
End of the „EIus – Europa Junior Workshop 2024/25"

On February 11, the "Winter Session" of the „EIus – Europa Junior Workshop 2024/25" successfully concluded with an excursion to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. On-site, the students had a great opportunity to engage with a Member of the European Parliament and ask their questions. Mr. Repasi took a lot of time for this exchange.

We sincerely thank him, all participants, and the Villa Lessing – Liberal Foundation Saar for their support and are already looking forward to our upcoming "Summer Session."

Further information about the Junior Workshop 2024/25 can be found here.


Jean Monnet Chair for "Sustainable and Secure EU Raw Materials Law and Policy"

With Jean Monnet Chairs, the European Commission recognizes outstanding quality in teaching and research on Europe. For the second time, this prestigious award has been granted to the chair of Prof. Marc Bungenberg. The Co-Director of the Europa-Institut has been awarded the Jean Monnet Chair for Sustainable and Secure Raw Materials Law and Policy. The award comes with a grant of €60,000.

The goal of the chair is to develop ideas and concepts addressing the urgent questions of sustainable raw material supply and to impart knowledge in European and international raw materials law.

To achieve this, various initiatives such as school days, workshops, seminars, a Raw Materials Lab, and many other activities are planned.

For more details on the Jean Monnet Chair, please refer to the press release of Saarland University from January 13, 2025.

Seminar in the Winter Semester 2024 in Lausanne

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, our "Winter Seminar" took place on December 9 and 10, 2024, at the "Institut Suisse de droit comparé (ISDC)" of the Université de Lausanne. The lectures addressed current challenges in European and International Economic Law, focusing on raw materials law and sports law.

You can find more information about the seminar here.

Successful Participation of our team at the 2024 FDI Moot Court in Berlin

From 1 to 4 November 2024, the Global Rounds of the so-called Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Moot Court took place in Berlin, Germany. The FDI Moot Court is a prestigious international competition that brings together top law students from around the world to tackle complex issues in investment arbitration. It provides students with a unique opportunity to enhance their knowledge in international investment law and develop advocacy skills.

The team of Saarland University/Europa-Institut was once again very successful in the competition and we are proud to say that it was ranked 12th best team from the combined oral and written pleadings globally, competing against 68 teams in oral rounds and 175 teams overall in national, regional and globals. Further Information can be found here.

Seminar im Wintersemester 2024/2025

Im Wintersemester 2024/2025 bietet Prof. Dr. Bungenberg ein Seminar mit dem Titel „Aktuelle Herausforderungen des Europäischen und Internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts“ an.
Das Seminar findet als Blockveranstaltung am 9. und 10. Dezember 2024 an der Universität Lausanne (Schweiz) statt.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier

EKK - Besprechung und Rückgabe der Klausur vom 13.07.2024

Liebe Studierende in der Examensvorbereitung,

die Besprechung der Klausur im Öffentlichen Recht von Prof. Bungenberg (Examensklausurenkurs vom 13.07.2024) wird am Dienstag, den 13.08.2024 ab 15.00 Uhr im Gebäude B4.1, Raum 0.05 stattfinden. Sowohl analog als auch digital eingereichte Klausuren können mitsamt Anmerkungen und Bewertungsbogen im Rahmen der Besprechung vor Ort entgegengenommen werden.

Examensklausurenkurs am 13.07.2024

Liebe Studierende,

am Samstag, den 13.07.2024 bietet Herr Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg im Rahmen des EKK eine Klausur im Öffentlichen Recht an. Die Klausur wird in hybrider Form angeboten und kann zwischen 9 Uhr und 14 Uhr vor Ort in Geb. B4.1, HS 0.18 geschrieben werden. Die Bearbeitungszeit beträgt dementsprechend wie immer 5 Stunden. Die digitale Abgabe über Moodle ist bis 14:30 Uhr möglich.

Es wird sowohl die Möglichkeit einer handschriftlichen als auch einer elektronischen Anfertigung der Klausuren gegeben. Wir ermutigen Sie dazu, auch die elektronische Anfertigung der Klausur möglichst unter Examensbedingungen zu erproben und mit einem mitgebrachten Laptop vor Ort durchzuführen. 

Die Klausurbesprechung und -rückgabe wird in KW32 oder KW33 stattfinden. Ein genauer Termin wird zeitnah hier sowie im LSF bekanntgegeben.

Erfolgreicher Abschluss der „Sommerrunde" des EIus-Europa-Juniorworkshops

Im Rahmen des EIus – Europa-Juniorworkshops fand am Dienstag eine Exkursion zur Europäischen Zentralbank in Frankfurt am Main statt. Durch diese wurde die „Sommerrunde" des Workshops erfolgreich abgeschlossen, nachdem in den vergangenen Wochen bereis weitere spannende Veranstaltungen des Jean-Monnet-Lehrstuhls von Herrn Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg in Kooperation mit dem Gymnasium am Rotenbühl durchgeführt wurden. Weitere Informationen und Eindrücke finden Sie hier. 


Konferenz zu "Economic Security and Market Regulation"

Am 6. und 7. Juni fand eine von Herrn Dr. Reinhold und Herrn Prof. Dr. Thomas Weck (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) gemeinsam organisierte Konferenz zu den Auswirkungen des aktuell viel diskutierten Konzepts der Wirtschaftssicherheit in Frankfurt am Main statt.

Auf vier Panels wurden Fragen zu den politischen wie ökonomischen Grundlinien des Konzepts, der damit verbundenen notwendigen Förderung von Resilienz und Versorgungssicherheit sowie der notwendige Schutz vor geopolitischen Risikien wie auch die Kooperation mit dem immer wichtiger werdenden Partnerland Japan diskutiert.

