Learning Agreement & Course Catalog
Learning Agreement
Online Learning Agreement (OLA): According to the EWP (Erasmus Without Papers) guidelines, Saarland University accepts the OLA. Please note that you need to fill in the correct contact/responsible person. Please find a list of the departmental coordinators here. If you are not sure who the right contact person is, please contact the Erasmus office.
Learning Agreement: We also accept the learning Agreement as PDF in some cases, for example if your home university does not yet have implemented the OLA.
Course choice
Please find the information about the course choice in our Guide. Please read the information carefully.
It is possible that you have to create the Learning Agreement before the course catalogue for your semester of stay is available. Please then use the courses of the last year as reference.
If your stay is in winter term 2025/26, please see the course liste of winter term 2024/25 etc.
ECTS points
Your departmental coordinator can give you information about the amount of ECTS points per course.
ECTS for research: It is possible, that you do not take courses during your stay but you can do research for your final thesis (BA, MA, PhD). In that case your home university is in charge of grading and awarding ECTS points.
Saarland University cannot award ECTS points in that case. This will reflect in the Transcript of Records. Please also fill in your OLA accordingly.