Conference: New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy
Conference on EU Investment Policy on 19 and 20 September 2022
On 19 and 20 September 2022, a conference with the title "New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy: Internal and External Dimensions" took place in the Juridicum of the University of Vienna. The conference was organised by Prof. Dr Marc Bungenberg LL.M., Director of the Europa-Institut at Saarland University, and Prof. Dr August Reinisch LL.M. from the University of Vienna.
Similar conferences on EU investment policy issues had already taken place in 2016 and 2019. To the joy of the organisers and attendees, this year's event could take place in person, which allowed for a direct exchange of views and suggestions from all participants. The main focus was on the current issues of EU Investment Policy, which were analysed and discussed in 4 panels by a total of 17 experts, ranging from the fields of academia to the judiciary as well as practitioners.
A keynote speech by Christoph Schreuer opened the conference. Afterwards, numerous renowned speakers and panel chairs, including Ursula Kriebaum, Michael Hahn, August Reinisch, Nikos Lavranos, Anne Thies, Marc Bungenberg, Lukas Stifter, Federico Ortino, Michael Waibel, Christian Tietje, Christina Binder, Christoph Herrmann, Bettina Knötzl, Nicolaj Kuplewatzky, Patricia Nacimiento and Catherine Kessedjian discussed new developments in EU investment policy. The topics of the presentations were Multilateral Investment Protection, EU-external as well as EU-internal Investment Policy, both from substantive and procedural points of view.
Even though not all participants were always in agreement, there was a broad consensus on the assumption that reforms in Investment Protection Law – in whatever specific form – should primarily pursue the goal of ensuring more transparency and legal certainty in order to render the EU attractive as an investment location in the long term.
Special thanks go to the Jean-Monnet-Chair of Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration e.V., the Hermann and Dr. Charlotte Deutsch Foundation and the ASKO Europa Foundation, which made the success of the conference possible through their financial support.