Am ersten Konferenztag begrüßten zunächst Prof. Bungenberg für das Europa-Institut und Prof. Dr. Roland Koch für die Frankfurt School die Teilnehmer bevor anschließend Jörg Wuttke (ehem. Präsident der EU Chamber of Commerce in China) den Rahmen für die notwendige europäischen Diskussion um strategische Autonomie und Wirtschaftssicherheit vor dem Hintergrund der systemischen Rivalität zu China setzte.

Auf dem ersten von Herrn Dr. Patrick Bernau (FAZ) moderierten Panel diskutierten daraufhin Prof. Achim Wambach (ZEW Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschafts-forschung), Koen Holdtgrefe (Deutsche Bank) und Dr. Alexander Börsch (Deloitte) die sich durch geopolitische Spannungen und handelspolitischen Beschränkungen zunehmend verändernde Risikoanalyse der Unternehmen und Staaten.

In einem Impulsvortrag brachte Andrew Zvirzdin (U.S. Generalkonsulat Frankfurt) die U.S.-Sicht auf bestehende Risiken und notwendige Instrumente der nationalen Sicherheit in die Diskussion ein, betonte dabei jedoch zugleich auch die Bedeutung der Kooperation mit der EU.

Das zweite von Prof. Dr. Juliane Hilf (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) moderierte Panel befasste sich daran anknüpfend mit Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer staatlichen Förderung. Dr. Andreas Nicolin (BMWK), Jürgen Matthes (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft) und Dr. Christina Gommlich (European Round Table for Industry; BASF) nahmen dabei insbesondere Deutschland, aber auch die Europäische Union und ihren Binnenmarkt in den Blick.

Der zweite Konferenztag startete mit einem in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Vereinigung für internationales Recht organisierten und von Prof. Bungenberg moderierten Panel zu europäischen Ansätzen des "de-risking" und den damit verbundenen Anpassungen des handelspolitischen Instrumentariums. Hierbei diskutierten Dr. Stephanie Leupold (Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Handel), Prof. Dr. Quentin Michel (Universität Lüttich) und Dr. Matthias Blum (VCI) über Notwendigkeiten, aber auch Grenzen einer stärkeren Berücksichtigung von geostrategischen Erwägungen in der EU-Handelspolitik.

Auf dem vierten von Prof. Dr. Michael Hahn (Universität Bern) moderierten Panel beleuchten schließlich Prof. Dr. Kazuto Suzuki (Universität Tokio), Marco Chirullo (Europäische Kommission), Nikolaus Boltze (Präsident des EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation) und Dr. Martin Schulz (Fujitsu) das Verhältnis zwischen der EU und Japan und stellten Überlegungen zu den Möglichkeiten einer engeren Kooperation im Bereich Wirtschaftssicherheit an.



Schultag 2024

Am 8.5.2024 durften wir im Rahmen des Jean-Monnet-Schultags wieder viele Schülerinnen und Schüler am Europa-Institut begrüßen. Auf Einladung des Jean-Monnet-Lehrstuhls für Internationale Streitschlichtung und Rechtsstaatlichkeit von Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Europäischen Dokumentationszentrum Saarland sowie dem Europa-Institut wurden 4 Workshops zum Thema „Deutschland und die EU: Einblicke in das Europarecht“ angeboten. Weitere Informationen und Eindrücke finden Sie hier.


Unterstützung beim Europatag des Gymnasiums am Rotenbühl

Das Europa-Institut hat gemeinsam mit der Villa Lessing – Liberale Stiftung Saar ein seit dem Jahr 2022 bestehendes Kooperationsprojekt mit dem Gymnasium am Rotenbühl, das selbst seit Januar 2022 als erste Schule das Qualitätssiegel „Europaschule des Saarlandes“ trägt. Am 15.5.2024 veranstaltete das Rotenbühl Gymnasium seinen eigenen „Europatag“, bei dem verschiedenste aktuelle europäische Themen mit Schülerinnen und Schülern aller Klassenstufen bearbeitet wurden. Auch das Europa-Institut war als Kooperationspartner vor Ort und unterstütze diesen Tag mit einem eigenen Beitrag. Gemeinsam mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Europawissenschaften wurden Schülerinnen und Schülern der Klassenstufen 10-12 verschiedene Studien- und Berufsmöglichkeiten im Zusammenhang mit Europa vorgestellt, um ihnen eine erste Orientierung zu geben und Perspektiven aufzuzeigen. Wir bedanken uns bei der Schule für die hervorragende Planung und Durchführung dieses gelungenen Tages sowie Elisabeth Marx und Michael Eberle von den Europawissenschaften für die gute Kooperation und thematische Abstimmung. 


Jean-Monnet-Paper 2024/01

Das neuste Jean-Monnet-Paper (01/2024) von Dr. Philipp Reinhold zum Thema "Strategische Autonomie und Handelsschutz - Länderübergreifende Subventionen vor den EU-Gerichten" ist ab sofort hier abrufbar.

