail address "deutschkurse(at)" in your contacts - before you submit the registration form! Please also check your spam folder for messages from us.
Bitte beachten Sie, die UdS-Kennung ist nicht Ihre UdS-Kartennummer! / Please note, the UdS identifier is not your UdS card number! Info:
Teilnehmen dürfen: alle internationalen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Universität des Saarlandes (UdS) und der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (htw saar) sowie alle internationalen Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden in einem Beschäftigungsverhältnis mit der UdS. Wenn ausreichend Kapazitäten bestehen, können auch Bedienstete von UKS Homburg, HfM und HBK saar sowie Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden des UKS Homburg, wenn sie in einem Beschäftigungsverhältnis mit der UdS stehen, zugelassen werden. /
Participation is allowed for: all international employees of Saarland University (UdS) and of the University of Applied Sciences (htw saar) as well as all international doctoral students in an employment relationship with the UdS. If places are free as well staff from UKS Homburg, HfM, HBK saar as well as doctoral students from UKS can also be admitted if they are employed by the UdS.
Hinweis Kurswunsch: Anfänger dürfen sich nur für den Kurs "Anfänger (A1.1)" bewerben! / Note on course wish: Beginners may only apply for the "Beginners (A1.1)" course!

No guarantee of a place

Due to the limited number of participants, sending this registration form does not guarantee a place. We therefore kindly ask you to understand that in exceptional cases participation is no more possible.

International Study Centre Saar (ISZ Saar)

Preparatory and in-sessional courses for international students

How to contact us

Please contact our department of In-sessional courses by e-mail if you have questions

Do you have questions about other courses offered at the ISZ Saar? Then you will find the right contact person for your request here.

If you have any questions regarding your application to the UdS or enrolment in study-preparatory DSH and VSI courses, please only contact the team of the Admissions Office (e-mail: studium(at)

Postal address

Internationales Studienzentrum Saar (ISZ Saar)
der Universität des Saarlandes
Abteilung studienbegleitende Kurse
Campus, Gebäude A3 2, Raum 4
D-66123 Saarbrücken