Spiritual Rooms

Who can use the room?
Anyone can use the rooms.
Individual use of the chapel and the meditation room for the purpose of silence, prayer, meditation, music-making or similar is generally possible for everyone. If the rooms are used for institutional purposes, official events or in a group context, this use must be requested and registered with the KHG. Please send an e-mail to: khg-saarbruecken[at]bistum-trier.de
How do I get access to the room?
The KHG is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00. All of its rooms, including the meditation room and the chapel, are open during this time. Both rooms can be used at any time. With the exception of events, no reservations can be made for either room. Availability therefore always depends on the situation and must be checked on site.
What are the special features of the room?
The KHG is located in the center of the UdS campus, directly on the campus meadow. The building can be accessed via two different entrances. Both entrances can be used to reach the meditation room and the chapel. The rooms are barrier-free.
Meditation Room: The meditation room should be entered without shoes. The room has meditation chairs and benches, two beanbags, cushions and blankets. The room can be darkened and can be locked from the inside. The room therefore offers a certain amount of privacy.
Chapel: The KHG chapel is a Catholic church dedicated to St Edith Stein. It is accessible to everyone at all times and cannot be locked. It must remain open to all. There are seats and kneeling stools and a piano, which can also be played. Everyone is invited to light a candle. There is also a prayer book at the entrance to the chapel in the foyer of the KHG, which can be used at any time.
Which institution does the room belong to?
Catholic University Community Saarbrücken

Who can use the room?
Anyone working at Saarland University, whether students, teaching staff or employees - regardless of religion, denomination or ideology. The room can be used for personal prayer; only after consultation for group meetings or regular events.
How do I get access to the room?
The room is accessible at the times when building E1 7 (Cluster of Excellence MMCI) is open, usually between 9:00 and 18:00 on weekdays.
What are the special features of the room?
The room is located on the ground floor and is barrier-free. The equipment includes stools; prayer rugs can be brought in privately, which must be removed afterwards.
Which institution does the room belong to?
The room belongs to the Cluster of Excellence MMCI (administration in building E1 7, 1st floor) and was set up under the leadership of the Protestant Student Community, to whom specific enquiries about the room can also be addressed (esg.sb[at]mx.uni-saarland.de).

Who can use the room?
Anyone can use the IHG premises. Individual use of the prayer rooms and other rooms for the purpose of prayer, meditation, study or relaxation is generally possible for everyone. However, if the rooms are to be used for official events, group meetings or institutional purposes, this use must be requested and registered with the IHG in advance.
How do I get access to the room?
The IHG premises are generally open Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm. During this time, the rooms, which are located in building A5 4 (basement), 66123 Saarbrücken, on the campus of Saarland University, can be used freely. Access to the rooms is via the side entrance to the basement of building A5 4.
What are the special features of the room?
The IHG is located in building A5 4 on the campus of Saarland University. The premises are barrier-free and offer the following special features: Prayer room: The prayer room is accessible to all and offers space for daily prayers as well as for special occasions such as Friday prayers or Islamic holidays. The room is equipped with prayer mats, copies of the Koran and other religious paraphernalia. Multifunctional room: This room can be used for events, lectures, workshops or group meetings. It is flexibly designed and offers space for various activities. Bookshelf: The IHG has a small library with Islamic literature that is accessible to students and interested parties. The room invites you to study and linger.
Which institution does the room belong to?
The rooms belong to the Islamische Hochschulgruppe (IHG) e.V. in Saarland. The IHG is an independent, non-profit organisation that is aimed at students and interested parties and is committed to promoting interreligious dialogue, education and community.
All information can be found at https://www.uks.eu/patienten-besucher/beratung-hilfsangebote/seelsorge-wir-sind-fuer-sie-da.

Who can use the room?
Anyone and everyone, regardless of religion, denomination or world view, can use this room for personal prayer, meditation or to find inner peace.
How do I get access to the room?
The prayer room of the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Saarbrücken (ESG) is one of the ‘reliably open churches’ and can be visited at any time - apart from when the ESG is open.
What are the special features of the room?
The prayer room is located at the entrance to the community centre of the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Saarbrücken, which can be reached via a staircase (not barrier-free). Stools and armchairs are available in the prayer room; hymn books and Bibles can be used.
Which institution does the room belong to?
The Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Saarbrücken belongs to the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland. If you have any questions, please contact the office or the student pastor (esg.sbm[at]x.uni-saarland.de).