Seminar im Sommersemester 2024 auf Frauenchiemsee

Auch in diesem Jahr veranstaltete der Lehrstuhl von Professor Dr. Marc Bungenberg das Seminar im Sommersemester traditionell im Kloster Abtei Frauenwörth auf der Fraueninsel im Chiemsee. Als Teil der Veranstaltungen des Jean-Monnet-Lehrstuhls lag der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt des Seminars auf Fragen der Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Bereichen des internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts, des Europarechts sowie des Rechts der alternativen Streitbeilegung. Bei bestem frühsommerlichem Wetter hatten die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer neben dem anregenden akademischen Austausch auch die Möglichkeit, die malerische Umgebung des Chiemsees zu genießen. Mehr Informationen und Eindrücken finden Sie hier


Spring School 2024

From 14 to 21 April, the chair of Prof. Bungenberg organised a Spring School on the topic "Dispute Settlement & the Rule of Law" for students from our partner university, Taschkent State University of Law. Prof. Bungenberg and other chair members held a series of lectures, presenting different international dispute settlement mechanisms and their compliance with rule of law standards. The students also had the opportunity to visit Straßbourg, where they gained insights into the functioning of the European Court of Human Rights and where they met with judge Ivana Jelic for a Q&A session. Moreover, the students visited the law firm Herbert Smith Freehilds LLP in Frankfurt. Here, they gained practical insights into international investment arbitration from the Europa-Institut alumni Dr. Adilbek Tussupov and Dr. Andrés E. Alvarado-Garzón.

Overall, the Spring School was a huge success and we are looking forward to welcoming our partners from Taschkent State University of Law soon back at the Europa-Institut. The Spring School received financial support from the DAAD and the German Federal Foreign Office. 


European Summer Course 2024

TacklingCurrentWorldCha(lle)nges - Sonderpreis für Studierende der UdS, Stipendien verfügbar

Der ESC 2024, organisiert vom Europa-Institut der Universität des Saarlandes in Kooperation mit der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen, der ASKO Europa-Stiftung und der Europäischen Hochschulallianz Transform4Europe, findet vom 29. Juli bis 7. August 2024 an der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen statt. #TacklingCurrentWorldCha(lle)nges beschäftigt sich mit einem breiten Spektrum politischer, rechtlicher und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen der Europäischen Union und beinhaltet auch Exkursionen nach Straßburg, Luxemburg, Trier und Saarbrücken.

Bewerbungsfrist ist der 15. April 2024.

Für Studierende der Universität des Saarlandes sowie der Universitäten der Transform4 Europe Hochschulallianz gibt es die Möglichkeit, sich auf ein Stipendium zu bewerben. Auch der Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg vergibt in diesem Jahr wieder ein sogenanntes Jean-Monnet-Stipendium, auf das man sich bewerben kann. Die Stipendien beinhalten jeweils den Aufenthalt und die Kursgebühr, An- und Abreise müssen selbst übernommen werden.

Studierende der Universität des Saarlandes können außerdem zu einem Sonderpreis von nur 300 Euro anstatt von 990 Euro an dem Programm teilnehmen. Alle weiteren Informationen finden sich auf, Fragen gerne jederzeit an!

Foreign Direct Investment Seminar

Am Donnerstag, den 8.2.2024, fand in Frankfurt ein „Foreign Direct Investment Seminar“ statt. Das Seminar wurde von der Kanzlei Latham & Watkins in Kooperation mit dem Europa-Institut und dem Jean Monnet Chair  von Prof. Marc Bungenberg für Internationale Streitbeilegung und Rechtsstaatlichkeit durchgeführt und brachte Praktiker und Praktikerinnen aus verschiedensten Bereichen sowie Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen zusammen. Thematisiert wurden neben den aktuellen Entwicklungen im Bereich des „Inbound Investment Screenings“ in Frankreich, Italien und der Schweiz insbesondere auch die aktuellen Entwicklungen der deutschen Investitionskontrolle. Außerdem wurde über die chinesische Perspektive auf die europäische Industriepolitik berichtet. Nach der Mittagspause wurden dann noch die Themenblöcke eines potenziellen „Outbound Investment Screenings“ sowie die jüngst in Kraft getretene „Foreign Subsidies Regulation“ diskutiert. Wir danken allen für die guten Vorträge, die kritischen Anmerkungen und lebhaften Diskussionen!


Seminar in the Summer Semester

Dear LL.M. students, 

in the summer semester, Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg will offer a seminar entitled "International Economic Law and the Rule of Law" on Fraueninsel at lake Chiemsee in Bavaria, Germany. All relevant information (including the list of available topics) can be found here. Impressions of last years' seminar on Frauenchiemsee can be found here

We are looking forward to another great seminar in the south of Germany. 
Your Chair Team

New Book Release

A new EYIEL Special Issue titled “New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy. External and Internal Dimensions”, edited by Marc Bungenberg and August Reinisch, has been published by Springer. This EYIEL Special Issue constitutes a collective volume that contains 10 contributions analysing the newest developments in EU investment policy in its internal and external dimension. Taken together, these 10 contributions show that the EU follows a multi-layered approach towards investment protection, which might be controversial or even contradictory at times. It also demonstrates how the EU is able to shape international investment law, inter alia, by burying intra-EU investment arbitration, by imposing new standards for Member States’ BITs and by guiding the multilateral reform efforts. Besides the two editors, numerous authors, such as Christoph Schreuer, Christoph Herrmann, Tim Ellemann, Christina Binder, Philipp Janig, Patricia Nacimiento, Catherine Kessedjian, Nikos Lavranos, Bianca Böhme, Lars Ruf, Nicolaj Kuplewatzky, Yuriy Pochtovyk and Lukas Stifter have contributed to this book, which is now available via the following link: 


Jean Monnet Paper 08/2023

The latest Jean Monnet Paper entitled "Res Judicata and International Investment Arbitration" by Catriona Laidlaw is now available here.


