International mobility for doctoral students

Doctoral students at Saarland University have a wide range of mobility options to pursue research abroad – either through existing institutional partnerships or through an independently organized research stay. A period spent undertaking research abroad gives PhD students the chance to gain an international perspective on their research work and to exchange ideas with researchers worldwide. This web page provides information for doctoral students at Saarland University on how to organize an Erasmus+ research stay abroad. If you would like to discuss the options available, please use our online appointment scheduler to book an initial consultation session at the GoOut! Service Center.


Erasmus+ offers doctoral students at Saarland University the opportunity to undertake long-term or short-term stays at universities in an Erasmus+ programme or partner country. Doctoral students who are employed by Saarland University also have the opportunity to organize their stay abroad via the Erasmus+ staff mobility scheme. For more information, please visit the web page Erasmus+ doctoral mobility programmes in Europe.

Outside Europe

Doctoral students interested in undertaking a research stay at a non-European university will need to arrange the visit themselves, as this type of mobility is not funded under the Erasmus+ programme. The first step is to contact the university or universities of interest where relevant research is being carried out. You will then need to discuss your plans with your supervisor(s) and other relevant contacts in your department and agree on the duration of your stay. A good place to start looking for potential host universities is our list of Saarland University's partner universities.


Funding a research stay abroad during your PhD

Funding options offered by Saarland University

  • Erasmus+
  • UdS mobil  (DAAD-funded programme for language and other short courses, e.g. summer schools)
  • GradUS global   (for funding conference participation and research stays)

Other funding schemes:


Beratung und Kontakt

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich an das GoOut! Service Center. Sie können einen Beratungstermin über das Buchungssystem vereinbaren.

GoOut! Service Center
International Office, Campuscenter, Geb. A4 4

Tel.: +49 681 302-71138