Dr. Philipp Reinhold

Dr. Philipp Reinhold is Lecturer and Senior Research Assistant (Akademischer Rat a.Z.) at Saarland University. His research focuses on German and European administrative law, public economic law (in particular German and EU trade law), EU external relations law and international economic law (in particular WTO law and international raw materials law).
Philipp Reinhold studied law at the University of Bonn and at the University of Lausanne. He then worked inter alia as a legal analyst at the Monopolies Commission, where he was a key contributor to the chapter on the challenges posed by Chinese state capitalism as part of the XXIII Biennial Report (“Competition 2020”). In 2022, he completed his doctorate at Saarland University with a thesis on "Raw Materials Trade and Export Taxes". Since November 2023, Philipp Reinhold works at the Chair as a Lecturer and Senior Research Assistant (Akademischer Rat a.Z.). His habilitation project deals with administrative enforcement in the European multi-level system. Since September 2024, he is general editor of the ZEuS.
Presentations (selection):
- Unionswerte im Recht der EU-Außenbeziehungen [Union values in the law of EU external relations], presentation at the annual colloquium of the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration e.V., 5 December 2024, Darmstadt.
- Panel participation on the topic of „Law of Treaties“ as part of the 7th Leuven-Salamanca Seminar on “EU External Relations Law: Recent Developments”, 4 July 2024 at KU Leuven.
- De-risking, Workshop at the FS Alumni Homecoming of Frankfurt of Finance & Management, 29 June 2024, Frankfurt.
- Practical Implementation of Outbound Investment Screening in the EU, panel participation at the workshop on “Foreign Direct Investment”, organized by Latham Watkins/Saarland University, 8 February 2024, Frankfurt.
- Development of Investment Screening in Germany, presentation at the conference on „(Open) Strategic Autonomy“ organized by Bern University/Prager Dreyfuss/Saarland University, 7 September 2023, Bern.
- Rohstoffhandel und Exportabgaben [raw materials trade and export taxes], presentation at the Working Group on Raw Materials Law of the German branch of the International Law Association, 7 July 2023, Frankfurt.
The complete list of presentations can be found here.
Publications (selection):
- Strategic Autonomy and Trade Defence: The Case of Cross-Country Subsidies, Journal of World Trade 58, no. 6 (2024), 919–940.
- Die Neue Geopolitische Dimension der Wettbewerbs- und Handelspolitik der EU [The new geopolitical dimension of Eu competition and trade law], XXX. International Federation of European Law (FIDE) Congress, Europarecht Beiheft (EuR-Beiheft), (2) 2024, 57–140 (together with Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, LL.M. and Stefan Schelhaas, LL.M.).
- Rohstoffhandel und Exportabgaben - Zum Umgang mit Exportabgaben auf Rohstoffe innerhalb des welthandelsrechtlichen Mehrebenensystems am Beispiel der Europäischen Union [Trade in raw materials and export taxes - On the handling of export taxes on raw materials within the multi-level system of world trade law using the example of the European Union], Dissertation (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2023), 335 pages.
- Investitionskontrollrecht [Investment Control Law] (together with Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, LL.M.) (Beck Verlag, 2023), 304 pages.
- Difficult Times in Investment Relations Between China and Germany: The Cases of Siltronic/GlobalWafers and COSCO/HHLA, in: Bungenberg, Marc/Chi, Manjiao/Bjorklung, Andrea K., Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law, Springer 2023, 3–21 together with Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, LL.M.).
- Reform des Investitionskontrollrechts – Stärkung von Effektivität, Effizienz und Rechtsstaatlichkeit [Reform of investment control law - strengthening effectiveness, efficiency and the rule of law], Zeitschrift für das Recht der Außenwirtschaft, Sanktionen und Auslandsinvestitionen (ZASA) (6) 2023, 314–320 (together with Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, LL.M.).
- Sanktionsdurchsetzung im Mehrebenensystem am Beispiel der EU-Russlandsanktionen – Teil 1 und Teil 2 [Enforcement of sanctions in the multi-level system using the example of EU-Russia sanctions - Part 1 and Part 2], Zeitschrift für das Recht der Außenwirtschaft, Sanktionen und Auslandsinvestitionen (ZASA) (1) 2023, 15–20 and (2) 2023, 77–82 (together with Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, LL.M.).
- Kommentierung der Anti-Folter-Verordnung [Commentary on the Anti-Torture Regulation], in: Krenzler/Herrmann/Niestedt (eds.), EU-Außenwirtschafts- und Zollrecht, Beck Verlag, 20. Ergänzungslieferung, September 2022, 135 pages (together with Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, LL.M.).
- European Trade Policy and the Regulation of Subsidies: What can we expect from the EU-Australia FTA?, in: Bungenberg, Marc/Mitchell, Andrew (eds.), The Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement, Springer 2022, 203–219.
- Zum Begriff des level playing field im Wettbewerbs- und Außenwirtschaftsrecht der Europäischen Union [The concept of a level playing field in European Union competition and foreign trade law], in: Heger, Alexander/Gourdet, Sascha (eds.), Fairen Wettbewerb in der Europäischen Union sichern, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2022, 145–174 (together with Dr. Max Erdmann, M.A.).
- Kommentierung von Art. 2 AD-GVO 2016 [Commentary on Article 2 Basic Anti-Dumping Regulation], in: Krenzler/Herrmann/Niestedt (Hrsg.), EU-Außenwirtschafts- und Zollrecht, Beck Verlag, 17. Edition, April 2021, 122 pages (together with Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, LL.M.).
- Significant Distortions Under Article 2(6a) BADR: Three Years of Commission Practice, Global Trade and Customs Journal (GTCJ) (5) 2021, 193–202 (together with Dr. Pieter Van Vaerenbergh, LL.M.).
- State capitalism and level playing field, European State Aid Law Quarterly (4) 2020, 403–417 (together with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kühling, LL.M. und Prof. Dr. Thomas Weck, LL.M.).
Complete list of publications can be found here.
Teaching Activities (selection):
- Enforcement of EU law, guest lecture at the University of Berne, 5 November 2024.
- Tutorial Internal Market Law (Winter semester 2024/2025)
- Neues Außenwirtschaftsrecht [New EU Trade Law] (Summer semester 2024)
- Tutorium Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht [International Economic Law] (Summer semester 2024)
- Examensklausurenkurs [exam preparation course] (Summer semester 2024)
- Dispute Settlement under EU-Free Trade Agreements, presentation at the Europa-Institut/Tashkent State University Spring School 2024: "Dispute Settlement & the Rule of Law", 18 April 2024, Saarbrücken.
The Complete list of teaching activities can be found here.