EIus-Juniorworkshops 2023/24

The EIus Junior Workshop, a cooperation with the Gymnasium am Rotenbühl, is entering the next round. In the winter semester 2023/24, numerous pupils from the ninth grade upwards visited us again to take part in workshops on European law. The topics this semester were "Protection of fundamental rights in the EU", "Fundamental freedoms" and a "European simulation game". In January, the students will be travelling to the European Parliament in Strasbourg together with Villa Lessing to experience Europe up close. Further information and impressions of the EIus Junior Workshop can be found here.



INVESTinADR: Stakeholder Conference in Skopje

On 12 December, the chair of Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg organised together with our partner university Ss. Cyril and Methodius University a joint conference within the research project INVESTinADR at the Sekretariat for European Affairs in Skopje, North Macedonia. The aim of the conference was to discuss policy recommendations in the field of arbitration and mediation for the Republic of North Macedonia. Numerous stakeholders, including politicians, researchers, judges, arbitrators, mediatios and lawyers, attended the conference and gave valuable feedback on the results obtained by the project team.


More information can be found here


Bungenberg/Reinhold - Investitionskontrollrecht

The book "Investment Control Law" by Prof Dr Marc Bungenberg and Dr Philipp Reinhold is now available. It contains a comprehensive presentation of the German investment control system, including its European influences and requirements, which can be used to regulate foreign investments in Germany. 

Further information can be found here.


Seminar in winter term 2023/24

In the winter semester 2022/2023, Prof Dr Bungenberg is offering a seminar entitled "The foreign economic relations of Germany and the European Union under the sign of 'open strategic autonomy'".
The seminar will take place as a block event from 22 to 24 January 2024 at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland).

Further information can be found here.

Conference: Open Strategic Autonomy - Foundations and Tools

On 7 and 8 September 2023, Prof. Bungenberg, together with Prof. Michael Hahn from the University of Bern and Prof. Philipp Zurkinden from the law firm Prager Dreifuss, organised a conference on "(Open) Strategic Autonomy - Foundations and Tools" at the World Trade Institute in Bern. More information on the event can be found here.


Jean Monnet Paper 07/2023

The latest Jean Monnet Paper entitled "Enforcement of ISDS Decisions" by Andrés E. Alvarado Garzón and Carla Müller is now available here!



EKK - Discussion and return of the written exam of 15.07.2023

Dear students in exam preparation,

the discussion and return of the exam in Public Law by Prof. Bungenberg (exam course of 15.07.2023) will take place on Wednesday, 23.08.2023 from 15:00 in building B4.1, room 0.24. Participants who will start with the state exam next week can already pick up their exam including evaluation this Thursday, 17.08.2023, between 13:00 and 13:30 at the chair of Prof. Bungenberg (Campus B2.1, room 1.23).

PhD seminar

On 11 and 12 July, a PhD seminar in international economic law organised by the Jean Monnet Chair took place in Saarbrücken. More information on the seminar and generally on the activities of Prof. Bungenberg's Jean Monnet Chair can be found here.



Excursion to Luxembourg

On 10 July 2023, the Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Bungenberg organised together with Villa Lessing an excursion to the Court of Justice of the European Union. The pupils from the Gymnasium am Rotenbühl were able to learn a lot about the work and functioning of the Court of Justice and were thus able to further develop their knowledge of European law as part of the "Elus-Europa Junior Workshop". More impressions of the excursion and the "Elus-Europa-Juniorworkshop" can be found here.




Expert Round Table in Skopje

On 26 and 27 June 2023, Prof. Bungenberg travelled together with 3 chair members to Skopje to participate in an Expert Round Table as part of the project "INVESTinADR". In Skopje, the team from Saarbrücken met with their partners in Skopje and presented together the progress of the project to numerous stakeholders from North Macedonia. More information on the project and the visit to Skopje can be found here


Examination tutorials focus area 4

European Law (Mareike Fröhlich)

Wednesday, 03.08.2022, 9am-1pm

Thursday, 04.08.2022, 9am-1pm

Friday, 05.08.2022, 2pm-6pm

International Commercial Law (Bianca Böhme) 

Monday, 08.08.2022, 9am-1pm und 2pm-6pm


European Commercial Law (Tilmann Lahann) 

Wednesday, 10.08.2022, 1pm-4pm

Thursday, 11.08.2022 1pm-4pm


International Human Rights Protection (Dennis Traudt)

Friday, 12.08.2022, 9am-1pm


International Law (Karoline Dolgowski) 

Wednesday, 17.08.2022, 1pm-5pm

Thursday, 18.08.2022, 1pm-5pm


All tutorials will take place in lecture hall 1.17 in the Europa Institute (B 2.1).
The tutorials are also relevant for students who do not want to take the exams until spring 2023, as there will be no separate tutorials in winter.

School day 2023

On 10 May 2023, we once again welcomed high school students to the Europa-Institut as part of the Jean Monnet School Day. At the invitation of the Jean Monnet Chair of International Dispute Resolution and Rule of Law of Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg and in cooperation with the European Documentation Centre Saarland and the Europa-Institut, 4 workshops were offered on the topic "The Ukraine War and the EU".

Further information can be found here.

Seminar on Frauenchiemsee

From 2 to 4 May 2023, Professor Bungenberg held a seminar with the title “International and European Economic Law and the Rule of Law”. The seminar traditionally took place on Frauenchiemsee, an island in the Chiemsee lake, in southern Bavaria.

For more information and pictures click here.

Summer term 2023

Dear students, 

all dates and further information on Prof. Bungenberg's events in the summer term 2023 can be found here.

Jean Monnet Paper 05/2023

The latest Jean Monnet Paper entitled "Advisory Centre on International Investment Law" by Johanna Braun and Afolabi Adekemi is now available here!


