Registration Language Tandem

Neue Anmeldungen wieder möglich ab 01. Oktober 2024!

Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für unser Tandemprogamm interessieren. Bitte beachten Sie, dass zwischen dem 17. Juli 2024, 10 Uhr und dem 01. Oktober 2024, 10 Uhr keine Anmeldungen möglich sein werden. Das Registrierungsformular erscheint am 01. Oktober, 10 Uhr wieder auf dieser Seite.

We are pleased that you are interested in the language programme "Tandem Learning". Before registering, please note the information below.

    • To participate

      you must have at least CEFR level A2 in the target language.

    • Please fill out the registration form carefully.

      Should you have any queries, problems sending the form or if you have entered a wrong data, please write an e-mail to

International Study Centre Saar (ISZ Saar)

Preparatory and in-sessional courses for international students

How to contact us

Please contact our department of In-sessional courses by e-mail if you have questions

Do you have questions about other courses offered at the ISZ Saar? Then you will find the right contact person for your request here.

If you have any questions regarding your application to the UdS or enrolment in study-preparatory DSH and VSI courses, please only contact the team of the Admissions Office (e-mail: studium(at)

Postal address

Internationales Studienzentrum Saar (ISZ Saar)
der Universität des Saarlandes
Abteilung studienbegleitende Kurse
Campus, Gebäude A3 2, Raum 4
D-66123 Saarbrücken