News - Archive

30.06.2024 | Prof. Stella Stopkowicz receives research award

The International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences awards Prof. Stella Stopkowicz the Science Prize 2024 for the development of special theoretical methods that enable a precise description of atoms and molecules in strong magnetic fields. These methods made it possible for the first time to interpret and classify the recorded spectrum of a star that turned out to be a strongly magnetic white dwarf with metals in its atmosphere.



14.05.2024 | Saarbrücken chemists produce molecule for the first time that has been predicted for 20 years

The Schäfer working group reports on a heterobimetallic dimetallocene in Nature Chemistry. Such a molecule has been predicted by theorists for around 20 years and has now been isolated for the first time.


03.05.2024 | CHE ranking: Chemistry at Saarland University receives top marks

The Department of Chemistry at Saarland University achieved top marks in many areas in the CHE University Ranking. Students were particularly positive about the support provided at the beginning of their studies, the organization of their studies and their methodological skills. The academic competence profile and the laboratories also received good ratings. The doctorate rate is particularly high in a nationwide comparison. The detailed results are available on the Hey Studium (only in German) homepage.


22.03.2024 | Domink Munz and colleagues succeed in synthesizing a new form of iron

Together with colleagues from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (Mülheim an der Ruhr) and the FU Berlin, Dominik Munz's research group has achieved a significant breakthrough in the chemistry of iron. For the first time, a new oxidation state of iron, iron(VII), has been detected in a synthesized compound. The results of this research were published in the renowned journal "Nature Chemistry" (see:



13.03.2024 | 'Landesrunde' of "Chemie - die stimmt!" in Saarbrücken, this time at the HTW

"Chemie - die stimmt!" is the "small Chemistry Olympiad" for pupils in years 9 and 10 (in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia also year 8; On 13 March 2024, the Saar/Palatinate state round will take place for the seventh time in Saarbrücken. In the morning, the participating pupils will complete an exam on site with tricky tasks from all areas of chemistry. Afterwards, they have lunch together in the canteen and in the afternoon they have the opportunity to listen to a student-orientated lecture on exciting chemistry topics. In the meantime, the supervising teachers correct the exam tasks and then the award ceremony takes place. The three best students in each year group receive a certificate, an invitation to the regional round of the competition and book prizes - chemistry textbooks, of course! 

Until 2023, this event was organised by Prof. Dr Johann Jauch at the UdS. After Prof. Dr Timo Gehring from HTW, a former Chemistry Olympian, joined the organising team in 2023, it was agreed that the Saar/Palatinate state round would be held alternately at UdS and HTW. Last year, the event took place at the UdS and Prof Gering gave the lecture for the students. This year, Prof Gehring will be responsible for organising the event, so Prof Jauch will give a lecture for the participants. His lecture entitled "What's that smell?" will deal with the chemistry of the sense of smell and odorants from "aaahhh" to "iiiihhhh", naturally with corresponding "samples". But thioacetone will not be there.



07.11.2023 | School excursion

On Tuesday 7th November, we welcomed the 10th classes (135 pupils) from the Gymnasium am Stefansberg in Merzig.  There were programme items from the student council with nitrogen ice cream, laboratory tours in physics (GOFEX), coordination chemistry and the INM, and specialist lectures by Alexander Titz & Daniel Krug (HIPS) and David Schaaf (PC-DC).  The experimental lecture with Thomas John (physics), Dominik Munz (coordination chemistry) and the stars Britta Schreiber (glass workshop) and Andreas Adolf (experiments) was particularly enjoyable.  Hope to see you soon - come and study chemistry (or physics) with us!



20.10.2023 | Chemistry Department Celebrates Chemistry Day

The Department of Chemistry celebrated its 75th anniversary and the reopening of the renovated lecture hall building C4 3. In addition to guided tours of the building, the program included a ceremonial meeting with the handover of keys and the presentation of the scientific topics of the working groups. The keynote speech was given by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Markus Antonietti (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces) on the topic "A new chemistry lays the foundations for a circular economy and global sustainability". As a special highlight in the foyer of the chemistry lecture hall building, an interactive periodic table of the chemical elements was ceremoniously unveiled. The day was completed by a reception for all guests.



