Summer semester 2025

In-sessional German language courses running during the summer and winter semester

Our Department of in-sessional German courses at the ISZ Saar offers German language courses running during the semester ('in-sessional' courses) that teach general as well as specific language skills at proficiency levels that range from beginner to advanced user, equivalent to the Common European Framework reference levels A0 to C1 (CEFR). The courses are designed for students involved in academic exchange programmes (Erasmus+, other exchange programmes), international students from all faculties, doctoral students from UdS and UKS Homburg as well as guest researchers and their family members. Classes are held once or twice a week for two or three semester hours (SWS), depending on the courses in the programme. Participants who successfully complete a course can earn ECTS credits or a course certificate (Schein) that meets the requirements for an elective module in their chosen area of study.

It is not possible to apply for a specific language level (except for beginner courses). The levels of the courses held always depend on the level of knowledge of the respective course participants. Placement in the groups is made according to the results of our placement test.

Course scope

Varies depending on the course, see course programme during the semester.
1 unit = 45 min. class session

Credit Points

Depending on the course(s), students can acquire 3 to 6 credit points (6 ECTS) for each course in case of regular participation and after successfully taking the final exam.

Course fees

All courses are free of charge for UdS students (incl. students in exchange programmes, e.g. ERASMUS), doctoral students and postdocs of the UdS.
All other participants must pay per course:

  • Beginner's course: 180 Euro / semester
  • General language Course: 120 Euro / semester
  • Special skills course: 60 Euro / Semester

Participants who have to pay course fees will receive a corresponding invoice after the first weeks of classes with the account information and indication of the payment deadline.

Procedure - please note!

Please complete the registration form with the utmost care and follow all the instructions we give you! When you apply, you can state a preference for a particular course. We will make every effort to try and get you a place on your preferred course. In all other courses that you select, we can only offer you a place if places are still available.
After you have registered, we will check your enrolment and ask you questions if necessary.
Beginners do not have to take a placement test. All others must take a compulsory placement test. Please also note the information on the placement test and for beginners, which you will receive on the confirmation page and in the confirmation email after submitting the registration form. 
Only register once and write to us if you have made a mistake. Multiple registrations will be ignored.
You will be informed of your course admission by e-mail. If you miss the first session of the course without any excuse, you will automatically lose your place! Please send your apologies to deutschkurse(at)

There is no guarantee of a place when you register or write the placement test.

Unsubscribe from course

If you are no longer able to participate in your course(s), please let us know by e-mail: deutschkurse(at)

Summer semester 2025

Duration of courses

Tuesday, 22 April 2025 - Friday, 18 July 2025

Class times

The semester courses take place in the afternoon or evening (usually between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m.). You will only receive the exact times with your admission document. We do not provide any information beforehand.

Classes start in the week from Tuesday, 22 April 2025 to Friday, 25 April 2025.

Registration period

Thursday, 06 March 2025, 12 p.m./noon - Thursday, 03 April 2025, 12 p.m./noon (only online!).

Registration is only possible within the specified registration period via the online registration form on our website. Registrations by e-mail will not be accepted.

Language proficiency test obligatory

Concerns all applicants, but not real beginners!
A placement test must be passed online before admission to the courses. You will receive the link to the placement test after registration.
Take the test in the time period: Monday, 10 March 2025, 10 a.m. - Monday, 07 April 2025, 10 a.m.
The placement test must be taken online and must be completed by Monday, 07 April 2025, 10 a.m. (deadline) at the latest. Start in time!

International Study Centre Saar (ISZ Saar)

Preparatory and in-sessional courses for international students

How to contact us

Please contact our department of In-sessional courses by e-mail if you have questions

Do you have questions about other courses offered at the ISZ Saar? Then you will find the right contact person for your request here.

If you have any questions regarding your application to the UdS or enrolment in study-preparatory DSH and VSI courses, please only contact the team of the Admissions Office (e-mail: studium(at)

Postal address

Internationales Studienzentrum Saar (ISZ Saar)
der Universität des Saarlandes
Abteilung studienbegleitende Kurse
Campus, Gebäude A3 2, Raum 4
D-66123 Saarbrücken