Information on the start of studies for Chemistry (Bachelor)
Here you will find an overview of all relevant information about the Bachelor's program in Chemistry before the start of studies as a fact sheet.
Information on the start of studies for the teaching profession in chemistry
Here you can find an overview of all relevant information about the study of chemistry as a teacher's certificate before the start of studies as a fact sheet.
Learning Platform Moodle
Here you can find more information about courses in physical chemistry and didactics of chemistry on the platform Moodle.
Courses in physical chemistry
The bachelor lecture "Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry" is designed to give you a first insight into one of the three major chemistry sub-disciplines, physical chemistry. In addition to content-related focal points such as spectroscopy and radioactivity, the focus is also on learning statistical and graphical evaluation methods.
Since the use of computer programs is essential for the analysis of scientific data, you will learn programming with the MATLAB software to accompany the specialized topics.
The Bachelor lecture "Introduction to Classical Physical Chemistry" teaches students the basics of thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and electrochemistry. The area of thermodynamics includes the description of ideal and real gases, the three main laws of thermodynamics and the description of thermodynamic potentials. In the area of kinetics, the elementary reaction steps, reaction orders and the temperature dependence of the reaction rate are dealt with. As basics of electrochemistry, electrode reactions, electrochemical cells and the Nernst equation are introduced.
In the Bachelor lecture "Advanced Topics in Classical Physical Chemistry" the contents of thermodynamics and reaction kinetics are further deepened. In the subsection thermodynamics, the laws of thermodynamics are applied to chemical reactions and the chemical potential, the description of multiphase systems and the colligative properties are dealt with. In the sub-course kinetics, the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, the kinetics of complex reactions, the Eyring theory and the influence of transport on chemical reactions are the subject of the lectures.
Old exams:
The master course PC06 (Advanced topics on physical chemistry) consists of three seminar parts followed by a practical course and an examination for each part. The three parts deal with current research topics of the three research groups Prof. Kay, Prof. Jung and Prof. Kraus. Prof. Kay discusses pulse EPR spectroscopy, Prof. Jung gives an introduction to single molecule spectroscopy, and Prof. Kraus discusses colloids and interfaces.
In the lecture "Applications of EPR Spectroscopy", which is part of the master module PCVI, different applications of EPR spectroscopy are discussed based on publications and current research topics. In particular, inorganic and organic MASER (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation), singlet fission and quantum electrodynamics play a role.
In the "Basic Practical Course in Physical Chemistry" you will apply the topics learned in Physical Chemistry by means of one-day practical experiments. You will learn simple measurement methods from physical chemistry, evaluate the recorded measurement data with MATLAB and present them in lab protocols. A special focus is on the clean preparation of the lab reports.
Attention: Start already in September!
The module "PCV" for the Master's program consists of the lecture PC06 and a practical course. They deepen the basics of EPR spectroscopy known from the bachelor studies. Building on this, modern techniques such as pulsed EPR or time-resolved (transient) EPR on excited triplet states are introduced. In the associated practical course, you will directly implement the modern techniques in the laboratory.
Courses in the didactics of chemistry
In the seminar "Special Chapters of Chemistry for Student Teachers (SLa)" you will learn to independently approach a mostly previously unknown topic from chemistry and to reduce it didactically. For this purpose, you will give a lecture on a current topic from the subject science and explain how this topic can be treated in the classroom. In addition to the extended subject knowledge, you will learn how to give constructive feedback and how a good lecture should be designed and delivered in order to pass on knowledge confidently and efficiently.
In the seminar "Research-based learning and experimentation" you will learn the basics of research-based learning. The focus is on student experiments and the implementation of differentiation and individualization possibilities. You will practice theoretically and practically how to deal with different forms of assistance and stumbling blocks for the students. In the associated internship, you will supervise student groups in the NanoBioLab student laboratory, among other things.
In these two courses you will learn and deepen the basics of experimentation in theory & practice with a focus on student experiments (CFD) as well as teacher demonstration experiments (FGP). In addition, you will learn relevant aspects of chemistry lesson planning and the variations of performance assessment and use digital media to enrich your planning and implementation. Finally, you will test your skills of presenting with experiments in an experimental lecture.
Information about the degree in Chemistry (Bachelor & Master)
Here you can find an overview of all relevant information about the degree in Bachelor and Master Chemistry as a fact sheet.
Information on the graduation in teaching chemistry
Here you can find an overview of all relevant information about the graduation in teaching chemistry as a fact sheet.
Chemistry trial study
For more information on the Chemistry Trial Program and impressions from the last years, click the link.
Voluntary Social Year in Physical Chemistry and Chemistry Education (NanoBioLab)
For more information on the Voluntary Social Year click the link.