Jean Monnet Paper 03/23 and 04/23

The latest Jean Monnet Papers "Moral Damages in Investment Arbitration" by Anita Grigoryan and "Implementation of Reform Options for Investor-State Dispute Settlement" by Andrés E. Alvarado Garzón and Leonard Funk are now available here.


Jean-Monnet-Paper 02/2023

The latest Jean Monnet Paper by Bianca Böhme and Johanna Braun with the title "The UNCITRAL Reform Process: Improving Procedural Efficiency through the Dismissal of Frivolous Claims and Investor-State Mediation"  is now available here



The Chair team is pleased to inform you about the launch of a new project in our capacity as Jean Monnet Chair: The Jean Monnet Papers! We will regularly publish papers by a wide variety of authors that address topics related to the work of our chair. 

The first two papers, "Completing the Woodcut: On the Feasibility of an Intra-EU Investment Court" (Nicolaj Kuplewatzky) and "Consistency and Correctness in Arbitral Decision-Making - Is the UNCITRAL Reform Process Paving the Way for an Appellate Mechanism in ISDS?" (Julian Scheu/Afolabi Adekemi)" can already be accessed here.

Certificate award ceremony: EIus-Europe Junior Workshops

On February 9, 2023, the last event in the EIus-Europe Junior Workshops took place at the Europa-Institut. The students of the Saarbrücken Gymnasium am Rotenbühl dealt with the prerequisites for states to join the European Union in an interactive workshop. After a total of 3 European law units at the Europa-Institut, a rhetoric course, and a visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the proud students received their certificate for the successful completion of the Elus-Europa-Junior workshops. The activity, conducted within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair "EU Constitutional Framework for International Dispute Settlement and the Rule of Law", was a great pleasure for all participants. The chair team hopes to see you again soon for new workshops in the summer semester of 2023!

For more information on the EIus-Europe Junior Workshops, please click here


Practitioners' Seminar: Investment Screening

A practitioners' seminar on the topic of investment control was held in Frankfurt on February 1, 2023. The event was organized by the law firm Latham & Watkins LLP in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Chair of International Dispute Resolution and Rule of Law of Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg and the Europa-Institut. The attending practitioners from the legal profession, academia, administration and business exchanged views on the fundamentals and their experience to date in investment control and the existing challenges in practice and academia. In addition, the developments in Austria and Switzerland were examined from a comparative law perspective. We would like to thank Latham Watkins for hosting the event and all participants for the insightful discussions.



FDI Moot 2023

Dear Students,

The FDI International Arbitration Moot 2023 is scheduled to be held from 2 – 5 November 2023 in Lucknow, India. In principle, the moot will take place in person.

The case is due to be released soon and in a nutshell, it deals with a claim of expropriation by an automotive manufacturer that is subject to sanctions for its unlawful export of military or dual-use products.

The Europa-Institut plans to participate in this year’s edition of the FDI International Arbitration Moot and we would like to invite applications from the current batch of LL.M. Students to participate.

We invite you to express your interest for participation by sending us an email (with your CV) to at the latest by Wednesday 8 February 2023. All students interested will receive an additional email with the details of the selection process, which will take place from 13 February 2023. On Tuesday 7 February2023, we will offer an FDI Moot information session at 6 pm in the lecture hall of the Europa-Institut (online participation possible). In that session, students may ask questions that arise with regard to the FDI Moot Court.

  • Please bear in mind that interested students must have completed the lecture of Introduction to Investment Law.
  • Additionally, selected students have the option to participate in Prof. Bungenberg's seminar during the summer semester (2023) at Chiemsee, Bavaria, writing on one of the legal issues in the problem.

We would like to highlight that participation in the FDI International Arbitration Moot will require dedicated research from April 2023 onwards along with your regular LL.M. course. Full time work in August, September and October will be necessary.

We are looking forward to your application!

The Chair Team!

Seminar in the summer term 2023

Dear Students, 

Prof. Bungenberg is planning to offer a seminar on "International Economic Law and the Rule of Law" on Fraueninsel at Chiemsee in Bavaria from 1 to 5 May 2023. More information on the seminar organisation, the list of seminar topics and the enrolment modalities can be found here

We look forward to your participation!

Your Chair Team

EIus - Europe Junior Workshop: Excursion to Strasbourg

On 17.1.2023, an excursion to Strasbourg organized by Villa Lessing - Liberale Stiftung Saar was on the agenda for the students participating in the "EIus - Europa-Juniorworkshop". After arriving at the parliament building, the group was explained everything important about the work and organization of the European Parliament by a speaker from the visitors' service, and the students were also given the opportunity to ask questions at any time. Afterwards, the group was able to follow a live vote during a visit to the plenary chamber. After the visit to the Parliament, the students explored Strasbourg on a guided tour by bus and on foot, where they learned a lot of interesting facts about the history of Strasbourg. We are already looking forward to the third workshop with the students, which will take place at the Europa-Institut in early February.

More impressions and general information about the EIus - Europa Junior Workshop can be found here.


Seminar in Lausanne

On 1 and 2 December 2022, a seminar with the title "Current Challenges of European and International Business Law: European Foreign Trade Law and Rule of Law" took place under the direction of Prof. Marc Bungenberg. Interested participants from Saarland University, Lausanne University and the Vienna University of Economics and Business met together on Lake Geneva to discuss, among other things, the various instruments for protecting human rights, the environment and culture in foreign trade, the European economic sanctions against Russia, dealing with competition-distorting subsidies from third countries, investment screening and the EU-UK free trade agreement. The 13 presentations were followed by lively discussions on the respective topics.  

Further information can be found here.