07.10.2023 | Chemists from Saarbrücken and San Diego describe new carbon molecule in Nature

The Munz working group, together with partners from the University of California, San Diego, reports on a bisoxidised carbene.  The target molecule formally has 4 valence electrons on one carbon atom, and thus represents a previously unknown class of carbon molecules.  The study was published in the journal Nature and discussed on Deutschlandfunk. To the press release of Saarland University.


14.07.2023 | Student group visits BASF's Ludwigshafen site

29 chemistry students from Saarbrücken spent an informative day at BASF in Ludwigshafen. In addition to a visit to the visitor center, the program included a tour of the site, a visit to a petrochemical plant and an information session on career opportunities as an industrial chemist. Prof. Guido Kickelbick accompanied the group of students and expressed his special thanks to Dr. Alexander Düfert from BASF for co-organizing the excursion. Together with Dr. Alexander Traut, Dr. Dorothea Ziegler and Dr. Geogios Dodekatos, he was available to answer the students' questions about application procedures and development opportunities at BASF.



12.07.2023 | The Kickelbick and Scheschkewitz working groups participated in the 10th European Silicon Days

Participants from the Kickelbick and Scheschkewitz working groups attended the 10th European Silicon Days in Montpellier from July 10 to 12, 2023. At the conference, international scientists discuss the latest research results on the element silicon. Topics range from molecular systems to materials.  The ninth meeting in this series took place in Saarbrücken from September 09 to 12, 2018.



23.06.2023 | In the Gallei working group, a method is being developed to sustainably remove hazardous substances from water

PFAS - per- and polyfluorinated chemicals - are a massive problem for the environment because they cannot be degraded naturally. They are therefore also known as eternity chemicals. The research group led by Prof. Markus Gallei, together with colleagues from the University of Illinois (USA), has now developed a method to sustainably remove PFAS from water. The system uses an electrochemical reaction in which metal-containing polymers, known as metallocenes, act as electrodes to filter the PFAS molecules out of the water, even in minute quantities. The interesting thing about the polymers is that they can be switched, efficiently releasing the PFAS molecules. In this way, PFASs can be removed from the water and the electrode can be reused. The study was published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (see:



19.06.2023 | New textbook for organic synthesis methods by our lecturer Dr. Alexander Düfert published

Dr. Alexander Düfert, lecturer in industrial organic chemistry and BASF employee, is the author of a new textbook on organic synthesis methods. The more than 900-page work contains many practical tips on their efficient use and an extensive bibliography. In addition to a focus on understanding the mechanisms and many application examples, aspects of a use in the pharmaceutical field are not neglected.



16.06.2023 | Team of the chemistry department participates in the company run in Saarbrücken

A few dozen amateur runners from the various areas of the chemistry department withstood the intense heat and took part in the company run in Saarbrücken. All of them crossed the finish line. Congratulations!



02.05.2023 | Dr. Mathilde Laird starts Alexander-von-Humboldt research fellowship in the group of Prof. Kickelbick

Dr. Mathilde Laird begins a two-year research stay, funded by a prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, in the group of Prof. Guido Kickelbick on the topic of thermoreversible bond formation in silsesquioxanes.



22.03.2023 | Landesrunde of the competition 'Chemie - die stimmt' at the UdS

On 22 March 2023, the Landesrunde of the school competition 'Chemie - die stimmt!' took place for the third time at Saarland University's Department of Chemistry. After the welcome by Prof. Jauch (UdS), Eric Bahne and Jan Rossa, the participating students pored over challenging chemistry tasks. After lunch, Prof. Gehring (HTW Saarbrücken) gave an exciting lecture on the topic of 'The Origin of Life and Homochirality on our Planet'. In the final award ceremony, the successful participants were presented with their winner certificates. Detailed report (in German).


