Studying abroad

Whether you prefer to stay in Europe or travel to another continent, there are countless opportunities to spend time studying abroad. Studying abroad is a great way to get acquainted with the educational approaches and resources used in other countries. As well as building an international network of contacts, you'll be able to explore new perspectives on your subject at your host institution. This web page provides important information about our exchange programmes and about the option of studying abroad as a freemover.


Where should I go?

When choosing where to study, we recommend that you follow the steps below:

  1. Choose a country based on your existing language skills. Bear in mind that in some countries classes may be taught in English, even though this is not the national language of the country you plan to study in.
  2. Select a host university. You can choose to study at one of our partner universities, in which case you would not pay any tuition fees, or you can select any other university that teaches your subject, in which case you would be studying as a freemover.
  3. To find out more about our worldwide exchange programmes, click on the links provided below and take the first steps on your study abroad adventure.

If you have any questions or would like advice, please get in touch with the GoOut! Service team or use our online appointment scheduler to book an appointment.


Studying in an Erasmus+ programme country

Erasmus+ is the European Union’s programme aimed at supporting education, training, youth and sport in Europe.  For university students, the Erasmus+ programme supports mobility activities undertaken as part of a degree programmes under its Key Action 1 'Learning Mobility of Individuals'.

Erasmus+ programme countries include all EU member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.

Detailed information about the Erasmus+ programme, including information on application requirements, funding levels, recognition of credentials and the application process is available on our Studying in an Erasmus+ programme country web pages.

Erasmus+ International – Studying in a country outside Europe

Since 2021, the Erasmus+ programme has also offered funding opportunities for stays outside Europe. At Saarland University, this has typically but not exclusively been used to fund study abroad semesters in the United Kingdom and in Switzerland. Funding rates for both countries are those for 'Group 1' countries. Students can also apply for top-up grants if eligible.

As the two options 'Studying in an Erasmus+ programme country' and 'Erasmus+ International' are jointly managed at Saarland University, further information on 'Erasmus+ International' is included on our 
Studying in an Erasmus+ programme country web page.



Studying in Eastern Europe

The 'Eastern Partnership' programme funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides opportunities to spend time studying or working at our partner universities in Bulgaria, Georgia, Poland and the Czech Republic.

Special features of this mobility programme include funding for travel and accommodation, a guaranteed place in a hall of residence, and individual supervision at the host university.

Detailed information about the Eastern Partnership programme, including information on application requirements, funding levels, recognition of credentials and the application process is available on our Eastern Partnership web pages.

Studying outside Europe

Studying in an Erasmus+ partner country

Erasmus+ is the European Union’s programme aimed at supporting education, training, youth and sport in Europe.  For university students, the Erasmus+ programme supports mobility activities undertaken as part of a degree programmes under its Key Action 1 'Learning Mobility of Individuals'.

Universities within the Erasmus+ programme can also fund exchanges with universities in Erasmus+ 'partner countries', i.e. in countries outside of Europe. Saarland University is able to fund exchanges with selected partner universities in the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Detailed information about studying in an Erasmus+ partner country, including information on application requirements, funding levels, recognition of credentials and the application process is available on our Studying in an Erasmus+ partner country web pages.

Studying worldwide

Would you like to travel to further afield? Saarland University has mobility partnerships with universities around the world – in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Gabon, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Pakistan, Senegal and the USA.

Detailed information on our non-European partner universities, the application process and financing options can be found on our  Study abroad opportunities outside Europe web page.

Studying as a freemover

Studying abroad independently of institutional exchange programmes

A 'freemover' is a student who organizes a study abroad period at a university with which Saarland University does not have a formal cooperation agreement. If you would like to learn more about planning a stay at you preferred university, please visit our freemovers web page.

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Phone: +49 681 302-71126