Within the framework of the international research project "INVESTinADR" led by Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg LL.M., the 2nd workshop took place in Paris on 16 and 17 November 2022, attended by five academics from the partner Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law in Skopje and four academics from Saarland University.

You can find more information here.


FDI International Arbitration Moot Competition 2022

The 2022 FDI International Arbitration Moot Competition has ended with another remarkable feat achieved by the Saarland University team on a global stage. At the Global Rounds which took place in King’s College London from 3rd to 6th November 2022, the Saarland University/Europa-Institut team received the outstanding award for submitting the “Best Claimant Memorial” for this year’s competition.

This outstanding feat attests to the resolute devotion of the team members: Catriona Laidlaw (United Kingdom/Australia); Anita Grigoryan (Armenia); and Dimitri Liénard (Belgium), who represented Saarland University in this year’s FDI Moot Global Rounds.

More information and pictures can be found here



Ist Deutschland zu abhängig von China?

Durch einen Deal steigt die chinesische Staatsreederei Cosco beim Hamburger Hafen ein. Die Entscheidung sorgt für große Kritik und schürt Ängste. In einem Interview mit dem SR stellt Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg fest: „Wenn wir es mit Russland vergleichen, hat die Abhängigkeit von China völlig andere Dimensionen.“

Den Beitrag in voller Länge finden Sie hier

Welcome event for the specialization area 4

Dear prospective focus - students, 

On November 3, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. we would like to invite you to our welcome event for the specialization area 4 - International Law, European Law and Human Rights Protection. 

At the event, you will learn everything about the organization of the specialization studies and the procedure of the specialization exams. In addition, Prof. Bungenberg and Prof. Giegerich will give you a brief insight into the exciting world of international and European law on the basis of a current topic! Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and, in particular, to exchange ideas among yourselves.  

The event will take place in building B 2.1, room 308/309. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to our welcome event! 

Your chair team

Europa-Institut starts cooperation with the European School Rotenbühl-Gymnasium

Students at Saarbrücken's Gymnasium am Rotenbühl who are interested in European and international law as well as politics can participate in the "EIus - Europa-Juniorworkshop" at Saarland University's Europa-Institut starting in ninth grade. In several events, they gain insights into current topics concerning European integration, get to know academics of the university as well as institutions of the European Union. The first event for the 26 students took place on October 5 at the Europa-Institut. 

Further impressions can be found here

Press release (in German) 


Conference: New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy

On 19 and 20 September 2022, a conference with the title "New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy: Internal and External Dimensions" took place in the Juridicum of the University of Vienna. The conference was organised by Prof. Dr Marc Bungenberg LL.M., Director of the Europa-Institut at Saarland University, and Prof. Dr August Reinisch LL.M. from the University of Vienna.

Similar conferences on EU investment policy issues had already taken place in 2016 and 2019. To the joy of the organisers and attendees, this year's event could take place in person, which allowed for a direct exchange of views and suggestions from all participants. The main focus was on the current issues of EU Investment Policy, which were analysed and discussed in 4 panels by a total of 17 experts, ranging from the fields of academia to the judiciary as well as practitioners.

More information and further impressions can be found here


Lectures im in the winter semester 2022/2023

International Trade Law


02.11., 16-19,

03.11., 9-13 + 14-18,

07.11., 14-19,

08.11., 9-13 + 14-18


Introduction to Investment Law

09.11., 14-18,

14.11., 14-18

15.11., 9-13 + 14-18


Recht der Internationalen Organisationen (RIO):

07.12., 9-13,

08.12., 9-13,

16.01., 14-18

17.01., 14-18,

18.11., 9-13

In the winter semester 2022/2023, Prof. Bungenberg will offer a seminar with the title "Current Challenges of European and International Business Law: European Foreign Trade Law and Rule of Law".

The seminar is scheduled to take place as a block event on December 1, 2, and 3, 2022 at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). There will be a preliminary discussion of the seminar on November 2, 2022 at 13:00 in room 1.17 (second floor of the Europa-Institut). Deadline for submission of seminar papers is January 23, 2023 by 5:00 pm.

More information and a list of topics can be found here.

Applications should be sent to Ms. Backenstrass (
As of when topics can be reserved, we will announce here shortly.

We look forward to welcoming numerous interested seminar participants!

European Summer Course 2022

The European Summer Course is an annual international seminar organized by the Europa-Institut of Saarland University together with the European Academy Otzenhausen and the ASKO Europa Foundation.

In August 2022, the seminar, titled #Visions4aNewEurope, focused on a broad range of political, legal, and environmental developments in the European Union. 

Every year, selected students have the chance to participate in the European Summer Course free of charge by receiving the Jean Monnet Scholarship from one of the Jean Monnet Chairs at Saarland University. 

Here are some impressions of this year's scholarship holder Valentine Wolfgang: 

"Each year, a few students and young professionals from all over the world come together for the European Summer Course to discuss the challenges and visions for the future of the European Union.

This year, thanks to a scholarship, I was amongst the 39 young people who got the opportunity to spend ten days together in the small town of Otzenhausen at the Europäische Akademie to meet and exchange.

We had guest lecturers coming in from different universities like Trier or Kyiv to present the difficulties and possible solutions. We made simulations to understand the decision-making process in the EU, by discussing new tobacco publicity guidelines or by handling the outbreak of an unknown disease. We did excursions to Strasbourg and Luxembourg to see the Union work in real life. And most of the time, we discussed current topics such as Brexit, climate change or the Russian war against the Ukraine but also long-term topics as Human Rights Protection and Data Protection. Due to the international group with people not only from all over Europe, but also from Saudi-Arabia, Australia or Nigeria, we had inside and outside perspectives that significantly enriched the discussions. As a student with a non-law background, I enjoyed getting an insight into the law-world, for example by doing a case study in human rights at the Europa-Institut.