30.01.2023 | "CSI:Saarbrücken - Tatort, Labor und Gerichtssaal"

On 30 January, the JungChemikerForum Saar, the association of chemistry students and doctoral students at Saar University in the Saar chapter of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V. (Society of German Chemists), organised a lecture by Dr. Fabian Altermann from the Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden. Under the slogan "CSI:Saarbrücken - Tatort, Labor und Gerichtssaal", Mr Altermann reported on his work at the Forensic Institute of the BKA and explained some exciting cases for which, among other things, new methods for the chemical analysis of traces from the crime scene were developed by him and his team and already known ones were ingeniously applied in order to be able to convict the perpetrators.



03.08.2022 | Four working groups from Saarbrücken took part in the ICOMC 2022 in Prague; Poster award for Anna-Lena Thömmes

Four working groups from Inorganic Chemistry (Diego Andrada, Dominik Munz, André Schäfer, David Scheschkewitz) took part in the international leading conference for organometallic chemistry, the ICOMC 2022 in Prague and presented their research results. Anna-Lena Thömmes from the Scheschkewitz group was awarded the prize for the best poster presentation. Congratulations!


27.06.2022 | Elias Gießelmann participates in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

It is rare for a student or young scientist to have the opportunity to meet Nobel Laureates in person and to be inspired by their research achievements. It is even rarer to meet several Nobel Laureates at the same time in one place. However, a conference in Lindau, which has existed since 1951, makes this possible for a selected group of young scientists. This year, Elias Gießelmann, PhD student at the in the group of Prof. Guido Kickelbick, was chosen as one of 600 participants from all over the world to attend the meeting. More information about the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting can be found here.


23.03.2022 | Award ceremony of the Elisabeth und Horst-Dietrich Hardt-Award for Prof. Dr. Katja Heinze (Mainz)

As part of the Chemiedozententagung in Saarbrücken, today the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology awarded the  Elisabeth and Horst-Dietrich Hardt-Prize for groundbreaking research in Inorganic Chemistry (endowed with 25,000 Euro)  to Katja Heinze of the University of Mainz. The prize is awarded every five years by the Elisabeth and Prof. Dr. Horst-Dietrich Hardt-Foundation from the estate of the founders. It is among the highest endowed prizes for Inorganic Chemistry.  

22.03.2022 | ADUC Chemiedozententagung in Saarbrücken

From 22. to 24. March 2022, the Chemiedozententagung of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher UniversitätsprofessorInnen der Chemie (ADUC) took place in Saarbrücken as an on-site event. Despite the still obligatory pandemic counter-measures, the more than 300 participants enjoyed about 80 scientific live-lectures from all areas of chemistry in three parallel sessions. The sunny weather on all three days did the rest so that Guido Kickelbick as Chair of the local organizing committee could draw a very positive conclusion. 


10.12.2021 | Kekulé Fellowship by the Fonds of the Chemical Industry awarded to Anna-Lena Thömmes

Congratulations to @ALThoemmes, the carnival enthusiast @scheschkewitz group, for the award of a Kekulé Fellowship by the Fonds of the Chemical Industry @chemieverband. Well done, Anna-Lena!

She will be continuing her research on Ge=Ge polymers https//:

27.08.2021 | Chemistry Week for 30 high school students

Chemistry Week for 30 high school students with Prof. M. Gallei (Organic Chemistry), C. Kay (Physical- and Didactics of Chemistry), D. Munz (Inorganic Chemistry) and PhD students. It was a lot of fun for us, see you hopefully again! Further informations can be found  here.


28.07.2021 | Zwitterions: new solutions for grand challanges?

The Munz groups presents a concept article in Nature Chemistry Reviews, which illustrates how zwitterions are of use in photochemistry (OLEDs, solar cells), catalysis (dihydrogen), and switchable materials in sensors. New solutions for grand challenges? For further informations see  here.


27.07.2021 | The Department of Chemistry mourns the death of Prof. Dr. Horst Wagner

On July 27nd, 2021 our esteemed colleague Prof. Dr. Horst Wagner (1935-2021) passed away.  An obituary (in German).


