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03.02.2025 | Farewell lecture by Prof. Hempelmann
Prof. Rolf Hempelmann, who held the Chair of Physical Chemistry at Saarland University for many years, said goodbye with an entertaining farewell lecture on the topic of “Green Steel”. In his lecture, he not only looked back on his scientific work, but also on the developments in physical chemistry at the UdS. His commitment to the NanoBioLab, which he founded and which has already inspired thousands of pupils to take an interest in the natural sciences, deserves special mention. The Department of Chemistry would like to thank Prof. Hempelmann for his many years of work in research and teaching and for his tireless efforts in promoting young talent. We wish him all the best for the next stage of his life
18.11.2024 | Chemistry graduate school receives millions in funding
From October 1st, 2025, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the RTG-3082 “Engineering of Covalent Bonds in Molecules and Materials – Ec=m2” in Saarbrücken with about 6.3 million euros. In addition to eleven working groups from the Department of Chemistry, the MWWT and Physics Departments at Saarland University as well as the Leibniz Institute for New Materials (INM) are involved in the initiative. Congratulations to everyone involved! Further information can be found at https://ecm2.org or in the UdS press release.

27.07.2024 | JCF trip to CERN
On 27 July, the Saarbruecken chemists of the Young Chemistry Forum (JCF) Saar went on an excursion to the particle accelerators of CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), the European organisation for nuclear research, in Geneva, Switzerland. With around 40 people, the trip started in the middle of the night so that the whole Saturday was available to take part in guided tours and visit the museum. There were several experiments to illustrate the principle and structure of particle accelerators and lots of information about the origins of the research facility and current research, and some CERN physicists were on hand to answer questions. A successful excursion for the young chemists despite the long journey.
18.06.2024 | JCF excursion to the JobMultiversum at Industriepark Hoechst
In June, the JCF Saar organised an excursion to the Job Multiversum in the Hoechst Industrial Park. Among other things, there were exclusive insights into production halls and research laboratories of various companies and there were extensive opportunities to ask questions to developers and HR staff and to get to know the park with its sustainable concepts. A presentation followed by a discussion on tips and tricks for job applications rounded off the event. The Saarbruecken chemistry students took advantage of the visit, made contacts and found out in detail about the job opportunities at the industrial park.
Link to the report: Job Multiversum, overview of the career fair | Industriepark Hoechst (industriepark-hoechst.com)
06.08.2024 | Members of the Scheschkewitz and Schäfer groups honored for their poster presentations
From July 14th to 18th, the 30th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC) took place in Agra, Indien. On this conference, scientists from all over the world discuss developments from the field of organometallic chemistry. On this conference, the two saarbrücken doctoral students, Ankur, from the Scheschkewitz group, and Inga Bischoff, from the Schäfer group, were both honored for their poster presentations. Ankur is working on silicon clusters, so-called siliconoids, presenting a poster entitled “Synthesis of an Si10 siliconoid encompassing a persilapyramidane moiety”. Inga Bischoff recently succeeded in synthesizing a heterobimetallic dimetallocene, which she presented on her poster entitled “Pentaisopropylcyclopentadienyl Complexes of Heavy Group 13 Elements”
Following this event, the 17th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS) took place in Halifax, Canada from July 21st to 26th. This event is recognized as one of the leading meetings for inorganic main-group chemistry and will be hosted by Saarland University in 2027, for the first time. Inga Bischoff’s research on the first heterobimetallic dimetallocene once again attracted much attention and she was once more awarded a price for her poster presentation.
Furthermore, Jessica Lambert from the Schäfer group was also awarded a price at the 45th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry for her psoter entitled "Magnesium and Zinc Complexes as Dehydrocoupling Catalysts". This conference is considered an important meeting for all aspects of coordination chemistry, as well as related fields such as catalysis.
26.03.2025 Saarland-Palatinate state round of the school competition 'Chemie – die stimmt'
On 26 March 2025, 60 pupils from grammar schools in Saarland and parts of Rhineland-Palatinate will meet at Saarland University for the state round of the ‘Chemie - die stimmt’ competition. ‘Chemie - die stimmt’ is the “little Chemistry Olympics” for pupils in grades 9 and 10 (in some new federal states also grade 8).
This year's regional round is being organised by Prof. Johann Jauch (Organic Chemistry). The day begins at 10 a.m. with the welcoming of the participants, followed by a three-hour written exam with tricky questions that primarily require knowledge transfer. This is followed by lunch together in the canteen from 1pm to 2pm and while the accompanying teachers correct the exams from 2pm to 4pm, Prof Timo Gehring from the HTW gives a lecture on the topic of ‘Chirality’ that is suitable for pupils. Afterwards, the award ceremony will take place, where the best 6 students of each year group will receive a certificate and valuable book prizes (chemistry books, of course!) and - most importantly - an invitation to the next round, the regional competition in Darmstadt.
Further Information under: https://www.chemie-die-stimmt.de/info/ablauf/