
X-ray diffraction

Bruker D8 Advance
Powder diffractometer with Bragg-Brentano geometry and CuKα radiation for routine measurements, temperature dependent measurements and experiments under inert conditions
Panalytical X'Pert
Powder diffractometer with Bragg-Brentano geometry and CuKα radiation for routine measurements and temperature dependent measurements
Service Center                  X-Ray Diffraction

Thermal analysis

Netzsch TG F1 Iris
Thermo-microbalance coupled with FT-IR-spectrometer
Netzsch DSC 204 F1 Phoenix
Dynamic difference calorimeter
Netzsch STA409/414
DSC-TG-MS with skimmer coupling, Quadrupol-MS, up to 1480 °C (theoretically up to 1700 °C)
Mettler-Toledo TGA-DSC
Simultaneous TGA and DCS measuring up to 1600°C, connectable to mass spectrometers

Elemental analysis

CHN-S Analysis (Determination of C, H, N and S): Vario Micro cube, Elementar Analysensysteme
ELMAS Core facility

Trace Elemental Analysis

DC/AC-Polarograhy: Potenziostat 757 und 797 VA Computrace, Metrohm
FAAS (Flammen-Atom-Absorptions-Spektrometrie):Optima 2000 DV, Perkin-Elmer
ICP-OES (Induktiv gekoppeltes Plasma - Optische Emissions-Spektrometrie): Perkin Elmer, Optima 2500 DV
ICP-MS (Induktiv gekoppeltes Plasma - Massen-Spektrometrie): 7500cx mit HMI, Agilent
LC-ICP-QQQ (Liquid chromatography coupled with a triplequad mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma): Agilent 8900 ICP-MS + Infinity HPLC
LA_ICP-QQQ (Laser ablation coupled with a triplequad mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma): Agilent 8900 ICP-MS + Elemental Scientific Lasers, ESL 213 LA
Other Coupling techniques: CE-ICP-MS (CE: Beckman-Coulter P/ACE-MDQ), HPLC-ICP-MS (HPLC: Agilent 1100/1200 ChemStation)
ELMAS Core facility


HP Impedance spectrometer HP 4192A
Characterisation of electric properties in materials depending on the frequence (5Hz to 13 MHz)
Perkin Elmer Lambda 750
UV-VIS-NIR-spectrometer for diffuse reflection.
Perkin Elmer Lambda 25
UV-VIS-NIR-Spektrometer for cuvettes
Bruker Vertex 70
Perkin Elmer LS55
Horiba Yobin Ivon FluoroMax 4
Fluorescence-spectrometer (Horiba Scientific Japan)
Horiba Modular, Fiber-Coupled Raman-Spectrometer
Nd:YAG Laser, 532 nm, "SuperHead" measuring head and sample chamber (Horiba Scientific Japan)

Other equipment

Plasma etcher Diener
Plasma device Diener FEMTO (Diener electronic GmbH & Co KG, Plasma-Surface-Technology)
Fritsch Pulverisette 7 premium line
High performance planetary ball mill (centrifugal acceleration: 96 g, integrated measuring system to display pressure and temperature values while milling)
Retsch PM 100
Planetary ball mill (centrifugal acceleration: 33,3 g)
Retsch MM 500 Nano
Vibration mill (cryogenic grinding possible)
ALV/CGS-3 Compact Goniometer System (ALV) for dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Dynamic light scattering for particle size determination
Anton Paar Digital Refractometer Abbemat 350
Digital refractometer nD-range 1,26 to 1,72  with sample well (Anton Paar, Germany)
For thin-sections and planar devices
Stereo Magnifier
Stereo magnifier with a maximum magnification factor of 110. An improved depth of focus allows to examine sample powders and other samples.
Contact angle measuring system (self-construction)
To determine the wettability of different surfaces
Seven Multi pH-Meter and Conductivity Measuring System (Mettler Toledo)
To determine pH-value and conductivity of aqueous solutions or dispersions
Thermo Scientific Megafuge Centrifuge
Coolable centrifuge with fixed angle rotor for 6x50ml tubes