21.02.2021 | The Department of Chemistry mourns the death of Prof. Dr. Heinz Dürr

On February 21st, 2021 our esteemed colleague Prof. Dr. Heinz Dürr (1934 - 2021) passed away. An obituary (in German).


01.02.2021 | New X-ray diffraction service center provides insight into the inner structure of compounds

The X-ray Diffraction Service Center is well equipped. Two single crystal diffractometers allow structure evaluation of solid-state and molecular crystals. With the four powder diffractometers of the service center, crystalline powder samples can be investigated. Using special measuring devices, it is also possible to study air-sensitive samples, samples up to 1200 °C, and samples under different gas atmospheres during the reaction. The establishment of the X-ray diffraction service center is a joint initiative of Inorganic Chemistry and Saarland University, which - with financial support from the state and federal governments - is intended to benefit regional industrial companies in addition to use in research and teaching. Dr. Bernd Morgenstern (single crystal diffraction) and Dr. Oliver Janka (powder diffraction) are responsible for the scientific supervision of the equipment and user requests. Press release.



14.01.2021 | The Department of Chemistry mourns the death of Prof. Dr. Ludwig Heck

On January 14th, 2021 our esteemed colleague Prof. Dr. Ludwig Heck (1930-2021) passed away. An obituary (in German).

20.11.2020 | Farewell Dr. Volker Huch

Dr. Volker Huch will retire. For several decades he was responsible as a scientist for supporting the working groups in chemistry and, in addition, other disciplines for the single crystal X-ray analysis. In a small gathering, the professors of inorganic chemistry honored Dr. Huch's contributions to research and teaching.



3.11.2020 | Department of Chemistry receives funding for student internships on the subject of sustainability

How can we improve synthetic routes for compounds so that they require less energy and produce less waste? Chemistry students at Saarland University will deal with these questions in various lab courses in the future. In a competition organized by the Fund of the Chemical Industry, the Department of Chemistry suceeded with an application based on new teaching conceps on sustainability in chemistry studies. The new elements in the lab courses will be funded with over 20,000 euros.


23.10.2020 | Prof. Peter Huy finishes his habilitation

Peter Huy now holds a professorship in organic chemistry at the University of Rostock.


01.10.2020 | 1.5 million Euro EU funding for the research group of Prof. Munz

The Department of Chemistry and Saarland University congratulate Prof. Dominik Munz  Prof. Dominik Munz (Coordination Chemistry) for a prestigious ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million Euros.  Within the scope of the project "PUSH-IT. Charge Separation - A General Motif for the Activation and Catalytic Functionalization of Strong Bonds" new reaction concepts are to be developed over the next 5 years, which will enable new desired reactions and innovative ways for sustainable energy conversion and storage.



28.09.2020 | Dr. Till Biskup is appointed by the dean as private lecturer for physical chemistry

08.07.2020 | Alexander Titz started as a new professor of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)

The Department of Chemistry welcomes Dr. phil. Alexander Titz as a new professor for Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. His scientific focus is on the synthetic development of novel drug candidates and diagnostics for bacterial infections. Further foci of his work are the biochemical characterization of previously unknown bacterial lectins, i.e. carbohydrate-binding proteins, and the microbiological investigation of their role in mechanisms of infections. The professorship will bridge the gap between the departments of Chemistry, Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine at Saarland University within the NanoBioMed focus of Saarland University and the non-university research at HIPS. It is jointly supported by Saarland University and HIPS, a site of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, and funded by the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF).


19.05.2020 | The Department of Chemistry mourns the death of PD Dr. Harald Natter

An obituary (German only)


01.04.2020 | Dominik Munz is new professor for Coordination Chemistry

Good news despite university closure: Dominik Munz, previously junior research group leader at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, will take over the professorship for coordination chemistry in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry on April 1, 2020. His scientific focus lies at the interface of inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. In doing so, he aims to make contributions to the understanding of unusual chemical bonds and discover new switchable materials for use in solar cells, microscopes or transistors. He will also focus on teaching and the individual promotion of young scientists.