Altogether, I came to Otzenhausen with low expectations and the openness to learn, and left with a lot of new knowledge, but most importantly with a lot of new friends and the experience of a lifetime.

I can wholeheartedly recommend the participation to everyone who is interested in the functioning and the challenges of the European Union and ready to gain new perspectives.

I would like to thank the Europa-Institut, Ms Fröhlich and especially the Jean-Monnet Chair for providing me with a scholarship and the opportunity to participate."


More information about the activities of the Jean-Monnet-Chair can be found here



Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law (AYIEL)

Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg is involved in this year's edition of the 'Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law (AYIEL)' as a series editor. 
The Yearbook is generally devoted to international economic law with a focus on Asia and the Pacific region, which is considered one of the engines of the world economy and hosts a large number of economies with different levels of development, economic policies and jurisdictions. Nevertheless, the Yearbook is not limited to issues and developments in international economic law in Asian countries, but rather includes current articles on the latest issues in international law, regional and domestic law related to economic governance and integration, analyses of leading cases, book reviews, and documentation.


Conference "New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy: Internal and External Dimensions"

Register now!


Join us on 19 and 20 September 2022 to discuss the future of EU investment policy at the University of Vienna. The in-person conference “New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy: Internal and External Dimensions” is organised by Marc Bungenberg and August Reinisch.

Numerous distinguished speakers, including Christoph Schreuer, Michael Hahn, Nikos Lavranos, Anne Thies, Lukas Stifter, Federico Ortino, Christian Tietje, Christina Binder, Christoph Herrmann, Nicolaj Kuplewatzky, Patricia Nacimiento and Catherine Kessedijan will discuss new developments of EU investment policy.

The event is sponsored by the Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Marc Bungenberg, the University of Vienna, the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration, the Hermann und Dr. Charlotte Deutsch-Stiftung and the ASKO Europa-Stiftung.

Registration by 1 September via

More information and the program can be found here.


Catch-up exam ICL

Dear students, 

on 21 July 2022, the catch-up exam in International Commercial Law will take place at 14:00 to 16:00 in the lecture hall of the Europa-Institut (Building B 2.1, Room 3.08/3.09).

Admissible tools are the WTO Agreement, the GATT, the DSU, the German Model Investment Protection Treaty and the ICSID Convention. The texts can be printed out or brought along as a collection of texts (Beck texts on the WTO, No. 5752).

Fifth School Day

On 21.06.2022, the fifth and last school day of the Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Dr. Bungenberg at the Europa-Institut took place on the topic of the Ukraine war in Saarbrücken. This time, the participating students came from the Oberstufenverbund  Türkismühle and the BBZ Homburg. After a general introduction to the topic, the students divided into four workshops, namely workshops on fleeing Ukraine, international sanctions against Russia, Ukraine's accession to the EU and the persecution of Vladimir Putin under international criminal law. At the end of the workshop, the students presented what they had worked on in the plenary session.


Fourth School Day at the Europa-Institut

On 13 June 2022, the fourth school day of Prof. Dr. Bungenberg's Jean Monnet Chair took place at the Europa-Institut in Saarbrücken. This time, students from TWG Dillingen visited us to discuss the Ukraine war and the role of the EU. After a short introduction to the topic, the students worked on important aspects of international law and European law in four interactive workshops and then presented them to the whole group in plenary. More detailed impressions of all school days can be found here. The creative posters of the pupils from Dillingen can also be admired there.



PhD Colloquium

On 8 and 9 June 2022, a PhD colloquium was held at the Europa-Institut as part of the Jean Monnet Chair in International Dispute Settlement and the Rule of Law. Over two days, 12 doctoral candidates, whose dissertations are supervised by Prof. Marc Bungenberg, presented their PhD projects and the current status of their work. The presentations were characterised by a great variety of topics: current developments in investment and sports arbitration, supply chain due diligence, investment screening, permanent sovereignty over natural resources, and many other topics were discussed. In addition to interesting discussions, there was also time to exchange ideas with each other over two lunches.

The event was rounded off by a joint barbecue on the first evening. The next colloquium is planned for autumn 2022.


INVESTinADR - Workshop

As part of the "INVESTinADR" project, a workshop on "Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution in North Macedonia" took place at the Europa-Institut in Saarbrücken on 31 May and 1 June 2022. Four academics from our partner university in Skopje travelled to this workshop. Together with Prof. Dr. Goran Koevski, Prof. Dr. Darko Spasevski, Ljuben Kocev and Marjana Staninova, the chair team examined the international and national legal framework in Germany and North Macedonia with regard to alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. After an initial kick-off meeting at the end of last year, which was unfortunately only possible online, the team now had the opportunity to exchange ideas in person. The workshop was divided into the topics "national jurisdiction", "international legal framework", "commercial arbitration" and "investment arbitration". At a next meeting in autumn 2022, the team will focus on the topic area of "mediation" and discuss to what extent the legal framework in North Macedonia can be optimised to promote alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and improve the overall investment climate in the country.  More impressions of the workshop can be found here.

We thank our partners for this successful workshop and look forward to the next meeting!


Exam Course Focus Area 4 (Summer Semester 2022)

Dear students, 

The exam course starts on Monday, 13 June 2022. From the start of the course, the exams will be made available every Monday morning under Materials in the Moodle course for focus area 4. If you would like a correction of the exam, please submit it by the submission date (one week later in each case). On the same day, the solution to the exam will be made available under Materials. At the same time, a new case will be issued for you to work on. A total of 6 cases will be uploaded: 3 from the chair Bungenberg and 3 from the chair Giegerich. 

