The focus of our research is the tailoring of the inorganic-organic interface in hybrid materials and nanocomposites with special interest in a controlled design of inorganic building blocks such as nanoparticles. The large interface area in these materials requires a specific knowledge in tailoring the chemistry between inorganic and organic moieties. The controlled design of the interface allows the induction of new properties in the final material. Our research is highly interdisciplinary between the fields of inorganic, organic, and polymer chemistry and utilizes a broad spectrum of techniques like X-ray diffraction, common spectroscopic methods, thermo-analytical methods or mechanical tests.

Associated work groups:

Speciation and elemental analyis  
(apl. Prof. Dr. Ralf Kautenburger)
The research group WASTe (Working group for Analytical Speciation Techniques) is mainly focused on element trace and speciation analysis as well as on the development of innovative coupling techniques

Emmy Noether Research Group 
(PD Dr. André Schäfer)

Environmental Analysis Unit


13.-15.06.2024 | Teilnahme am 51. Hirschegg-Festkörperseminar

Auch in diesem Jahr haben sich wieder zahlreiche Festkörperchemiker im Marburger Haus in Hirschegg, AT zum bereits 51. Hirschegg-Festkörperseminar getroffen. Aus Saarbrücken waren dieses Mal Anna Michaely, Elias Gießelmann, Stefan Engel und Oliver Janka dabei. Wie in Hirschegg üblich, werden die Vorträge überwiegend vom wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs bestritten und so haben natürlich auch Anna, Elias und Stefan ihre Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Am Freitag Vormittag ging es wieder traditionell wandern, dieses Mal wurde, bei leider eher durchwachsenem Wetter, der 2058 Meter hohe Gipfel der Kanzelwand (siehe Bild) erklommen.


April 3rd 2024 | Review article on intermetallic Yb compounds published

Stefan Engel, Elias Gießelmann and Oliver Janka, in collaboration with Maximilian Reimann and Rainer Pöttgen from the University of Münster, have written a review article on the topic "On the Ytterbium Valence and the Physical Properties in Selected Intermetallic Phases". The review has now been published in the open access journal "ACS Organic & Inorganic Au". In addition, the authors were given the honor of designing the cover picture for this article.
DOI: 10.1021/acsorginorgau.3c00054



March 21/22, 2024 | The Kickelbick working group takes part in the ATC2024 in Würzburg

The conference Inorganic Technical Chemistry (ATC) took place on February 21 and 22, 2024 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research in Würzburg. The theme was "Inorganic Chemistry Empowering Sustainability". Anna Miachaely presented her work on the mechanochemical production of photocatalytically active black titanium dioxide. Kimia Moghaddari presented a poster about her work on the production of superparamagnetic nanoparticles for self-healing materials.


08.03.2024 | Prof. Kickelbick visits the Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium in St. Ingbert

Prof. Guido Kickelbick visited Ms. Silke Erlemeier's advanced chemistry course at Albertus-Magnus Gynasium in St. Ingbert. He presented the chemistry department at Saarland University and the typical curriculum of the chemistry studies and talked about possible careers for chemists. He also reported on his research areas and there was an opportunity for direct discussion.


March 06, 2024 | Prof. Kickelbick participates in dialog evening on the topic of "Hydrogen - opportunity or illusion?"

The question "Hydrogen - chance or illusion?" was the focus of a lecture followed by a panel discussion on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 in the Schlosskeller in Saarbrücken, in which the Saarland Minister for Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digital and Energy, Jürgen Barke, and representatives from the Saarland economy and science, including Prof. Guido Kickelbick, took part. The evening was part of the lecture series " Construction Site Sustainability - Paths to a Climate-Friendly Society" from the dialog series at Saarbrücken Castle. Dr. Joachim Fünfgelt, Energy Policy Officer in the Economy and Sustainability Department at the NGO Bread for the World, began his presentation with a look at the opportunities and challenges of hydrogen as an energy source. In the panel discussion that followed, questions relating to the evening's topic were discussed.


February 27, 2024 | Lucas Niedner publishes work on the synthesis of titanium dioxide Janus nanoparticles

Lucas Niedner has developed a simple one-step Pickering emulsion process for the production of amphiphilic titanium oxide Janus particles. This allowed the inorganic particles to be selectively modified on one side with stable cationic groups, while the opposite side contained non-polar functions. Thanks to the Janus character, self-organizing layers can be deposited layer by layer on glass surfaces. The work was published in Nanoscale (see



February 20, 2024 | Laboratory assistants Traudel Allgeyer and Christel Hassler bid farewell

Laboratory assistants Traudel Allgeyer and Christel Hassler have retired. Both have supervised students in chemistry practical courses and supported research at the institute for decades.



January 12, 2024 | Prof. Kickelbick as DJ bei der Night of the Profs

Prof. Kickelbick played as DJ Chemical Brother at the "Night of the Profs". The support from the students and staff of the Department of Chemistry was immense. Photos of the event can be found here and there was also a report about the event on Saarland Broadcasting Corporation  (in German).



January 8, 2024 | Lecture at UdS - Korean Winter School

As part of the UdS - Korean Winter School, Prof. Kickelbick gave a lecture on green chemistry and materials. During the event, participants were introduced to the chemistry of climate change and concepts of how chemistry as a science can provide solutions. In addition, the ideas of more sustainable materials chemistry and the circular economy were discussed.



December 26, 2023 | Jan-Falk Kannengießer publishes article on the solvent-free solid-state polymerization of silanols

Stable silanols can be polymerized without solvent in the solid state. In some cases, this method even allows the stereochemistry of the crystal to be retained. The study was published in Chemistry - A European Journal (see




April 4, 2024 | Spaceship Earth Summer Term 2024


March 20, 2024 | GDCh Lectures Summer Term 2024


March 18, 2024 | Inorganic Chemistry Colloquium Summer Term 2024
