News from the Department of in-sessional German courses
Which German courses can I currently register for, e.g. as a student or staff member?
In-sessional German language courses: All dates for 2025 are fixed!
Find out more about all new dates for our German semester courses and short intensive courses.
I am looking for a job in the field of German as a foreign language (DaF)!
Lehrbeauftragte für studienbegleitende Deutschkurse gesucht!
Sie könnten sich vorstellen, unsere Abteilung für studienbegleitende Kurse am ISZ Saar als Lehrkraft auf Honorarbasis bei den Sprachkursen Deutsch zu unterstützen? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Zur Stellenausschreibung
International Study Centre Saar (ISZ Saar)
Preparatory and in-sessional courses for international students
How to contact us
Please contact our department of In-sessional courses by e-mail if you have questions
- about German language and special skills courses during the semester (In-sessional courses during the semester, Short Intensive courses, German courses for doctoral students and university staff): deutschkurse(at)
- about tandem language programme: sprachtandem(at)
Do you have questions about other courses offered at the ISZ Saar? Then you will find the right contact person for your request here.
If you have any questions regarding your application to the UdS or enrolment in study-preparatory DSH and VSI courses, please only contact the team of the Admissions Office (e-mail: studium(at)