The dates for the exams are as follows: 

Course start: 13 June 2022

1st written exam: Issue on 13.06.2022, handing in and solution on 20.06.2022, 12 pm (LS Giegerich)

2nd written exam: issued on 20.06.2022, handing in and solution on 27.06.2022, 12 pm (LS Bungenberg)

3rd written exam: issue on 27.06.2022, handing in and solution on 04.07.2022, 12 pm (LS Giegerich)

4th written exam: issue on 04.07.2022, handing in and solution on 11.07.2022, 12 pm (LS Bungenberg)

5th written exam: issue on 11.07.2022, handing in and solution on 18.07.2022, 12 pm (LS Giegerich)

6th written exam: issue on 18.07.2022, handing in and solution on 25.07.2022, 12 pm (LS Bungenberg) 

Please note that there will be no discussion of the practice exams. You can ask questions about the exam/correction in the corresponding Moodle forum. 

School Day in Lebach

On 24 May 2022, five staff members of the Europa-Institut and the Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Dr Marc Bungenberg travelled to Lebach to offer their workshops on the topic of "The Ukraine War and the EU" at the Johannes Kepler Gymnasium for the third time. This time, too, the event was a complete success: after exciting discussions with the pupils on the topics of flight, sanctions, EU accession and international criminal law, the team happily drove back to Saarbrücken. More impressions of the school days can be found here. 



School Day 2.0

On 19 May 2022, more than 50 students - this time from the Berufsbildungszentrum Sulzbach and Merzig - visited the Europa-Institut to discuss aspects of international and European law regarding the war in Ukraine with the team of the Jean Monnet Chair under the direction of Prof. Marc Bungenberg. In 4 workshops on the topics of "Flight", "Sanctions", "International Criminal Law" and "EU Accession", the students showed great interest in the discussions and shared the results of their workshops in the plenary afterwards. This time, Forum Magazine was also on site to report on the event "The Ukraine War and the EU". In the next few weeks, 3 more events on this topic will be held as part of the Jean Monnet Chair. 

We would like to thank all participants for this successful event!


School Day

On 12 May 2022, more than 70 senior high school students from Saarland visited the Europa-Institut to discuss the topic "The Ukraine War and the EU". Together with the team of Prof. Marc Bungenberg's Jean Monnet Chair for International Dispute Resolution and the Rule of Law, the students dealt with the sub-topics "Flight from Ukraine", "Sanctions against Russia", "Consequences under International Criminal Law" and "Ukraine's Accession to the EU" in four workshops. The welcome address was given by Dr. Hanno Thewes, Deputy Head of the Department "Europe and Interregional Cooperation" of the State Chancellery of Saarland. In the coming weeks, 4 more workshops of the Jean Monnet Chair will take place on and off campus. A total of around 250 students from Saarland will take part in the school days this year.

The Jean Monnet team would like to thank the students for their active participation in the first meeting and looks forward to further interesting discussions in the coming weeks!


Seminar at Frauenchiemsee

From 1 to 5 May 2022, Prof. Marc Bungenberg held a seminar with the title "Current Challenges of International and European Economic Law: International Dispute Settlement and the Rule of Law" on an island in the south of Germany called "Frauenchiemsee". The 14 participants held presentations on the reform of investor-State dispute settlement and other issues currently discussed in international economic law, such as the sanctions imposed on Russia, investment arbitration and climate change and the enhancement of corporate social responsibility. After the presentations, the students discussed the seminar topics very actively with Prof. Bungenberg and his team. In addition, the students had a ride in the world's oldest steam railway, a guided tour on Fraueninsel and a visit to the famous castle by the crazy Bavarian king on the Herreninsel. Overall, it was a very successful seminar that was accompanied by excellent weather!


More impressions can be found here


Conference: The Protection Against Subsidies Distorting the Internal Market

On the 5 and 6 May, Prof. Bungenberg co-organizes a conference on "The Protection Against Foreign Subsidies Distorting the Internal Market" in the offices of Cleary Gottlieb in Brussels. The conference programme, information on the speakers and the link for registration can be found here



Academic Conference and Book Launch

The Europa-Institut at Saarland University and the University of Vienna cordially invite you to this (Virtual) Conference and Book Launch. 


The CETA-Investment Chapter is a blueprint for the future content of EU Investment Agreements; it expresses the change of paradigms taking place in substantive as well as procedural aspects. The conference will highlight these changes to investment policy, receive comments from the business community, and discuss the current and future role of Member States in EU Investment Law. Furthermore, the recently published CETA Investment Law Commentary will be presented.

Date and Time
Monday, 21 February 2022 - 4pm CET

Registration and Platform
Please register here and we will send you the invitation link for Zoom.

Background Material 

We are looking forward to welcome you to the virtual conference and book launch.

With best regards
Marc Bungenberg & August Reinisch


This article-by-article Commentary of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) edited by Marc Bungenberg and August Reinisch is now available at Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, C.H. Beck and Hart Publishing. The CETA Commentary will be a key resource for practitioners and academics in the field of EU investment protection law.


The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) has been called a game-changer. In the investment chapter, CETA has introduced a number of key innovations, inter alia

  • the investment court system with an appellate tribunal
  • guidelines on third party funding
  • transparency and information sharing
  • modern versions of standards of protection
  • detailed provisions on reservations and exceptions.

Considering that the new dispute resolution provisions in this chapter have also passed the scrutiny of the Court of Justice of the European Union, it is expected that CETA's investment chapter will serve as a blueprint for future EU investment agreements.